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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

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Sparks slammed her hand on the steering wheel, catching him by surprise. She was never anything but calm and collected. Then again, if he’d been working this job as long as she had, he’d be pretty pissed to find out things might be heading south at the eleventh hour.

“This is unacceptable.”

Austen narrowed his eyes at her. “Hey, you’re not the only one living a double life here. You get to sit in a cushy office playing lieutenant while I’m out here risking my neck, getting chased by homicidal maniacs, and running interference with your boy toys.”

Sparks arched an eyebrow at him. “My interest in Destructive Delta is purely business, whereas your interest in a certain Agent Zachary is not.”

What the hell?

“Oh, Austen.” Sparks let out a husky laugh. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out you’ve been keeping tabs on him? Are you getting sentimental on me? Is it because he took care of you after your injury? He’s very nurturing. Though I have to admit, I’m a little surprised. Zachary’s a bear Therian. You don’t normally go for such large Therians. But you know what?” She put her hands up. “It’s none of my business. I’m glad to see you’re finally moving on from Sloane.”

Austen congratulated himself on not telling her to fuck off. She always had to have the last word. “Stay away from Zach,” he warned. “He’s a good guy.” There was no point in trying to deny his recent activity where Zach was concerned. The truth was, he didn’t know why he was keeping an eye on Zach, but now that Sparks knew Zach meant something—despite him not knowing what that something was—she would use him against Austen if she had to.

“Then do your job. If I’m overworking you, just say so. I can arrange some permanent vacation time.”

“Please,” Austen laughed. “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. You need me. And if this shit blows up in our faces, you’re not the only one in deep shit. Zach risked his safety to keep me safe. I don’t take that kind of thing lightly.” His expression darkened as he leaned toward her. “If someone goes near him, I will take them out. You know me better than anyone. I don’t fuck around.” He just liked to pretend he did.

Sparks smiled, but it didn’t reach her steel-blue eyes. “Looks like I’ve taught you well.”

“Maybe too well,” Austen said, lowering his cap once again. He opened the car door and got out. “I’ll be awaiting your instructions.” With that he closed the door, shoved his hands into his coat pockets, and walked away. His phone buzzed, and he removed it from his pocket. A text from Sparks.

Don’t get too close.

Austen sighed and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Story of my life. Either way he had no intention of getting close to Zach. He was simply showing his gratitude, even if Zach had no idea he was even around. Friendships were a luxury he couldn’t afford. Relationships were out of the question. Zach intrigued him, but that was all it was. A passing curiosity. Austen stopped in his tracks when he realized he didn’t know where he was. He’d walked half a block from where Sparks had parked. He turned to the house in front of him, and his gut twisted.

Zach’s house.

Son of a bitch. Sparks had brought him to Zach’s neighborhood. Austen walked off at a brisk pace. He had to get out of here before someone saw him. Half the damn block was occupied by Zach’s ginormous family. Austen couldn’t fathom having six brothers and three sisters, much less all the nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and grandparents that made up the colossal Zachary clan, a good portion of which occupied this block. Austen had always been on his own. The thought of having all those family members in his hair terrified the ever-living fuck out of him. Why was he even checking up on Zach? The guy was seven feet tall and weighed over three hundred pounds with six equally ginormous siblings.

Granted, none of them possessed the skills he did, or the connections. Maybe it was best he keep an eye on Zach. From a distance, of course.

Chapter 5

NOW THIS was more like it.

Ash delivered a right hook to the black leather bag in front of him. His brow was beaded with sweat, his T-shirt clinging to him as he pummeled the swinging punching bag. Man, it felt good. It had been too long since he’d hit something. Back at the grain terminal when he’d been up against some of Hogan’s goons in their Therian form, he’d been forced to use his wits to outsmart them, since his body still had healing to do. Some Humans truly believed if a Therian was shot, they’d bounce back up. Fuckwits. Therians might be stronger and heal quicker than Humans, but they weren’t indestructible.

For weeks he’d been told to take it easy, rest, don’t overexert himself, like he was made of fucking glass or something. On Friday, everyone on his team had been called in for a physical. They’d all been cleared for duty, with only Sloane being sentenced to desk duty for a couple of weeks just in case. His best friend had been pissed, but Ash was secretly glad for it. Sloane had been impaled by a piece of jagged metal and almost died. Ash didn’t want him out in the field before he was ready.

Their return had been met with cheers. Ash had never expect

ed it. The whole of Unit Alpha was there to greet them when they stepped foot on the floor. HR had even arranged a party with “Welcome Back” banners, balloons, and cake. Everyone was happy to see them. They’d even been happy to see Ash, which was probably the biggest shocker of all. Sparks had given them all a speech, thanked them for their bravery and service, and then after the party, called them in individually for an assessment.

Despite being on active duty and having been cleared by the THIRDS physicians, Sparks had Destructive Delta’s Defense agents benched. They were to resume their training regimen for another two weeks before they’d be assigned a case. That was fine with Ash. He’d had enough of resting. He bounced on his toes, pulled his elbows in at his sides, and delivered a roundhouse kick to the bag. His body was raring to go. After a good stretch, he’d started with basic punches and now kicks. He still had a good hour left to practice some routines before it was time to hit the pool, then the shooting range. Maybe tomorrow he’d get in the ring with someone who could give him a good workout. He’d just delivered a side kick when he caught a whiff of something fruity.

“No,” he growled.

“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.” Dex stepped up beside the bag, his hands on his hips.

“Doesn’t matter. It’s coming out of your mouth, so no.” Left hook, right elbow, left knee.

“Even if it’s about Cael?”

Ash stopped and turned to Dex. “You really think that’s going to work every time?”

Dex blinked at him. “Yes. I really do.”

“Fuck off.” Ash turned back to the bag, then sighed. Who the fuck was he kidding? “What about Cael?”

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