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Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus 3)

Page 69

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Helen shoves her hair out of her face, but she doesn’t try to stand up and leave this time. “You didn’t bargain for a conversation, asshole. You only wanted to fuck my mouth and come all over my chest. Mission accomplished. There’s nothing to talk about.”

As much as I hate the way he’s going about this, Achilles isn’t wrong. No matter which way I look at this, what we just did complicated things beyond comprehension. I feel so damn tangled up, I can barely think straight, and Achilles still has that flinty look in his eyes that fills me with foreboding. Every other time, his goal has been a position or meeting an external challenge. I don’t like to think of what he’ll do if people are his goal.

Maybe I’m reading him wrong. I must be. It’s sex clouding my thoughts. I rub my hands over my face and try to think. “It’s safe to assume you’re not going to resign from the tournament.”

“Brilliant deduction, Sherlock,” Helen snaps.

Achilles crosses his arms over his chest and settles back against the mattress. “Are you pissed because you just came harder than you ever have before and that hurt your pride, or is it something else?”

Helen makes a sound that has me fighting not to inch away from her. She’s naked and smaller than I am. What harm can she do? Even as the thought crosses my mind, I shift my thigh so my cock isn’t an easy target. She doesn’t seem to notice, though. She’s too focused on Achilles. “I don’t know, what could possibly be upsetting to me? The fact that my siblings tossed me to the sharks without so much as a warning? Or maybe that my ex is competing in this fucking tournament solely to win me because he finally has external confirmation that I’m nothing more than a prize to be won? Oh, I know! I bet it’s because I was attacked by someone with a knife last night. Ring any bells?”

Guilt hits, a blow that would take me off my feet if I wasn’t already on my ass. “Shit, we shouldn’t have done this.”

“There he is,” Achilles murmurs. “Right on schedule.”

“Fuck you.”

Helen twists to look at me. Her mouth is pink from the fucking Achilles gave her, and there are faint tear tracks on her face, but her look of concern is for me. She reaches a hand up and cups my face tentatively, as if expecting me to reject her. “It’s not regrets. I’m pissed and out of sorts and all fucked up, but it’s not regrets. That’s not what this is about. You didn’t take advantage.”

Ironic that she’s trying to reassure me when we sure as fuck did take advantage of her. Gods, we’re two of the biggest pricks in Olympus. “You came into our room to stay safe, and we used that proximity to fuck you.”

Helen arches a brow, suddenly looking more like herself. “Please. I meant what I said last night. I fully intended on seducing you the first chance I got, and I already fucked him.” She jerks her thumb over her shoulder at Achilles. “If anything, I took advantage of you.”

“That’s about enough of the useless blame game.” Achilles stretches. “Here’s what’s going to happen—”

“Oh yes,” Helen drawls. “Please enlighten us, fearless leader. As if you’ve ever had an original thought in that pretty head of yours. We all know the brains of this operation is Patroclus.”

“Aw, princess, you think I’m pretty. I’m touched.”

“Don’t let it go to your head.” She examines her fingernails, which I belatedly see are painted a matte color that matches her skin. “You came very fast, Achilles. Just like last time. Truly, it seems to be a trend, and I wouldn’t be bragging about it.”

Achilles opens one eye to glare at her. “I’d think after two stellar orgasms, you’d be in a better mood.”

“It’s not like you—”

“Holy fuck, will you two stop bickering like an old married couple?” The words come out too sharply, but everything feels too sharp right now. We’re in this mess up to our necks, and there’s no rewinding the clock to take it back. I can’t think about the fact that someday Helen and Achilles will be an old married couple. “Helen, are you okay? Truly okay, and not just saying that to make us feel better?”

“No, I’m not okay.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder. “But if you’re asking if I’m about to sob with regret because I just had two outstanding orgasms and got railed by two sexy men…also no. Unlike some people, I can compartmentalize.”

“Liar.” Achilles says it almost fondly. “But the next time you’re looking for a distraction, we’re here and willing.”

“How selfless of you.”

“Nah. You’re sexy as shit, and you know it.” He finally opens his eyes and gives a lazy grin. “You’re a whole lot more agreeable when you’re choking on my cock. Let’s be honest, though. You’re downright likable when you’re coming all messy and loud. Can’t wait for round two—or three, if we’re being honest.”

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