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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

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“Okay, about the unsanctioned mission,” Dex said, catching up to her long-legged strides. “I forced Seb into it. Please, I’ll take whatever disciplinary measures you see fit, but don’t penalize him.”

“I have no intention of disciplining Agent Sebastian Hobbs. He’s an exceptional Team Leader with the potential to do great things. Now’s not really the time for this. We’re all going to sit down and have a little chat when this is over. Shultzon is going to call and demand you deliver the drug, or he’s going to kill Sloane.”

“So what do I say?”

“You say what your heart is desperate to say. Say ‘Where do you want me to deliver it?’ And then you’re going to take it there.”

“But it’ll clearly be a trap.”

“Of course it will be. Shultzon has no intention of handing over your teammates or losing the drug. He plans to use it on them and get them transported. Lucky for us, Shultzon is paranoid, and let’s face it, not all there. He didn’t commit the formula to solid medium in hope of keeping it safe. It’s all in his head. There’s no time for him to recreate the drug, which is why he needs the supply we have.” Sparks stopped beside the construction elevator. She opened the steel door and motioned for them to step inside. They did as asked, and she closed the door behind them. “Agent Maddock, I hope you’re ready for what you’re about to face.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Cael didn’t know what part he had to play in whatever was coming, only that he needed to do everything within his power to get Ash, and the rest of their team, out of there safely. Whatever Sparks wanted from him, he’d do it.

“Good, because your ex-boyfriend will be there.”

Cael’s heart plummeted. “Excuse me?”

“Don Fuller.” Sparks turned to him, her expression void of any emotion. “He’s the mercenary Shultzon hired to grab your teammates. Why do you think he showed up at Dekatria? He wanted to see what he was up against. I trust you won’t let that impede your performance.”

Cael felt Dex squeeze his arm reassuringly. Fuller was a mercenary? How…. What? Cael was having trouble processing this information.

“Agent Maddock, Don Fuller was never cut out to be a THIRDS agent, and his connections while in prison allowed him to become a gun for hire. Now before you start blaming yourself for his debut into the world of mercenaries, Don Fuller would have ended up with a gun in his hand one way or another. We have the psych evals to prove it. You, however, are a THIRDS agent, and as a THIRDS agent, it’s your job to bring Therians like Fuller to justice. It’s up to him how he ends up there.” Her steel-blue eyes studied him, her jawline set. “What’s it going to be, Agent Maddock? Are you going to show him the formidable agent you’ve become, or are you going to once again allow him control over you?”

Cael clenched his jaw. That son of a bitch. Cael could see that bastard’s smug face, reveling in Cael’s heartache and suffering at losing Ash. He knew Fuller. Knew he’d laugh at Cael and tell him how pathetic he was, how he couldn’t save his own boyfriend. How he was weak. Cael felt his anger rising. He met Sparks’s gaze, the words coming from his mouth all but spat out. “I’m going to take him down if it’s the last thing I do.”

Sparks smiled in approval. “Good. Hold on to your socks, boys. This ride’s about to get a little crazy.”

Chapter 11

WHERE THE hell was he?

Ash groaned and rubbed his face. His arms felt heavy and sluggish. Why was he having trouble remembering?

“Looks like Sleeping Beauty’s waking up.”

That voice…. Ash’s eyes flew open, and he kicked out, his boots hitting metal bars. He tried to get up, but his body felt heavy, and a wave of dizziness washed over him. Throwing a hand out, his fingers touched cold steel.

“What the fuck?” A familiar terror washed over him. He was in a cage. He scrambled back and forced himself onto shaky legs. His world spun, his vision blurred, and his stomach threatened to empty itself, but he pushed that all back as he thrust his palms hard against the roof. He kicked at the bars, his panic growing. He was in a fucking cage. It was tall enough for him to stand up in, yet he felt like he was suffocating. Oh God, he remembered the last time he’d been in a cage.

“Hey, there.”

Ash’s head shot up, and he snarled, “Fuller.”

Fuller motioned to the cage around him. “Bring back any memories?”

Ash launched himself at the bars, throwing an arm out in the hopes of ripping Fuller to pieces. “I’m going to tear you apart with my bare hands, you motherfucker!”

Fuller threw his head back and laughed. “Oh shit. You’re a funny guy. I can see why Cael likes you.”

A lewd smile came onto Fuller’s face, and it made Ash sick to his stomach.

“When you’ve been reduced to nothing but a circus attraction, jumping through hoops at the command of your new master, I’ll be there to console Cael. Poor thing. He’ll be absolutely devastated, vulnerable, in need of someone with a firm hand.”

“You touch him, and I’ll fucking kill you!”

Fuller’s smug grin never left his face. “It’s like looking in a mirror.”

Ash tried to control his anger, but it was difficult when there was nothing he wanted more than to beat the ever-living shit out of the Therian before him. “Fuck you, asshole. I’m nothing like you.”

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