Against The Grain (THIRDS 5) - Page 19

“How about for the holidays, we put a hold on all the complicated stuff and just enjoy each other’s company? Do whatever feels right, and we’ll take it from there. No expectations, no waiting for the other shoe to drop, no overthinking things, and no pressure. Let’s relax and have some fun.”

“I like the sound of that.” Just when he thought he couldn’t be more amazed by the wonderful young Therian before him, he was proven wrong. How could Cael be so insightful to his needs, so unselfish and understanding?

“Good. Now let’s join the others before Dex eats all the cookies. He always hogs all the macadamia chocolate-chunk ones.”

Cael narrowed his eyes, and Ash chuckled.

“I’ll make sure he leaves you some.”

Cael turned away to pick up one of the pie dishes when Ash gently caught his arm and pulled him back.

“Question.” He should probably give more thought to what he was about to say, but fuck it. He couldn’t let Cael put in all the effort. Ash had to do his part, so he went with his gut.

“Yeah?” Cael cocked his head to one side, and Ash hoped his face wasn’t as red as it felt.

“If I get the urge to sneak a kiss at any point, would that be okay with you?”

Cael brightened, and Ash’s silly heart did a flip.

“I’d like that.”

“Me too.”

Ash pulled him into his embrace and kissed him. Not the peck on the cheek or the brief press of lips Ash had been expecting to give, but a kiss that had him all but dropping to his knees. It was sweet, warm, and tasted deliciously of Cael. Ash never wanted it to end. He felt Cael’s tongue against his lips, and Ash opened his mouth, inviting Cael to taste and explore. To his delight, Cael accepted, deepening their kiss. He pulled Cael against him, his arms wrapped tight around Cael as if he might try to escape. A low rumble of a moan reverberated from Cael’s chest, sending a shiver up Ash’s spine. So much adoration and need, with more passion than Ash could have imagined. Tentatively, Cael wrapped his arms around Ash, his fingers digging into the firm muscles of his back. Damn, it felt so good.

As much as he told his heart not to give in so quickly, it was no use. Having Cael in his arms, feeling his strength, knowing the depth of Cael’s affections, had Ash surrendering himself without a second thought. He left himself bare. Every nerve ending, every vulnerable, tender inch of him. Ash brushed his lips over Cael’s as he pulled away, his thumb caressing Cael’s cheek. “You’re blushing,” he murmured breathlessly.


“I like it. I especially like that it’s because of me.”

That certainly didn’t seem to help poor Cael’s blushing situation. His cheeks burned crimson. “It’s always because of you.”

“I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re so beautiful. And the best

part is, you’re not even aware of how wonderful you are.”

Cael shrugged bashfully. “I guess you bring out the best in me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Ash took Cael’s hand in his and placed it to his heart. “You bring out the best in me. I had no idea what my life was missing before I met you.” He felt it down to his core. What he was, what everyone thought of him, meant nothing compared to what Cael believed of him.

“Are the pies ready?”

Ash quickly pulled away as Dex entered the kitchen. He was torn between wanting to tell Dex what he could do with his pies and picking his heart up off the floor. This was how it had to be for now. For a slip of a moment, it had all been so perfect and right. Dex reminded him of the reality of their situation. Ash was grateful Cael had taken the first step in moving their relationship forward and reminded himself he couldn’t mess this up. For years he’d been denying to himself what he felt for Cael. Even when he’d resigned himself to the fact nothing could ever happen between them, the tiny flicker of hope never went out. Having Cael in his arms, kissing him, was more than he’d ever thought possible. Patience. He needed patience.

Dex looked from Cael to Ash and back. “Shit. I interrupted something, didn’t I?”

“No,” Ash replied, though he knew Dex would be able to see past his smile to the “I’m going to kick your ass later” look.

Cael smiled sweetly, and Ash actually took a step to the side. Uh-oh. He knew that look. Cael was the sweetest guy he knew. He was also a little hellcat. Those claws were damn sharp. Ash had found himself at the receiving end of those razor-sharp claws and knew firsthand the sting they were capable of leaving behind.

“Now that you’re here, you can go wake Dad from his nap.”

“Aw, man. Seriously?” Dex whined. “Come on. You know he won’t throw anything at you. Why do I have to do it?”

Cael folded his arms over his chest. “Tough. I called it. Go.”

“Fine.” Dex stomped off to wake Maddock, which from the sounds of it was no easy feat.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024