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Gummy Bears & Grenades (THIRDS 9.50)

Page 21

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"This isn't over, Daley," Austen hissed as Dex rode the pony in the opposite direction while the Eagles sang about life in the fast lane.

"Nope. It's just the beginning!" Dex laughed and went to cause mischief elsewhere. He found himself in the middle of the crowd and realized he'd wandered from his posse. He turned to go back, but a familiar scent had him stopping. An arm wrapped around his waist and brought him back up against a hard body. Dex smiled. Had Sloane come back?

He let his head fall back with a moan, his hand sliding up his man's leg. "I missed you." He was about to turn around, but then a smooth voice whispered in his ear.

"Hello, darling."

Dex froze. No fucking way. It can't be.

The posh British accent was unmistakable. "I missed you too."

Dex spun around, bringing his fist with him. Wolf caught his wrist in one hand and wrapped his other around Dex's waist, his lips curling in a sinful grin.

"Easy there, love. We don't want to cause a scene."

Dex narrowed his eyes and spoke through gritted teeth. "You have two seconds to get your hands off me."

Wolf released his wrist and dropped his other arm. "You look deliciously disheveled."

"If you ever, ever use Sloane's scent like that again, I will fucking end you. Do you understand me?" Dex was so pissed off, he was practically vibrating with anger. The fucking balls on this guy.

"It was the only way to get close enough to warn you."

"You used my mate's scent to touch me. That's not just fucking creepy, it's out of line, even for you. Then again, you are a psychopath."

Wolf smiled. "I'm actually rather well-adjusted."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. I mean, what well-adjusted person doesn't go around torturing for money? Silly me."

Wolf held his gloved hands up in front of him in surrender. "It was a deplorable deed. I apologize for deceiving you. You smell divine, by the way."

Dex rubbed his temples. He was already feeling far too sober for this. "You're not sorry at all, are you?"

Wolf didn't even pretend to think about it. "No, but you wouldn't have allowed me near you otherwise."

"The key word there is near, and not all up in my space. Why the hell am I even talking to you? I should be kicking your ass."

"You are absolutely adorable," Wolf purred, his hands still up at his side as he took a step closer to Dex, his voice low. "You'll do nothing of the sort. In fact, you're going to invite me to sit with you in one of those cozy little alcoves over there."

Dex laughed. "That is so not going to happen." Had the guy completely lost his mind? Wouldn't surprise Dex. Wolf had lost so many qualities most decent folks tended to have, like morals, compassion, the ability to walk into the room and not have everyone in it want to inflict physical pain upon his person.

"It's most certainly going to happen, Dexter, because you're going to want to hear what I have to say."

"I doubt that."

"It concerns your sweet little brother."

Dex balled his hands into fists at his sides. "Talk."

"Not here."

"How about down at THIRDS HQ?" Dex said with a smile. "All I have to do is give the order, and you'll have eleven THIRDS agents and three TIN agents breathing down your neck. We don't have to kick your ass, just hold you until TIN arrives. I bet Sparks is just dying to catch up."

Wolf chuckled. "I do love your optimism."

"Your brother's one of those THIRDS agents. You know he's here. Oh, and he's mighty pissed off with you, by the way. Then again, that seems to be people's general reaction to you, huh?"

Wolf's smile fell off his face, the amusement in his eyes vanished, and his pupils dilated, the black almost spreading to replace the blue. A combination of Human killer and feral wolf Therian looked back at Dex. Dex raised his chin and refused to be intimidated as Wolf loomed over him, their chests touching.

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