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Thick & Thin (THIRDS 8)

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"Dex and I are joining TIN."

That didn't go over so well.

Chapter 6

"YOU SON of a bitch!"

Ash swung at Sloane, but Sloane had anticipated the blow. If there was anyone who knew when Ash was about to blow his top, it was Sloane. Dex thought it best to keep his trap shut and stay out of the way. This was between Ash and Sloane. He'd deal with the rest of the team. At the moment, his friends were too stunned to speak or move.

Sloane held his hands out in front of him as he backed away. "Ash, please. Just hear me out."

"No. Fuck you! You're leaving us to join those assholes?"

"I'm not going anywhere," Sloane promised. "Things are just... shifting."

Dex made the mistake of moving within Ash's peripheral vision, and Ash turned to face him, his whole body practically vibrating with anger. Dex could feel the hurt coming off him in waves. Hurt and... fear? What could Ash be afraid of? It struck him then. Ash was afraid of losing Sloane, and in his mind, Dex was the one responsible. Not much rattled Ash Keeler, but this had done it. Dex didn't blame him for feeling angry, and when Ash was angry, he needed to direct that anger at someone or something. Dex braced himself.

"This was your idea, wasn't it? You selfish little prick!" Ash was two seconds away from charging Dex. He balled his fists at his sides, his amber eyes burning with anger.

Sloane stepped in front of Dex, blocking Ash's view of him, but Dex gently moved Sloane away. He gave him a reassuring smile and turned back to Ash. "Sloane and I made this decision together. Now you can either hear us out or beat the shit out of me, if that will make you feel better."

Ash grinned predatorily. "I've been waiting a long time to get my hands on you, and now I can. No pathetic excuses to keep me from kicking your non-Human ass."

Dex expected as much. "Fine." He walked over to the mat, and Ash followed, Cael trailing behind him. Cael took hold of Ash's fist, his face filled with concern.

"Ash, please. Don't."

Ash didn't even look at Cael. "This is between me and your brother."


"Cael," Dex called out, getting his brother's attention. "It's fine. I promise."

"This is ridiculous," Sloane argued, stepping in front of Dex. "You don't have to do this."

"Yeah, I do." He lowered his voice so Ash wouldn't hear him. "He needs this, Sloane." Dex gave him a wink. When he next spoke, it was so Ash could hear him. "Don't worry. I'll go easy on him."

Ash let out a bark of laughter. "Holy shit. Are you fucking kidding me? You think because you've got a little Therian blood in you that you can kick my ass? I'm going to so fucking enjoy this."

With a heavy sigh, Sloane stepped out of the way. Ash took a fighting stance and gave Dex a nod. "Let's go, Justice. Time to put your money where that big mouth of yours is."

Dex inhaled deeply and let it out slow. If this was the only way to get through to Ash, then so be it. He would even make the first move. Dex charged Ash, ducking when Ash threw a right hook, and dropping to the mat with a roll before Ash's left jab could catch him in the kidney. Ash was on him the moment he sprang to his feet, grabbing him around the waist and hauling him off his feet. Dex twisted his body and struck out, catching Ash behind the head, forcing Ash to drop him. He landed crouched on his feet, and delivered a blow to the back of Ash's knee, but Ash didn't go down. Lifting his leg and twisting his body, Ash side-kicked Dex and sent him onto his back on the mat. Swiftly, Dex rolled as Ash landed on the spot he'd just been, knee and elbow against the mat. Fuck.

Dex stared at him. "It's like that, huh?"

Ash smirked at him. "Yeah, fucker. It's like that."

"I'm not taking him away from you," Dex said, getting to his feet.

"Is this a fight or a fucking therapy session?" Ash came at him with a series of jabs and elbows, all of which Dex blocked, while moving his feet to keep from getting knocked over. The more he blocked Ash's punches, the more pissed Ash got.

"You think because you have a little training that you're going to handle what TIN throws at you?" Ash spun and snap-punched Dex on the side of his head. Luckily Dex had managed to throw his arm up, absorbing the brunt of Ash's blow. It still hurt like a motherfucker and left Dex unbalanced long enough for Ash to turn and deliver a left hook to his ribs.

The wind rushed out of Dex's lungs, and he coughed, doubling over. An elbow to his back had him hitting the floor on his stomach.

"Dex!" Sloane stepped forward only to have Dex put a hand up.

"It's okay," Dex wheezed. He pushed himself to his hands and knees and got kicked in the stomach. Fuck. Maybe he hadn't completely thought this through.

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