If My Heart Could See You (The MacLarens 1) - Page 38

“This just arrived for you, my lord,” Rolf said, handing the missive to Dristan with reluctance of the bearer of bad tidings to mar the celebration that had been so carefully planned.

“Merde!” Dristan murmured. He tore open the seal of the King and scanned the parchment. His brow furrowed in displeasure as he read the contents.

“My lord?” questioned his knight. “Is there aught amiss?”

“Aye, Rolf. It seems I have been summoned to appear afore King Henry with all due haste.”

“Surely we must not leave this instant, my lord.”

Dristan looked about the inner baily courtyard and saw the merriment afore him. “Nay. The morn will be soon enough I suppose. Give word about the men, we ride with the dawn.”

“Of course, my liege.”

“And Rolf . . . ” Dristan continued and watched his man pause in his stride. “Tell them we travel light afore you return to the dancing.”

With a flick of his hand and a final comment to enjoy the festivities, Dristan dismissed his knight. ’Twas not long that his errand was finished and Rolf snatched up a comely maid and led the young lass to join the other dancers.

Espying his lovely wife among the revelers, a smile replaced Dristan’s previous grim expression as he gazed upon her loveliness and wild spirit. A light rain had begun to fall and with it Amiria had dared all to come outside to dance amongst the mists emerging from the sky. Her laughter rang out and was infectious to all who came under her spell. Even the musicians began to play their instruments, beneath a hastily erected awning, to please Berwyck’s mistress.

Shaking off his musings and needing to tell Amiria that he must leave with the rise of the morning sun, he was about to step down the stairs to join the dancers when Riorden came to his side, looking none too pleased.

“I have news . . . ” he began.

“Not now, Riorden.”

“’Tis of some import, Dristan, and should not wait,” he said roughly. Receiving a nod to continue, he rushed on. “Sir Hugh is missing, along with a number of men.”

Dristan turned towards his captain with a look that did not bode well for Hugh when he was found. “How long?”

“At least two days’ time, my lord,” he answered with a glint of anger.

The rain began to fall in earnest now and still the music played on, to the dancer’s delight. “We shall speak of this in the morn whilst we prepare to leave for London. And I will determine who I shall leave to watch over all here.”

“Aye, my lord,” Riorden said as he watched Amiria detach herself from her guardsman Cameron and make her way towards them. “I see your bride shall demand your attention, as is fitting, for the rest of the eve.” Dristan looked upon his captain and saw a teasing grin plastered upon his face. “Perchance you should make ready for the time honored tradition of the standing up?” he jested.

Dristan’s reaction was immediate as he took a menacing step towards his captain, who held up his hands in mock horror and laughed. “Do not test me, Riorden. You are sorely mistaken if you think to strip me and my wife of our garments just in order to ensure our marriage is consummated!”

Riorden only laughed harder and bit back any further retorts as Amiria joined them. “My lady,” he said with a bow, “if you will excuse me.”

Amiria watched him leave and turned towards Dristan, noticing his frown. “Something troubles you, my lord?”

“Aye! But Riorden shall live to see another day as long as he remembers whom he serves.”

Amiria only gave a small smile and his anger disappeared whilst he gazed upon her. She seemed to be pondering something, and he could only guess at the thoughts running through her head. As if she made up her mind and could resist no longer, she reached up upon her toes and placed a chaste kiss upon his lips. He felt her breath catch when his arm encircled her waist and she was crushed against the hardness of his muscled chest. He heard her sigh in pleasure at the contact of his body held against her own soft form. From the searing look he gave her, she knew ’twould not be long afore they adjourned up to his chambers.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and she played coyly with his hair. Still he felt her shiver as his hand caressed her back. He would not admit it to her, but he was just as affected by holding her close. His eyes lowered. She bit her lower lip and her tongue sneaked out to wet her lips. He swore he was becoming drunk from her beauty.

“Continue looking at me as you are, ma petite, and I’m afraid I will no longer be able to restrain myself,” Dristan said huskily. “You, my dear wife, are too enchanting to be getting drenched by the rain. I think ’tis time you are properly bedded by your husband, who has waited too long to feel your touch.”

Leaning down, he gently teased her lips with his own even as he tightened his hold, bringing her closer against him. Hearing her sigh only heightened his desire to get her alone in their chambers. He would have continued his assault on her senses by deepening his kiss, but she quickly pulled away with a delightful bit of laughter that shot straight to his soul. Good Lord, he must be bewitched. His eyes watched Amiria’s every move as she held her arms up to the sky and twirled around in the rain. Totally mesmerized, he waited as she ran back into his arms and wrapped her arms tightly about his neck.

“Come . . . take my hand and dance with me in the rain,” she whispered into his ear as he caressed her back,” for life is good if you but open your eyes to all the possibilities it has to offer.”

Dristan thought he must have taken leave of his own senses when he allowed her to pull him to the center of the dancers. As if on cue, the musicians began a slower piece. Amiria came to him and all but molded herself to his body. Her touch caused his flesh to feel as if ’twere on fire. If this was in truth some new dance, he had no knowledge of such a one at court, and it should be limited to the bed chamber. He was completely aroused whilst holding her close as the rain fell down, soaking them both. They continued to sway to the music as she smiled up at him with a promise in those incredible violet eyes.

The dam of his desire, which he had held in check, faltered. He could take no more of the torture from his traitorous body and his desire to have his woman in his bed. His decision made, he scooped his wife up into his arms as Amiria burrowed her head against his chest, draping her free arm across his shoulder. He lengthened his stride as he felt her snuggle deeper within his arms. Feeling her shiver, he knew not whether ’twas from the chill of the rain or in anticipation of their destination. He hoped ’twas the latter.

Their guest’s voices rose into the night air as their cheers rang out and resounded into the evening sky. Dristan, however, gave them no further thought since he had far more important matters to see to. For him and his bride, their evening had only just begun.

Tags: Sherry Ewing Historical
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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