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Room One

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Rules kept me in line for years. I finally decided to break them, cast away the fucking straitjacket society placed me in and here we are.

She’s beyond gorgeous all fired up and ready to kick our asses. Seeing her blue eyes simmer with rage and those dainty hands of hers balled into fists makes my cock solid steel and ready to pound her into submission.

I drink in her pose—open thighs, kneeling so pretty while holding an anal plug in one hand and a fat dildo in the other. We will need the former, but not the latter. We’ve gone too long not having her in our arms and in our beds that we have no use for rubber dicks. But it is cute to see the stain of red on her cheeks.

Kandy looks up at us. Those bright eyes lighting on each of us in turn. It took a while and a few thrashing from my friends, but I’ve lost all hang-ups that stood between my stepsister and me a long time ago. The look of pure devastation on her face the day I told her to leave and never come back has chased me for years and I’m finally able to do something about it. We all are.

I step through the door, Brogan and Ryder bringing up the rear. I hear the snick of the door close, and the soft click of metal feels freeing. None of us are leaving here tonight. Not until sweet, virgin Kandy Lockhart is fully ours.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Our lioness with her massive head of blonde hair arranged in beautiful curls is on her feet now and ready to tear into us. Every move she makes causes the heavy swell of her bare breasts to sway. Taut nipples catch my eye, and those sweet berry-red tips beg me to taste them then clamp them in something pretty. I smile.

In time.

Panic twines through those pretty blues when we move as a unit across the room toward her.

She stumbles backward from us and doesn’t stop her retreat until the back of her knees are against the bed. She thinks she can run to safety, but nothing will get between us again. Reality is, I was a fool to let her get away the first time. We all were, but I carry the bulk of the blame on my shoulders for what happened. I cared too much about my career and what others thought of me back then. A few years of nearly dying for my country and I learned the hard way that if I don’t take what I want out of this life while I can, there might not be anything left to live for one day.

And I want Kandy. In my life, at my side, in my bed. I remember the addictive taste of her release on my tongue. The feel of her core tightening around my fingers and her girl-cum gushing into my mouth.

And then I chased her away. Spilled lies and broke her heart. All out of fear.

Kandy is our one weakness none of us are willing to give up. It kills a part of me to think I made her believe otherwise. Shame of our dark, sexual cravings and the fact our parents are married drove me to push her away. She may have been aroused at the idea of having three lovers back then. But I couldn’t allow her to make a life-lasting mistake for simple curiosity.

Looking back, I couldn’t fathom the idea of her craving the same sexual desires that are so much a part of us. My blond, blue-eyed angel was too pure. Too good. And way too damn young to know what she wanted.

I thought I knew what was best for her. For all of us. Which made me a dick.

But the days of second-guessing and giving a shit what others think are over for us. We resigned our positions in the military and put the dangers of us coming home in a body bag to sleep. Now all our focus is on getting our girl back.

We spent the last six years learning there is no running from who we are just like there’s no living without the one who feeds our souls. Trick is convincing her how fucking sorry we are at letting her slip away.

With each step she takes, it drives the animal in me to give chase. To catch her, spread her beneath me and watch her fist-tight pussy clench around my shaft. Experience the ripple of her release as Brogan or Ryder sinks their cock into her impossibly tight ass.

“Run, little virgin. There’s nowhere to go, butterfly. Try to fly. We’ll only catch you.”

Her eyes, highlighted with a heavy amount of artfully applied black eyeliner, grow wide. Her dress hangs off the back of a nearby chair and I see her trying to edge in that direction.

I move my massive body and block her path.

“You need to leave. I’m expecting someone.” She casts her gaze to all three of us and it’s cute how she thinks letting fear bleed into her voice will send us scurrying out the door with our tails between our legs.

“We know.” Brogan answers, tugging the robe out of reach and tossing it aside to join her evening gown when she tries for it next.

Realization slowly begins to sink in and her entire, luscious body goes rigid. Scorching red fades over fine porcelain skin and I want to run my tongue over every inch to remind myself of how sugary sweet she tastes. Cherry-stained lips part and the tip of her tongue peeks out to brush along her lower lip. My cock grows harder remembering her taking my friend deep inside that mouth.

Ryder flanks her from the left and Brogan from the right.

Impulse drives me to close the distance in a couple of strides, and then suddenly I’m on her. Firm, supple skin greets the palms of my hands when I wrap my arms around her.

Her breath catches and those soft hands rise to my chest. She pushes at me, but that’s not going to get her anywhere.

“Atlas, what do you want? Please, I beg you. Leave. You can’t be here. I’m meeting someone.” Notions of tying her up cloud my vision for a moment. But it’s her fault. Every time she moves, hard nipples rake across my chest and I’m hungry for a taste. Starved.

“We’re not going anywhere, Kandy,” I offer with surety.

“Then find another room. This one is taken and I have a date to get laid. Which you’re botching.”

Fiery eyes level on mine. It takes effort, but I clamp down on the need to give a possessive growl. The second I breathe in her scent, my senses kick into overdrive. Blood pounds and rushes to my dick. It fucking makes my cock throb with lust heavy and long between my legs.

“Atlas Stone, pack up your goons and leave.” Another fist against the chest only makes me laugh.

Perfection. “This is room one, right?”

“You know it is.”

“Then we’re right where we need to be,” I answer honestly. Sweet, sweet perfection. Bitable red lips and big, sultry eyes rise. “Are you going to be a good girl and play with us this evening?”

Under normal circumstances I would step away, give the woman some space, and we could work this out. But we have twelve hours, and I didn’t survive through over a decade of military life and war by not knowing how to hone perfect timing. My life and those of my men often counted on my ability to spot opportunities. I am not about to waste a second of this one on arguing over the past.

Brogan moves in and kisses the rise of her shoulder and the dip of her neck. “We’re your dates for the evening, Kandy. All three of us.” He speaks low and it seems to work for a moment.

She gives herself away by tilting her head to the side. Not much but I notice.

But contempt is all she has for me. I get the full force of it when she glowers up at me and pounds a tiny fist on my chest. She’s trying to fight me and her own desires, but the hint of excitement lighting those amazing eyes tells me a whole other story.

“Then I’m out. You can have the room and its box of toys all to yourself. Have fun using the anal plug.” There she goes again trying to push me away.

Ryder chuckles darkly from where he stands off to the side, his stare intense and unwavering. “We have a plan for that. You signed a binding contract. Had you taken a minute to read you would have realized once signing you are unable to leave for a total of twelve hours. Or pay the fine.”

I watch her cheeks darken with a fierce blush as my friend fills her in on a few details of the fine print our pretty vixen overlooked in her rush to sign.

Her best friend worked hard to keep this a secret during the planning stages. Lucky for us Justice was on our side when we called her personal number and requested a meetup. It took a couple of months to pull off with the writing of the contract and picking the right room for our untouched woman. It will be worth it, but our girl isn’t going to make it easy.

“Did you read the fine print, baby?”

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