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Lady Boner

Page 22

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Later that evening,I step out of the bathroom with a towel tucked under my arms. It was supposed to be an enjoyable shower with Asa joining me, but right before we got in, he got a phone call from his mom.

He’s still in my room, where I left him, standing at the window looking out into the darkness, one hand raised and gripping the top of the frame. He’s no longer on the phone, but from his stiff posture, there’s no doubt he’s still thinking about the call.

I pad across the carpet on silent feet. He’s so distracted by his thoughts that he doesn’t sense me approaching until I’m right behind him. His body jerks when I wrap my arms around his waist.

“Everything okay?” I press a soft kiss between his shoulder blades.

Letting go of the window frame, he lays both of his arms over mine and laces our fingers together.

“My dad needs heart surgery,” he says quietly.

I suck in a sharp breath, not expecting that reply. When I try to let his waist go to move around to the front of him, he tightens his hold on my arms. “No. Stay just like this for a moment.”

At the despondency in his voice, tears prick the back of my eyes. I hug him as tightly as I can with my arms and lay my cheek against his back. We stay this way for several long moments.

Eventually, he lets my arms go, and I immediately move around him. He steps back, giving me room to fit myself between him and the window. My arms go back around him, and I tip my head back to look into his eyes. His light-blue eyes are now a stormy gray. It breaks my heart to see the worry on his face.

“What happened?” I ask softly.

“Apparently, my dad’s been having issues with his heart for a few months now.” He looks up and over my head to stare out the window. “He and Mom decided to keep it from Parker and me because the doctors were trying to repair the valve damage through medication. It’s not working, so the next option is to go in and repair the damaged valve. His surgery is in two days.” He drops his gaze back to me.

“Oh, Asa. I’m so sorry.” I’m forced to blink several times to keep the tears at bay. “What are the chances the surgery will fix the valves?”

“According to the doctors, very high. But as you know, any surgery is risky. Especially when dealing with the heart.”

“How’s your mom doing?”

He sucks in a breath and lets it out slowly. “She’s trying to put on a brave front for me and my brother, but she’s always been terrible at hiding her true feelings. She’s worried.”

I nod. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be on her. She and your dad have been dealing with this on their own. It’s good that she told you, so now she has you and Parker to lean on.” I pause a moment, watching his expression intently. “How are you doing?”

His eyes slide closed for a moment before they open and meet mine again. “I’m scared,” he admits quietly. “My dad has always been so strong and resilient. To know there’s a chance we may lose him is debilitating.”

I slide my arms around him and hug him tightly. “You can’t think like that, Asa. You need to stay positive. I know that’s easier said than done, but you need to find a way or you’ll worry yourself sick.”

“Yeah, I know.” He drops his head and presses his lips against mine. When he lifts his head, his eyes look even more sad. “After I got off the phone with Mom, I called and scheduled a flight for tomorrow.” His voice lowers. “My flight takes off at six in the morning.”

Although I knew this was inevitable, even more so with the news of his dad, it still hurts that we only have a few hours left.

I nod, barely able to school the pain from my face. “Okay.”

“I’m sorry I have to leave so abruptly.”

I shake my head. “Don’t you dare apologize. Your parents need you. With them and your brother is where you should be. Don’t worry about me.”

He lifts a hand and cups the side of my face, his thumb lightly smoothing over my cheek.

“We never discussed what this thing is between us. We both knew it was temporary because I have to go back to San Diego and the band, but I want you to know that if it weren’t for what’s going on with my father, I wouldn’t leave yet. I’ve really enjoyed our time together.” His mouth kicks up on one side. “Despite your crazy obsession with me.”

That pulls a laugh out of me. “I bet you can’t wait to get away from me and my stalking.”

His smirk fades. “You couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Dropping his head before I can say anything, his lips land against mine in a kiss so heated my legs become wobbly. My towel falls to my feet when I roll to my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands slide down to my ass, and he hoists me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. The friction between my legs as my pussy rubs against the denim of his jeans feels so damn good I purposely press against him.

“You drive me bat shit crazy, baby,” he groans against my mouth. “How in the fuck will I be able to go back to not having you?”

I hope his question is rhetorical, because I don’t have an answer to give him. The same question filters through my mind.

I already feel lost and he hasn’t even left yet.

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