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Camp Crim (Walker Hills 3)

Page 28

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“Firstly, how rude to slam a door on a woman’s face. Secondly, what is your damned problem?”

“I want to fuckin’ sleep, that’s my problem. I’ve spent the last three nights listening to you moaning and carrying on while that ... while he fucked you.”




Waylen is jealous. Legit jealous.

I’m taken back. Shocked. I had no idea the man was crushing on me. He’s like a brick wall—he does nothing but grunt and act like a dick most of the time. But it’s the only explanation as to why he would be so upset right now.

“If you have an issue, Waylen, you need to speak up. I can’t read your mind.”

He studies me, his eyes dragging down my body. “I do have a fuckin’ issue. My issue is that I don’t want him to have you.”

I swallow.

Well, this just got complicated.

Really fast.

“You didn’t state that. Not once. How am I to know that you’re feeling whatever it is you’re feeling? We had one night, Waylen. We barely know each other.”

“That’s bullshit, I’ve been in that prison since the start. I was the only one who treated you good. And that night wasn’t just a night, it was fuckin’ great.”

“Could have said any of this earlier,” I mutter, exhaling as I stare down at my hands.

I like Lake, fucking heaps, but I can’t deny that Waylen is attractive, and I have indeed had a big crush on him in the past, even when we first arrived. I wanted him to continue what we started, but he made it clear that wasn’t going to happen. So, I got to know Lake and now ... Fuck me, this sucks.

“It’s inappropriate, and you know it,” he answers, his voice less than convincing.

“That didn’t stop you, now you’re telling me because you’re jealous.”

“I’m not fuckin’ jealous.”

I shake my head. “Then what are you, Waylen?”

His jaw tightens.

“What exactly is it you want?” I go on.

“I’ll fuckin’ show you.”

He steps forward and hooks me around the waist, hauling me against him and slamming his mouth down over mine. I can’t deny it, the sexual chemistry is there and he kisses me in a way he certainly didn’t when we were together last. Mind you, we were both so drunk it was hard to enjoy it the way we could have. Still, this is so unlike the man I saw then and it’s hard for me to turn my mind off.

It's hard when his hands are roaming down my body and his kiss is hungry and deep and oh, it feels good. It feels so fucking good. I want to take it further, my body aches for it, but that isn’t the kind of woman I am. As much as I’d love to lie down right now and let Waylen have his way with me, I know I’ll feel disgusting in the morning. I have to get my head right, I can’t just throw my body around.

That’s not who I am.

I pull back, even though it’s really bloody hard to do so.

“I can’t, Waylen.”

He looks down at me, an expression in his eyes that is pure, raw hunger. “Why? Because of him?”

“No, because of me. I can’t just sleep around with multiple men. I don’t ... I’m not like that.”

“Didn’t seem to stop you when he asked,” he growls.

I shove at his chest. “Stop, that’s not fair. I was with you first and you told me it would never happen again. Those were your words.”

He goes silent because he knows I’m right, he knows it.

“I want you, Willa.”

“I know,” I say softly.

“Tell me you don’t want me, too.”

“I don’t know what I want. Am I attracted to you? Oh yes. Did I want you then? Yes. Do I want Lake just as much? Yes. I’m not going to throw myself between the two of you. That’s not fair. Just ... let me clear my head, okay?”

He leans down, capturing my chin in his hands. “I won’t wait forever.”

Then he kisses me again, making my knees wobble.


Damn him.

Damn them both.

That wasn’t how I thought this visit was going to go.

BOTH GIRLS STARE AT me, wide eyed.

“You and Waylen?” Ember asks, her mouth slightly agape.

“It was once, before we got here. I didn’t realize he was hanging onto feelings, though.”

“What are you going to do?” Fallon asks. “Those two men are fine, girl, that’s a hard choice.”

I nod, because I get it, but the problem is, I don’t want a choice. I don’t want to have to pick between them, that’s not what I came here for. A good time, sure, but to catch feelings for not one, but two men? No.

“I didn’t come here for that,” I tell them. “I came here because I had to come here, but I have no plans to stick around when we leave. I have unsolved business, and I want to move on with my life. I don’t think going near either of them is a good idea. The best thing I can do is stay away from both.”

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