Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 22

“But in the meantime, we’re all in danger?” she asks.

I smile and shake her head. “No, I’m in danger, not you. Whoever this is, wants me to pay for sleeping with the enemy.”

“You have no idea who it might be?”

“No, but it’s gotta be a Vegas King. They want blood for me embarrassing them the way I have. It’s not something that normally happens. You can’t go from one club to another. You are devoted to your club until the end. I’ve broken all the rules, too many times.” I blow out a breath and jump up. “Oh shit,” I whisper.

“What?” Ivy yells.

“Finn, go get Zane,” I yell.

“Harper? Are you alright?”

I turn to Ivy and nod. “Yeah, but I think I know who it is.”

Zane rushes out and grabs my arms. “What’s wrong?” Panic is clear in his face.

“It’s my dad,” I say.

“What?” Zane and Ivy both say.

I pull away from Zane and start pacing. “It all makes sense. The notes are all about the club and me being with you. My mom’s pictures. He’s trying to get me to break.” I spin around and face Zane. “He must be back.”

“Babe, it’s a good thought, but it seems kinda reckless for him to do it,” he says, running his hand through his hair.

“Maybe, but fuck, I have this feeling he’s back. I haven’t received a note in a long time and suddenly one appears. Think about it,” I mumble.

“Finn, entertain Ivy,” Zane yells. He grabs my hand and begins walking. “Come on.”

We get to the back and I realize he’s taking me to his club. “No, Z. I don’t belong around that table. You don’t need me in there,” I say, pulling back.

“Yes, I do. Please, trust me,” he says.

Reluctantly, I allow him to bring me in. Immediately, I regret it when Brooks’ cold gray eyes hit me.

“What the fuck, Z?” he hisses.

I try to pull away, but he tightens his hold on my hand. “We wanted her here anyway,” Zane throws back.

No one says anything as they stare each other down. It’s fucking tense in here, making me want to leave that much more. I’m scared to even move my eyes at this point. Something is going on here with these two. It’s more tense than normal. The comforting hug I felt like I was getting a minute ago, is replaced by the feeling of being choked. The darkness of this room is more than just the lack of light, it's whatever the hell is going on between them. It’s not good.

“Z is right,” Enzo says. “We wanted to talk to you about something, Harper.”

I straighten myself and my hold on Zane’s hand tightens on his own accord. “Okay.” I glance down at the long wood table, noticing all eyes on me. Around this table they are different men. They are serious, focused, and ruthless. It’s intimidating as hell.

“First, I speak for everyone at this table when I say how thankful we are that you are doing so well. You gave us all a scare and we’re relieved you are healing so well,” Enzo continues.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“Listen, before we go on. The note on Harper’s car, she thinks her dad is involved. Which could mean, he’s finally back,” Zane cuts in.

There’s a lot of talking going on at once and I’m overwhelmed with it all. “Okay, enough. This could be even better than we hoped,” Brooks begins. He motions for us to sit and I sink into the big leather chair after Zane does. “Without going into details, we were hoping that you’d be willing to put your house on the market. We thought it might bring your dad out from hiding. But, if he’s here already, it might be even faster.”

I don’t fucking like being put on the spot like this. All eyes are on me and what the hell am I going to do, say no? It wouldn’t matter, they’d put a sign on my house and tell me to shut up about it. I’m sure the only reason they didn’t is because Zane told them I had to be alright with it. In an effort to keep the peace, I quickly agree.

“Sure, I can do that.”

“Excellent. We have a realtor all ready for you to talk to. We’ll get the ball rolling immediately,” Brooks says, resting his muscular arms on the table. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have business to take care of.”

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025