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I finally got back to my apartment about 9:00.

Pat had insisted on buying me dinner at McDonald’s (Lucas’s favorite) before I headed home and thankfully, Lucas did not need stitches, because it would have been really fun trying to hold him down for that.

The first thing I did was take a nice hot shower. As I lathered my body with the foamy soap, I closed my eyes and imagined it was Cedric massaging me. I intentionally held off on touching myself down there because I wanted to do it after I got off of Skype, like last night when I gave myself the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced alone, because Cedric had gotten me so worked up. I closed my eyes and thought about his sexy stomach and that tattoo that drives me wild. I really needed to see him again. Friday could not come soon enough.

I got out of the shower and towel dried my hair. I decided to let it air-dry wavy tonight. I put on a fitted periwinkle blue long-sleeved cotton casual jersey dress and made up my face.

All I needed to do now was sit down, relax with some tea and wait for my call with Cedric.


I was surprised when I received a text from Cedric at 10:30.

Cedric: Hey. Are you home? I got done a little early and so, I wondered if you wanted to Skype in like five minutes.

Allison: Hi. Yes, sure…I’ll turn it on.

Cedric: Can I ask you a favor?

Allison: Sure. What is it?

Cedric: Can you show me what you look like as Wonder Woman? Can you wear the costume when we Skype? I’ve been thinking about it all day since you told me.

Allison: Are you serious?! I just showered and changed out of it.

Cedric: Ok. :-( Never mind.

Allison: You really want to see it?

Cedric: Yes!

Allison: Okay, I’ll change.

Cedric: Really? Yes! Just for that, I’ll wear my Clark Kent glasses. My contacts are acting up anyway and I want to be able to see this clearly?

Allison: I’ll bet you look sexy in glasses. See you in a few.

Cedric: xo

I laughed hysterically as I ripped off my dress and grabbed my Wonder Woman outfit, which consisted of a strapless red tank with gold accents and a royal blue mini skirt with stars. I topped it off with the gold crown and put on my red thigh high boots. In public, I wore a blue cardigan over the top, but I would leave it off for Cedric. I can’t believe he is making me do this…but I would do anything for him at this point.

I sat on my bed in character now, feeling like a goof, wondering what Cedric will look like in his Superman glasses.

I jumped at the sound of my phone. It was another text from Cedric.

Cedric: Are you in your costume?

Allison: Yes…I turned on Skype. I am waiting for you to go online.

Cedric: I am not going to be able to Skype tonight after all, sweetheart.


Allison: Okay. What happened?

Cedric: Well, for one there is no wireless in your hallway.

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