Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 6

“Someone dropped him off, I’m not entirely sure who he was. But Mr. Kingsley is the one who was here to bring him home. He was asking around about his daughter, but no one knew anything at that time,” she says, digging her fingers into my arms.

“Fuck,” I yell.

I move away from her and she tries to come toward me. “Better you don’t,” Kace warns. “I appreciate everything you told us. It won’t go unrewarded, but you need to get out now.”

She doesn’t take his warning and I pin her with my fury. “Get.The.Fuck.Out,” I growl.

She rushes out and Kace slams the door. I grab the IV stand next to me and throw it across the room. “Mother fucker,” I yell.

“Hey, fuck, relax. This is good news. We know Dom is injured and we know Kingsley isn’t hiding. We’ll take it to the club.”

“No. That piece of shit was here, under our noses again. He asked about Harper, like he has the right to even think her name. I’m staying with her. I’ll fucking leave when she does. Anyone wants to talk to me, they can find me,” I hiss.

He shakes his head and opens the door. “Let’s go.”

We get back to her room and Ivy is talking to the nurse. They both look at us when we walk in.

“What’s going on?” I ask, rushing to her side.

“Nothing, I’m just checking her vitals,” the nurse says.

I shake my

head and grab the tablet out of her hands. “Why the fuck isn’t she awake yet? You all keep telling me she’s doing well, so why isn’t she awake?” I seethe.

“Z, chill,” Kace says.

“Sir, I assure you, she’s doing wonderfully. Her vitals are great, her incisions are clean, her reflexes are perfect, these are all good signs. Sometimes the body just takes longer to come out of anesthesia after major surgery.”

“You keep saying that. I need someone to do something. She needs to wake up,” I yell.

“Alright Zane, enough,” Kace yells over me.

“Sir, please lower your voice, there are other patients,” the nurse loudly says.

I laugh and kick the chair. “I don’t give a fuck about the other patients. I care about my girl and until she wakes up, I’m gonna be as loud as I fucking need to be,” I shout.


We all turn, and I drop to my knees. Holy fuck, she’s awake.



The nurse clears the room, and everyone leaves, except for Zane. Kace helped him stand up before he walked out and Zane has just been standing with his hands behind his neck, staring at me. He hasn’t said anything; hasn’t moved, hasn’t blinked.

“Ouch.” I turn my attention to the nurse.

“Sorry, that IV line seems to be a little red. I’ll send someone in to put in a new one for you,” she says, typing away on her tablet. “How’s the pain?”

“It’s not too bad,” I tell her, my voice cracking. “Can I get some water?”

She gives me a smile, nodding. “As soon as I check your incisions, I’ll go get you some water and pain medicine.” She glances at Z and back to me. “Do you want privacy while I check them?”

I don’t even bother looking at him, I just shake my head. “No, he’s seen it all.”

She pulls the blanket down and lifts my very ugly hospital gown up. I don’t want to see anything, so I close my eyes. As soon as I do, everything begins to replay in my mind and when my father picks up the gun, panic hits me and I jerk my eyes open.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025