Risky (Adventures in Love 2) - Page 61

“What does time have to do with love?” She shakes her head. “I bet you fell in love with Sam before you even met him.”

“That’s different.”

“No, that’s love. Sometimes, it hits you in an instant, and other times, it builds slowly. However it happens, it’s never in your control.” She wraps an arm around her waist, leans back in her chair, and takes another sip of her wine. I want to ask her if that’s what happened with Mason, if her feelings have built up over time without her even knowing it. It would make sense—she and Mason have always been friends, and sometimes it’s difficult to see what’s right in front of you.

“Who’s ready to eat?” Janet asks as she comes into the room. She sets a large glass dish on the table, the smell of cheese and garlic making my mouth water. “Where did Blake go?” She looks at the empty chair next to me.

“He went to get Sam,” I tell her, and she nods as Dave comes in, carrying Taylor in one hand and a basket of bread in the other. His mom follows with a big bowl of salad, and Lance has two glasses of wine.

“It looks and smells delicious, Mom.” Blake walks into the room with a still-sleepy Sam, and my heart warms as he comes back to take his seat with Sam cuddled against his chest, completely content to stay in his arms.

“All right, dig in,” Janet orders, and I make a plate for myself and one for Blake, and like we tend to do, we both take turns feeding Sam small bites.

“So, Lance and I have an announcement,” Sandy says, picking up her glass, and Lance wraps his arm around her shoulders. “Lance and I are getting married.”

“What?” Dave asks, sounding confused.

“We’re getting married,” she repeats, lifting her hand, and I notice the simple gold band on her finger. “We’re thinking Vegas might be fun. Everyone could fly out for a weekend; then Lance and I will stay a few extra days as a little honeymoon.” She looks around the table, which has grown completely quiet. “Isn’t anyone going to say congratulations?”

“Congratulations,” I tell them, feeling Blake’s eyes on me, but I ignore him and pick up my glass to raise it before I take a sip.

“Yeah, congrats, Grandma,” Margret says.

“Aren’t you happy for us?” Sandy asks Dave, and he shakes his head.

“Of course we’re all happy for you both,” Janet cuts in before Dave can respond. “I think we’re just all a little caught off guard.”

“Your father passed away fifteen years ago, David,” Sandy says, keeping her eyes locked on her son. “I deserve to have someone in my life that makes me happy. Your dad would have wanted me to be happy.”

“It’s not that, Mom.” He sighs, and I take another sip from my glass, not sure if it’s the situation or the wine that’s making me feel hot.

“Then what is it? Is it because Lance is younger than I am?”

“No, it’s not that, and I am happy for you,” Dave tells her.

“You don’t look very happy.” She turns her eyes to Blake. “Neither do you.”

“Grandma, I love you, and if marrying Lance is going to be what makes you happy, go for it. That doesn’t mean I need to jump for joy that you’re marrying a guy you hardly know.”

“How well do you know Everly and that sweet baby boy in your arms?” she asks him, and I bite my lip. “As far as I know, you haven’t known them very long, yet here Everly is, sitting at this table with your family, and there you are, holding her son like he’s yours.”

“She’s got you there, brother,” Margret says, grabbing the bottle of wine off the table before dumping what’s left into her glass and mine.

“This life is short,” Sandy says softly, glancing at everyone. “I spent years thinking I didn’t have the right to find someone after losing my Ken. I thought I used up all the happiness meant for me; then Lance came along.” She turns to look at her fiancé, her face softening, making her look years younger. “I’m happy again.” She glances around the table once more as Blake’s fingers lock with mine. “Really happy because of him, and I want you all to be happy for me too.”

Dave clears his throat, and I watch him look at Janet, his expression filled with so much pain that I feel my nose start to sting. I can only imagine that he’s thinking about what might happen if he leaves her behind and that she might one day feel like his mom did.

“You’re right, Mom.” His gaze goes to Sandy. “You do deserve to be happy, and I am happy for you.” He looks at Lance. “I’m happy for both of you, and Vegas sounds like fun. You let us know when you want to go, and we’ll work out arrangements with everyone.”

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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