Risky (Adventures in Love 2) - Page 67

“So it sounds like you’re all on the same page,” Ava says softly, and I nod, because it does sound like that is the case.

“Now let’s talk about what a visitation arrangement would look like. What would make you feel most comfortable, Everly?”

“I don’t know. I guess . . . I would want to be there,” I say, and Ava nods.

“And how do you feel about that?” She looks at Ginny and Jeff.

“We would be completely okay with that,” Jeff answers for both of them, then looks at me. “We are willing to do whatever you need us to.”

“Okay,” I say quietly, looking between him and Ginny.

Thirty minutes later, when the meeting comes to an end, I walk out of the conference room holding Blake’s hand, feeling lighter than I have in weeks. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I do know I have done my part in making it possible for Sampson to know his grandparents. The rest is up to them. But no matter what, my son will grow up surrounded by people who love him and choose him every single day.

Chapter 17


Sitting on the floor with Sam playing blocks, I get up when I hear my phone ring in the kitchen. I grab it off the table where I left it and smile when I see Blake is calling.

“Please tell me you’re back,” I answer, listening to him laugh.

“I’m on my way to the lodge now. Just going to shower, then I’ll be on my way to pick up you and Sam,” he says as I walk back into the living room. “Are you packed?”

“Yep, all packed.”

“Good, because I fucking miss you guys.”

“We miss you,” I tell him, not sure I’ll be able to get used to him being away for days at a time when it’s his turn to take out a group, which is where he’s been for the last five days. The only thing that’s gotten me through these last several days is the knowledge that Sam and I will be staying with him at his house for a few days.

“All right, baby, I’ll see you in less than an hour.”

“See you soon. Love you.” I hang up, then stare at my phone, trying to figure out if I really just told him that I love him or if I imagined saying it.

“You okay, honey?” my mom asks, coming into the kitchen, and I lick my lips.

“I think I just told Blake that I love him.”

“What?” She laughs, looking at me over her shoulder as she opens the fridge.

“I think I said love you to Blake,” I tell her, and she shuts the door after grabbing the bottle of orange juice, then walks to the cupboard and takes down a glass.


“So?” I repeat, blinking at her. “Mom, I told him I love him.”

“Well, you do love him, so what’s the problem?” she asks, looking at me like I’m crazy.

Maybe I am crazy.

“He should say it first. He should be the one to tell me first, right?”

“Is that some new rule the kids made up?”

“It should be if it isn’t.”

“Honey, why are you overthinking this?”

“Because until I said it, I didn’t even know I loved him, and it’s a huge fricking deal, and now I don’t know how he feels. For all I know, he heard me say it and is now packing up my desk and going online to place an ad for a new office manager for the lodge.”

“Wow, you’re really overthinking this.”

“Mom!” I cry, and she starts to laugh.

“Honey, he loves you. Just because he hasn’t said it doesn’t make it any less true.”

“How do you know?”

“Because he’s proven how he feels about you and Sam over and over again.” She fills up her glass. “Take a breath, and don’t overthink this. Tonight, after you get Sam to bed, you two can talk about it.”

“Are you insane? There is no way I’m going to bring this up.”

“Okay, don’t bring it up.” She shrugs, then looks to the front of the house when the doorbell goes off. “I’ll get that. It might be the grocery order I put in.” She heads to the front of the house. I hear the front door open, then hear her yell, “Everly!”

“Yeah?” I walk toward the front door, and my heart starts to pound when I see Blake standing in the entryway, looking as handsome as always, even though it’s obvious he hasn’t showered or shaved in days.

“I’ll look after Sam,” Mom says, sounding smug as she walks past me, but I can’t take my eyes off Blake’s.

I start to open my mouth to say something, but my brain seems to malfunction as he prowls toward me. I take a step back, then another. Before I can get any farther, his big body collides with mine and his fingers thread through my hair as his other hand wraps around my hip, then slides to the small of my back, pulling me flush against him. When his mouth crashes down on mine, I gasp, then melt into him as he deepens the kiss. Lost in him, I kiss him back, then whimper in disappointment when he drags his mouth from mine.

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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