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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

Page 69

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“Here we go!”

Sloane opened the back doors, and everyone rushed out of the truck. It was like they’d entered a war zone. There was smoke and debris everywhere, bullets flying, and flash bangs going off. There were masked men and Therians shooting at THIRDS agents from behind parked cars and the Mack truck that had been used to ram the BearCat.

Sloane, Ash, and Hobbs used their shields to form a protective barrier around their five smaller members, deflecting fire and shooting as they all quickly worked in unison to get behind the truck for cover. Seb and three other members of his team hurried over, shields in hand.

“I’ve tried calling dispatch, and no one is answering. What the fuck is going on?”

“I don’t know,” Sloane replied, firing at the hijackers. Cael couldn’t see past his teammates’ shields. The circle grew bigger, with Seb and the other agents joining. Horns honked, people screamed, and Ash broke formation.

“Take cover!”

Cael managed to get a glimpse of a tactical vehicle heading their way before Ash grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him off his feet. With the case in one hand, Cael snatched his Glock from his thigh rig and shot at the asshole aiming at Ash, hitting him in the vest twice and knocking the guy off his feet. Cael and Dex were pushed together behind a parked car as the arriving tactical vehicle that had been looking to run them over came skidding to halt, armed men emerging from its back doors, one of them about Ash’s height with a mask on his face.

“Hand over the case!”

His voice sounded familiar, but he was using some kind of scrambler or enhancer.

Sloane tapped his com. “Rosa, Letty, where are you?”

“Taylor got us to an ambulance. We’re leaving Calvin and—”

“No,” Sloane ordered. “You stick with him. Find out what the hell is going on with dispatch, and get us some backup.”

“We can’t leave you guys out there.”

“That’s an order, Santiago!”

“Copy that.”

“Where’s Hobbs?” Sloane said, looking around. He tapped his com. “Hobbs? What’s your twenty?”

“Take him!”

Cael edged toward the end of the car, looking over Sloane’s shoulder in time to see Hobbs taking down three armed men as he protected his brother, who lay unconscious at his feet.


Hobbs’s shield was on the ground out of his reach, but he didn’t let that stop him from raising hell and protecting Seb. He let out a fierce roar as the Human gunmen approached with rifles in hand. One launched at Hobbs, and Hobbs lifted the guy off his feet. He flung him at two of the other armed men. Around them, Seb’s team was trying to get to them, but they were being kept busy by the rest of the hijackers, along with Taylor’s team, who was clearing the area of the panicking and screaming citizens.

“Fucking tranq him!” the large masked Therian shouted while someone took aim.

Cael opened his mouth to warn Hobbs when a gloved hand clamped over it. Ash kept him quiet, and they watched in horror as a dart hit Hobbs in the leg, another in the arm. Hobbs crumpled to the ground beside his brother. Whatever they were using, it wasn’t standard issue. Cael had never seen a tiger Therian go down that quickly.

Oh God. Hobbs.

Cael moved Ash’s hand away from his mouth, his voice hoarse. “We can’t let them take him!”

“We’re outnumbered,” Sloane said, grabbing a magazine from his vest and reloading his rifle. “We need to keep that case safe.”

It took seven Humans to move an unconscious Hobbs. They left Seb behind. Why would they take Hobbs and leave Seb? Ash interrupted his thoughts and turned to him.

“You and Dex need to make a run for it. We’ll cover you.”

Cael had no time to respond. Ash grabbed hold of his vest and hauled him to his feet along with Dex. He released them, snatched his shield up, and along with Sloane came out from behind the car. Ash roared and charged the group of men heading for them. He and Sloane worked together, covering each other’s backs and using their shields to slam into the Human hijackers. The men went flying. Cael had never seen anything like it. The hijackers doubled in number, and Cael gasped when Ash was shot in the leg with a tranq.


“Run!” Ash shouted, dropping onto one knee. Sloane backed up against him, helping him up with one arm when Sloane’s shield clattered to the ground. A tranq hit Sloane’s arm. Another hit Ash in the same spot, then in the other leg. He crumpled to the asphalt with Sloane landing on top of him.

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