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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

Page 63

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“Good. Then shut the fuck up and go find a fern to piss on.”

The room erupted into laughter, and Ash turned his attention back to Cael. “You and Dex were badass. There. I said it.”

“Wooh!” Dex popped out from who the fuck knew where, arms thrown up in the air. He did a victory dance and motioned around the floor. “You all heard that. Ash Keeler said I was a badass.”

“What the fuck?” Ash gaped at him. “Where the fuck did you come from?”

His jaw all but hit the floor when Dex casually put a hand up and Cael high-fived him.

“I was getting some Cheesy Doodles when I heard your little announcement.”

“Unbelievable.” Ash shook his head, his frown aimed at Cael. “Are you happy now?”

“I am.” He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out his utility knife.

In one swipe, Ash’s wrists were free. He rubbed them and ignored Dex dancing around as he popped cheese snacks into his mouth. Where was Zach when you needed him? That would put a stop to Dex’s crunching.

“Come on, big guy. Let’s hit the showers.”

Cael patted Ash’s chest and walked off. Ash followed, but not before shoving Dex. He grinned when Dex fell into Taylor, his cheese snacks soaring through the air and hitting the carpet.

“My Cheesy Doodles!” Dex dropped to his hands and knees. “Noooooo! They were so young. So delicious.”

Cael shook his head in amusement. “You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” he told Ash.

“I need balance in my life.” Ash grinned and walked into the empty locker room. They opened their lockers and started undressing. It occurred to Ash this was the first time the locker room was empty during their shower. He removed his T-shirt and chucked it into the laundry bin. Sitting on the bench, he undid his boot laces and glanced up to ask Cael what he wanted to do for dinner when he found Cael naked, his back to Ash and those plump round asscheeks at eye level. Fuck.

Getting himself together, he unlaced his boots and cleared his throat. “So, uh, what do you want to do for dinner?”

“I was thinking of ordering takeout. Tonight’s the premiere of that new comic book TV show I told you about. Want to crash at mine?”

“Sure.” Ash smiled and placed his boots inside his locker. He loved cozy nights in with Cael. There was never any pressure to go out clubbing or to a bar. Most wouldn’t believe him if he told them, but he was actually kind of a homebody. A little TV, good food, and the company of his sweetheart, and he was content. Chucking his socks into the laundry bin and putting his pants away, he grabbed his toiletry bag and closed his locker door. He followed Cael into the showers, picking up a large towel along the way. Inside it was nice and quiet. Since they weren’t on call, they got to shower before the evening rush.

Ash stepped into the stall beside Cael and turned the shower on. He did his best to concentrate on showering and not on Cael lathering himself up in the stall beside him. Ash stood under the showerhead and washed his hair, soaped himself up, and rinsed. He wiped the excess water from his face, and when he stepped out from under the showerhead, he found Cael leaning on the thick glass partition grinning at him.

“Don’t mind me,” he said, waving a hand in dismissal. “I’m just perving on you.”

Ash held back a laugh. “Here I am trying to be good, and you’re being wicked.”

“It’s hard not to,” Cael said with a lazy shrug. “Plus there’s no one here.”

A mischievous look came into his eyes, and he crooked a finger, calling Ash to lean down. What was the little minx up to? With a wicked grin, Cael stood on his toes and licked Ash from his chin to his lip. He took Ash’s bottom lip between his teeth, sucked it into his mouth before pulling back.

“I’m going to need you to take me home and fuck me, Agent Keeler.”

Ash promptly shut off the water and grabbed his toiletry bag. “Let’s go.”

With a chuckle, Cael followed his lead, grabbed his bag, and got out. He threw his towel over his shoulder, his ass out in the open for Ash to gawk at as he sauntered away from him.

“Come along, Keeler. Pun totally intended, by the way.”

Man, Ash was screwed. And he loved it.

By the time they got inside Cael’s apartment and to his bedroom, they’d left a trail of clothing behind. Shirts landed on furniture, socks on lamps, and pants on the stairs. They kissed fervently as they undressed each other. Ash dropped onto the bed with Cael, mindful of his weight.

“I want you to fuck me hard. Don’t hold back,” Cael murmured against Ash’s lips, his fingers grabbing fistfuls of Ash’s hair as he rutted against him.

“I don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart.”

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