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Lady Boner

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I standbackstage with a huge grin on my face as I watch Asa and the rest of Grey Water perform the final song of the night. This concert is their last, and I know it’s bittersweet for Asa. While he’s looking forward to retiring, being a part of Grey Water has been such a huge part of his life, and I know he’ll miss it. I’m going to miss it too. Seeing him on stage, whether in person or on TV, has always given me a feeling of euphoria. I guess I’ll just have to ask him to give me my own private shows from now on.

Asa left two days after he showed up at Whiskey’s four months ago. Two months after that, I met him in Atlanta, Georgia, and I’ve been on the road with him ever since. Thankfully, my job as a graphic designer has allowed me to do work on the bus. It’s a pain in the ass being stuck in close quarters with so many people, but I’ve made it work. It’s definitely worth the extra hassle being with Asa.

After the last strings of Asa’s electric guitar fades from the speakers, the lead singer, Eli, steps back from the microphone and Asa moves in front of it. He pushes the guitar around so it hangs behind him and grips the microphone.

He looks so damn good right now. Long hair dripping with sweat. A black, sleeveless shirt, leaving his deliciously muscular arms bare. And tight, black leather pants that mold perfectly over his ass.

“Boston!” he yells, throwing one hand in the air and smiling at the crowd. Everyone goes wild. “Hell of a night, huh? We couldn’t have picked a better city for our last performance!” The crowd screams some more, and he waits for them to calm down. “This concert, for me, was very impactful because as a lot of you know, it’s my last one.”

He stops for a moment, letting his head fall forward as the symphony of cries fill the auditorium. He lifts his head again once the noise dies down.

“I know, it’s tragic, and I’m going to fucking miss you guys so much, but I swear my decision to retire was not made lightly. You all have given me and the rest of the band a phenomenal twelve years, but it’s time for me to move on.” His head turns and his eyes meet mine, tossing me a wink before he goes back to the crowd. “I love you all, but I’ve found something I love more. Or rather, someone.”

He pauses and looks at me again, crooking his finger for me to come to him. My legs shake, and I swear my heart is going to jump out of my chest as I take the first step forward. His beautiful eyes hold mine, and it gives me the courage to continue walking across the stage. When I’m in view, the crowd goes crazy again.

“What are you doing?” I whisper, darting my eyes to the crowd.

Instead of answering, he grabs my hand and pulls me against his side. He goes back to the microphone.

“I know you’ve seen me with this girl at my side the last couple of months and you’re curious who she is. I’ve kept her a secret because I’m a greedy bastard and don’t want to share her with anyone. But I think it’s time I introduce her. This is Taylor. Say hi, Taylor.”

My eyes bug out when he takes a step away from the microphone. Leaning forward, I wave awkwardly and say with a wobbly smile, “Hi.”

Hoots, hollers, and screams fill the space.

“I met this beautiful woman when I visited a small town in Florida,” Asa continues. “It’s actually a funny story. I had been in this town for a couple of weeks when I kept feeling like someone was following me. I’m used to having people follow me everywhere I go, so I thought nothing of it. One day, I decided to confront the person. I’m sure you can guess who it was.”

He grins as the crowd screams my name.

“I scared the shit out of her when I pulled her in an alleyway. And in return, she almost took out my balls.” The fans laugh. “Anyway, there I was, hunched over with my nuts in my throat, with my stalker looming over me, and all I could think about was how goddamn gorgeous she was.”

With my hand still in his, he tugs me closer and places a soft kiss against my lips.

“When I call her my stalker, I mean that seriously.” He laughs. “Although she knew that I knew about her following me, she still continued to do it. Everywhere I went, she was right behind me. She had a major lady boner for me. But the thing is, and as crazy as it sounds, I fell in love with her that day in the alley. If she hadn’t continued to follow me, I would have followed her around like a lost puppy.”

Is it possible to love a person more than I love Asa right now? I’m pretty sure I’m on the verge of melting into a lovesick pile of goo.

I’m not even bothered he’s telling thousands upon thousands of people the outlandish story of how we met. I’ve never been ashamed of my fascination with Asa, and I’m sure as shit not about to start now. Let the world know.

“I’m truly, deeply, madly in love with this woman, and she’s just as crazily in love with me. Once this tour is over, I’m moving into her place. But you see….” He pauses as he pulls something from his pocket and turns to face me. My heart crawls in my throat when he holds up a little black box. He leans toward the microphone, but keeps his eyes on me. “I don’t just want I love yous and to share a house. I want it all. Marriage, a dog and cat, and a house full of kids. I want the whole package.” He looks out to the crowd. “Think she’ll say yes?”

The crowd loses its mind and begins to stomp and chant “Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!”

Tears pool in my eyes and my mouth trembles when I smile.

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