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Side Squeeze (Jasper Falls 6)

Page 85

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“Not everything.” He glanced on the bed where an old shoebox held a few random items.

She lifted the box and stared inside. “A can tab and a key? This is all you’re keeping?”

He crossed the room, reaching into his pocket and removing the magic marker he’d been carrying around for weeks. He dropped it in the box. “I lost my key to the house. I’ve been using the one under the bricks out back.”

She looked up at him, her eyes pink and full. “You could have made a copy. We have a key maker at the store.”

“This one was mine.”

“And the can tab?”

“A keepsake—from one of Jenn Miller’s parties.”

She frowned. “Did you and Jenn—”

“No. But that’s where I met Mariella. It’s from the first night we…”

“Aww, Harrison, you’re killing me.” She sniffled. “What about the marker?”

“That’s a recent one. Let’s call it the day I realized I couldn’t let her go.”

Her face crumpled and she covered her mouth. “Look away, I’m hideous.”

He laughed as she lost the battle against her tears, a snotty sob ripping out of her. “It’s okay.” He hesitated, then wondered what the hell he was waiting for. He wrapped his arms around his little sister and held her tight.

A jagged sob belted out of her as her arms banded around him, cinching tight at his waist. His hand rubbed up and down her back as she cried into his chest.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to do my part.”

Her tears soaked the front of his shirt as she whimpered and shook, her arms only tightening.

A lump lodged in his throat. “I promise to do better from now on.”

She howled and bellowed into him, her response no doubt amplified by the pregnancy. “I love you, Harrison.”

“I love you too.” His vision blurred. This moment was the first of many good memories he hoped to come from this room. He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad we’re family.”

Wiping at her eyes, she pulled back, her face a blotchy mess of hives and tears. “God, I can’t take all these hormones.” She wiped her nose on the collar of her shirt. “I’m a hot mess.”

He laughed, thinking how normal this sort of turmoil actually was. “You’re perfect.”

Her stare met his and she smiled. “This is big, Harrison.” Pressing her hand to her chest, she scanned the room. “I think this room is going to be a happy place from now on.”

He glanced at the empty space, no longer seeing the past, but able to finally picture the future. “I think so too.”


“Can I take your wrap?” Mauricio peeled the chiffon scarf off Mariella’s shoulders after they entered the restaurant.

“Thanks.” She looked for her brother, and spotted him and Erin in a large rounded booth in the corner, relieved to see no sign of Harrison. “There they are.”

She’d begged Erin not to press the issue between herself and Harrison, assuring that while her sister-in-law’s intentions were good, the outcome would not be.

“You made it,” Erin scooted over, making room for them to sit.

Mariella counted place settings, noting two extras. Giovanni introduced himself to Mauricio with a handshake and seemed quite relaxed about the dinner, which made her think Harrison might have bailed. She wouldn’t be surprised.

The waiter arrived and provided a cocktail menu. “Should I remove the other settings?”

“Sorry I’m late.” Harrison appeared behind the waiter and lowered into the booth, ignoring the extra place settings and settling in so his thigh rested snug against Mariella’s. “Main Street was a madhouse.”

Mauricio frowned, now sandwiched between Mariella and Erin.

Harrison traced a finger over Mariella’s knee. “You look beautiful.”

She jerked her knees together and glared at him. “Harrison, you remember Mauricio.”

“Right. The work friend.”

Mariella drew in a calming breath. “Mauricio, you remember Harrison.”

“I’m afraid I don’t.”

Giovanni chuckled at the obvious slight, and Harrison’s eyes narrowed.

“How are the specials tonight? I’m feeling rather voracious.” His hand slipped behind Mariella, and he pinched her ass.

Her spine stiffened and she dug her nails into his thigh, warning him to keep his hands to himself. “When’s the waiter coming back for our drink order?”

“Thirsty?” Harrison teased.

“God, I miss alcohol,” Erin whined. “Maybe I’ll order a mocktail.”

Harrison continued to stare at Mariella, rudely ignoring the fact that she was on a date. “What are you in the mood for? Something wet and strong, I bet.”

The waiter returned, and Mariella ignored Harrison’s inappropriate comment. “I’ll have a martini, please.”

“She likes it extra dirty,” Harrison commented. “I’ll have the same.” He handed the drink menu off to the waiter.

Giovanni glared at him, equally unimpressed by Harrison’s innuendos, as Erin ordered a virgin cosmopolitan.

“I guess I’ll be the designated driver,” Mauricio said. “I’ll just have a club soda.”

When the waiter left, the awkwardness draped the table like a second set of linens. Erin’s pregnancy seemed a safe topic, so Mariella kept asking baby questions. But in the process of trying to ignore Harrison, she unintentionally ignored her date as well.

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