Camp Crim (Walker Hills 3) - Page 47

I step closer and reach down, grabbing the end of the tape. His eyes widen and my grin gets bigger as I rip it off. Hearing his bellow of pain is so ridiculously satisfying that I’m tempted to put the tape back on and do it again.

“You fuckin’ bitch,” Aaron roars.

“Wonderful to see you too, Aaron. Did you have a nice nap?”

“You’ll fuckin’ pay for this. You’ll die. You cu—”

I cut him off by raising a hand. “I can quite easily put this tape back on and more. I can rip it off over and over again just for my own satisfaction. So, if I were you, I’d keep my damned mouth shut.”

“What the hell do you think you’re going to do, huh?”

“Well, firstly, we’re going to sit here until the morning light, and then we’re going to walk back, without you, of course, and get help. If you’re alive by the time they get to you, well it’s your lucky day. If not ... oh well.”

I don’t mean it, of course, I’m not that heartless. Aaron doesn’t need to know that. Besides, he tormented us, took my friend, and was planning on ending our lives out here. I’ll do whatever the hell I want to this scumbag.

“You’ll never pull it off. You’ll never find your way back without me. You don’t even know where we are.”

He’s right, I don’t, but tomorrow I’m sure I’ll find a way.

“Maybe not, but the ranchers will find us out here. I’ll walk until I can dial 911. There will be a way.”

I wave his phone at him.

His eyes flash, and he jerks at his restraints again.

“When I get free, you’ll wish to god you never fucking touched me,” he seethes.

“Yes, yes, I’ve heard it all before. Save your energy for someone who cares.”

His glare could slice lines right through me, but, instead, I keep my smile and take a seat on the ground again, putting the knife between my legs so he can see it. Then we sit in silence. He glances around a few times, and I know he’s probably looking for Fallon or a way to escape. Either way, there isn’t much option for him.

Fallon returns only half an hour later and her eyes go to Aaron, and then widen. I casually wave a hand. “Don’t worry about him. He’s not going to do anything.”

Aaron spits at me.

Fallon raises her brows. “Seems he doesn’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot.”

“It would appear so,” I agree.

She hands me Aaron’s water bottle, which is full of water. “I had some and then refilled it,” she explains. “The stream isn’t far so drink up, and I can refill it tomorrow.”

I take the water and guzzle it down, the fresh earthy scent is actually quite nice when you don’t think too much about it. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and glance at Fallon as she sits down beside me, flashing the light on Aaron. “Should we give him some?”

“Nope,” I say, without thought. “I’m not going close enough for him to have the chance to do anything.”

Aaron growls. “Give me some fuckin’ water or I’ll die and you’ll go back to prison for murder, you stupid bitch.”

Fallon scrunches her face up. “Yeah, let him get thirsty. You’re a bag of dicks, Aaron.”

He mutters something.

“How much charge is left on his phone?” she asks me.

“It’s nearly full, but I’ll shut it down for the night so we can use it in the morning. I’m sure we can walk far enough in to get service.”

“One of us can, the other will probably have to stay here. I don’t trust him at all.”

We both look to Aaron.

“You two are fucking morons.” He laughs, bitterly. “You’re going to die for this.”

“God, he talks a lot,” Fallon mutters.

“If you like, you can tape him back up. It was satisfying to rip off.”

“You know what,” Fallon says, standing. “I just might.”

She walks over and pulls a line of tape off the roll and then goes over to Aaron, leaning down. He jerks his head from side to side, trying to stop her from being able to get it on.

I grin at him. “Now, now, Aaron, sit still while Fallon tapes you up.”

This is way more fun than I ever anticipated.

He deserves every second of it, and we’re both enjoying every moment of being able to give back to him exactly what he gave to us.

“Fuck you,” Aaron snarls.

Fallon slaps the tape over his mouth, and he thrashes around, trying to kick her. She takes a step back and stares down at him. “Not my best work, but it’ll shut him up.”

She sits back with me and we both stare at Aaron, who is looking at us in a way that promises bitter revenge.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024