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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

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Cael took a deep breath. He thought about everything Fuller had done to him. For almost two years that asshole controlled every part of his life, from what he ate to who he talked to. He’d let Fuller in, let him hurt him, hurt his family, let him get in his head and make him feel worthless. Cael’s anguish spread through him, and he used it to fuel his anger. He slowly walked toward Shultzon, who he trusted about as much as he did Fuller. Sparks was waiting on his word.

Cael was perfectly aware of Fuller discreetly shifting behind Shultzon, but Cael continued forward. He held his left hand out as Shultzon reached in his pocket and pulled out the keypad. He held it up for Cael to see. Cael held out the case. The rest went as expected.

Shultzon grabbed the case, and instead of releasing the keypad, he dropped it and snatched Cael’s wrist, jerking him back and into Fuller’s arms.

“Take care of it!” Shultzon shouted as he made a break for the elevator.

“Cael!” Dex broke into a run toward Cael, only to be waylaid by Fuller’s men, who advanced on him.

Fuller’s arm wrapped around Cael’s neck and lifted him off his feet. Cael’s fingers dug into Fuller’s arm as he coughed and sputtered, his legs kicking out. He stilled in Fuller’s grip, ignoring his laughter as he took hold of Cael’s head.

“I wish I could say I was sorry, but you and your brother put me in prison. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”

“Me too,” Cael growled, snatching his tactical knife from his thigh rig and stabbing into Fuller’s arm. With a howl, Fuller released him, and Cael landed on his feet. He dropped down and kicked back, catching Fuller on his knee and bringing him crashing to the floor. Cael sprang up, readying himself as Fuller pulled the knife from his arm.

“You stupid little shit!” Fuller threw the knife to one side. “I’m going to enjoy tearing you apart with my bare hands.”

Cael could see Dex fighting from the cor

ner of his eye. His brother was holding his own against the men. He’d already unarmed one and taken two down. With a grin, Cael motioned for Fuller to advance.

“Aren’t we cocky?”

“I’m not afraid of you anymore, you prick.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Fuller let out a fierce roar as he charged Cael, who spun to his side, missing Fuller, who ran past him. Fuller skidded to a halt and turned back, his frustration and growing ire clear on his face. He charged Cael again, and Cael remembered what Ash had told him about using his size to his advantage. He sped right for Fuller, dropping himself to the floor and sliding under Fuller, where he threw a fist, punching him in the balls. Fuller let out a strangled cry and grabbed his groin, his face contorted with pain and rage.

With Fuller doubled over, Cael snapped his fist forward, catching Fuller in the nose. Ash’s words rang in his ears, and Cael delivered a fierce, unrelenting assault to Fuller’s face and neck, and when Fuller pulled back, Cael jumped and brought down all his weight on Fuller’s bent knee, shattering it.

Fuller hit the floor cursing and sputtering blood from his broken nose. He held on to his knee with one hand and reached for his gun with the other. Cael dove for the discarded knife, scooped it up, and hurled it at Fuller, catching him in the throat. A horrible gurgling sound met Cael’s ear as Fuller stared wide-eyed at him, his hands grasping at his neck around the embedded knife.

The door ahead of them burst open, and Ash came running in with Sloane, Hobbs, and Sparks trailing behind. Sloane dispatched the last gunman trying to take Dex down. It was over.

Ash ran to Cael’s side and threw his arms around him, holding him tight. “Oh thank God.” He pulled back and looked him over. “Are you okay?”

Cael nodded, his gaze going to Fuller gurgling and sputtering his last breaths. Ash turned, his expression somber before he pulled Cael against him once more, kissing the top of his head. Dex and Sloane came to join them.

“You okay?” Cael asked his brother. Dex looked a little worse for wear, but other than that, he seemed fine.

Dex gave him a wink. “Never better.” He threw his arm around Cael’s neck and gave him a squeeze. “I’m real proud of you.”

“Thanks, Dex.”

Something seemed to dawn on Ash. “Fuck, Shultzon’s getting away!”

“No, he’s not,” Sparks declared. She tapped her earpiece. “Is the package secure? Good.” She turned to them with a smile. “Those were my operatives. They were waiting for Shultzon’s transport to land on the roof. The moment they did, they subdued the pilot and took out the men on board. Then they took their place. Shultzon believes he’s being transported to a secure location. He has no idea it’s one of ours. Good work, gentlemen.” She scratched the top of Hobbs’s head, making him purr.

“So… you planned for him to get away with the case?” Ash asked.

“Yes. Shultzon knew you three had escaped, but he didn’t know Cael and Dex were also aware. They acted as if they didn’t know. We couldn’t rouse Shultzon’s suspicions. As far as he knew, Dex and Cael were desperate to get their lovers back alive. With the three of you free, his biggest concern was the drug. He could always get new candidates. He took the case and left Fuller to dispatch anyone left behind so he could get away. My operatives are sweeping the facility.” With a scratch behind Sloane’s ear, she headed for the doors they’d come in from.

“I want to see the five of you and Calvin in my office first thing in the morning.”

“Calvin’s in the hospital,” Ash called out after her.

“No, he’s at home. His injuries were minor and taken care of. Austen’s looking after him, along with a private nurse. He’ll be fine, and so will Seb. Someone will be along for Fuller. Go home and get some rest.”

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