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Room One

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Ryder won’t let me move too far.

“Right here, Kandy. Keep that hot mouth on me. That’s it. Take more of my cock.” He feeds me another inch as I moan hungrily for more.

I don’t know if it’s instinct or some sixth untapped sense, but something inside me pulls my eyes open in that second to see my tall broody Atlas walk through the door of his boathouse. Wind-mussed hair from riding his Harley and sun-bronzed skin catch my eye first. The way the energy in the room ramps up sends tingles of electricity over my super-sensitive skin. There is always an air of danger about him, and tonight is no different. Broad shoulders cut down to a thick waist hidden beneath black jeans and an equally dark short-sleeved pullover.

I stiffen in my lovers’ arms, but Ryder doesn’t seem to care about his friend’s arrival. He takes my head in the palm of his hand and withdraws from my mouth as Atlas slides the door closed behind him. Dark, expressive eyes lock on mine. He zeroes in on my lack of clothes and the fact both his best friends are sharing me in his living room and that curious gaze of his slowly drifts down my open, exposed body. Faster than I can blink, fury washes away the confusion in his stony gaze.

Atlas looks like he’s grappling for control. He tosses aside a bag of clean laundry, and Brogan slowly pushes to his feet and turns to face his friend.

“It’s everything it looks like, man. I’m tired of you figuring out when you’ll be ready. Ryder and I are ready now.”

What’s all that supposed to mean? My puzzled gaze floats between all three.

I can feel the moment teetering on the edge of chaos and that is the last thing I ever want. My intentions never were to come between them in that way. One false move from anyone and Atlas will lose his shit. My memories trip back to the night Ryder saved me from my asshole boyfriend. Atlas had the same dark look that night as he does now. Murderous. But something tells me it’s his own demons he’s fighting and not his friend.

One thing is for sure, I don’t fear him. I know he’d never lay a hand on me.

“Please,” I beg desperately, reaching out for him. My body starts to shake from the unreleased pressure Brogan spent the last fifteen minutes building. I’m too far gone for any of their alpha posturing bullshit that seems to be going on between them.

“I’m here, baby. Shh…” Ryder takes a knee beside me, and his mouth takes mine. I moan a whisper of need and his hand replaces Brogan’s mouth. I cry out into Ryder’s kiss as his fingers move faster but the hotter I get, the harder it is to find my release. Ryder parts the folds of my pussy and swirls the pad of his finger over my clit and I buck against his touch.

My gaze finds Atlas’ again and I recognize the war going behind those thick lashes.

I curl my fingers in a gesture for him to come to me, but it’s as though his feet are glued to the spot in front of the door.

Desperate cries clog my throat, keeping me from begging him to come to me. My eyes slam shut, and I dig my heels into the couch, seeking more from Ryder’s touch.

I hear Atlas finally speak and his words are nothing less than deadly.

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing. We had a fucking deal. What the fuck?”

I need to come or this fire inside me will consume every part of me until I have nothing left.

I hiss a little as Ryder pinches my nipples, then bites down on them. I’m on the verge of climaxing but I can’t. I just can’t. The need grows worse and desperation morphs into waves of pleasure and pain.

“Move,” Atlas barks and suddenly he’s across the room. His tall, muscular frame is shadowed in the low evening light as he towers over me. His jaw is clenched, and his handsome features are hard as stone, but his breathing is where he gives himself away. Harsh drags of air leave his lips and his chest rises and falls in a chaotic manner. His whiskey eyes meet mine and the desperation in those deep, dark irises is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

“What the fuck are you doing to me?” he murmurs, and I know the question is not meant for me. He falls to his knees between my legs and loops his arms around my middle, dragging me closer. His fingers tighten and release against the flesh of my thighs. His head lowers and his tongue consumes my juices.

Shocks of uncertainty run through me. Atlas fucking Stone is between my legs. I’m struck with fierce bolts of pleasure. His scent surrounds me.

Oh God!

He lifts my heels and settles them on his powerful shoulders. Burning waves of raw arousal pour from me to wet my already drenched core. Just like I predicted my stepbrother is not gentle or easy. He’s hungry, pissed off and I’m about to take the brunt of his rage.


Warm lips clamp over my throbbing clit and he pulls the nub between his lips and sucks.

“Fuck, this is heaven. God take pity on my soul,” he growls, repeating his friend’s words against my folds like a man desperate for salvation from sin. He sucks harder this time pulling liquid fire from my virgin pussy.

“Atlas, more, I’m so close! Yes, lick me!”

He works me so fast the pleasure pouring over me borders on pain. But I can’t push him away. I don’t want to. I want all of him, anger, and all. I crave the feel of him as much as he seemingly burns for me.

“Atlas, please. Please make me come.”

Sharp heat flashes through me and an uncontrollable pleasure soothes over the burns with a strength and speed that leaves me gasping for air.

Brogan bends over me and hollows his cheeks taking a nipple between his lips, and Ryder pinches the other. The whole eroticism of three lovers working me adds another layer of molten heat to my already sizzling core. It’s exactly what I needed. All three. At the same time.

My throbbing clit takes a beating from Atlas’ tongue and when he sinks two thick fingers into my tight, slicked, desperate pussy I clench around him and ride the wave of my climax. A film of perspiration breaks out over my body. Breathy cries fill the room and I momentarily forget about everything and everyone except my men and what they just did to me.

My utterly blissful moment is short-lived.

Within one breath and the next Atlas shoves to his feet and my legs drop from his shoulders. Panting and still shaky from my powerful release I watch as Atlas rubs at his face, wiping my juices from his chin.

I flinch at the anger on his features.

He grabs up my clothes and tosses them at me. With his face an inch from mine he snarls, “You got what you wanted. Now stay the fuck away from us, Kandy. Get dressed and pretend this never happened. I never want to see you back here again. We’re no good for you.” His voice is hard and final.

Ryder is on his feet. His hard length hangs between his massive thighs, red and angry with need. “What the fuck, man? You want this. WE want this. What will it take to get you to understand this will happen?”

“Never! I told you this before. She’s fucking off-limits!” he roars and buries a fist into a nearby wall.

I turn three shades of red and flinch when wood paneling splinters around his fist. Time for me to go.

Brogan puts a hand on my shoulder and turns a deadly glare on his friend. “Maybe you don’t need to be such an asshole. You’re scaring her, douchebag.” He buttons his jeans and tosses a look around for his shirt.

I jerk at the blanket beneath me and fight to cover myself. No good? Never wants to see me again? Shards of my dying heart break off and fall into a black hole in my chest.

“You know I’m right. God damn it!” he barks at his friends. Both grab at their clothes—Ryder his jeans and Brogan his shirt—and make quick work of covering their gorgeously ripped bodies all the while my heart can’t find the strength it needs to beat.

“We will break her with what we want, and I can’t do that.” His dark eyes tear across the small quarters to me. “I won’t have another broken soul on my conscience. We’re filthy fucking bastards who kill for a living. The least we can do is leave her to find someone who can give her a normal life.”

Fury and pain darken his expression until I barely recognize the man in front of me. What does that mean? “Did you ever think about asking me what I want? What I think?” I snap sharply.

His expression turns inflamed. “You’re too fucking young for what we want, butterfly.” I bat away his use of the pet name he’d given me the first day we met because of my small size compared to his.

“Don’t mark me off as some lightweight, Atlas. Underestimating me would be a mistake.”

“You coming here was a mistake. It will be the first and last time. If you love us even a fraction of how much we love you, don’t darken my steps again.”

My brain zeroes in on his confession of love and the other two not throwing out denials.

But I also notice his tone. He speaks as if his word is final law and I feel a rage come alive in me that makes my fist want to connect to his jaw.

“We’re going to take a walk. By the time we get back you need to be gone.” His voice is low and animalistic.

He steps away from me, and I physically feel the distance Atlas puts between us. The cold seeps in and it burrows bone-deep. Ryder and Brogan do the same and I don’t know why, but that hurts more than when my hard-ass stepbrother did it.

I shove my feet into my skirt and jerk on my halter top in a haphazard way.

“You can’t do this.” Despite feeling mad enough to burn a town down, my voice is weakened with desperation and the pain of rejection.

Ryder and Brogan stand to the side, their gazes pinned to me, their expressions touching on everything from stark fear to acceptance. But they remain unmoving.

I slice a hand from one to the other. “So you do what he says? What are you—loyal dogs?” I find my voice again and force a little more of my wrath into my words. “Do you come to heel when he says, too? Aren’t you too old for that bullshit?”

Both Ryder and Brogan remain unflinching from the bite of my words.

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