Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 31

He takes in the situation he walked up on and laughs. “Z, you need to fuck your girl or something. You are wound up tight.”

I know he says it jokingly, but it causes pain in my chest. Harper and I still haven’t had sex since everything happened. I’m terrified to cause her any pain and she doesn’t seem to be missing it. She hasn’t given me even the slightest hint that she is craving my touch, my mouth, my cock. I’ve jerked off so many times in the shower, my dick is beginning to think it’s in a relationship with my hand. I have no idea when she’ll be ready and I’m not going to push her. But, the longer it gets, the harder it gets. Literally. Being able to fuck my anger out would help a lot and I think that is part of my problem. It’s building up, ready to burst. Normally, sex would give me a temporary relief. Now, it’s all just increasing causing more tension. Just the thought of being inside Harper has my dick pressing against my zipper.

“Let’s get that drink.?


I hear Kace and Riley chuckle behind me and I flip them off. Those assholes can just grab any Souls chick and fuck out their frustration. It definitely shouldn’t be anything I’m jealous of, yet I am. I have the woman I love more than anything in the world and I feel like l can’t even touch her. It’s becoming too much to handle.

“Remember when Z got us free pizza for a year,” Alex says, laughing.

It’s been a few hours since we walked out of that room, and we’ve just been chilling. Everyone is having a good time, me included. We’ve been laughing, joking, and drinking. Alex just walked in with pizza and I’m thankful for something else in my stomach. The alcohol needs to be soaked up if we are going to Club Kingsley.

“Yeah, he only had to fuck Cherry,” Riley shouts, laughing.

I laugh and grab a slice. “Terry, you fucking idiot. She was horrible in bed but made some great pizza.”

“Who cares what her name was, someone else needs to go fuck her so we get free pizza again,” Porter says.

We all laugh and Kace throws him a napkin. “Why someone else, you go fuck her Porter.”

“Nah, she’s not my type,” he says, biting into his pizza.

“Pizza isn’t your type?” Alex asks.

“Fuck off, Kace can fuck her, unless he’s too busy not fucking Ivy,” Porter says.

Shit. I go to grab Kace, but I’m not fast enough. His fist connects with Porter’s jaw, causing him to groan in pain. I pull Kace back and Riley stands in front of Porter.

I can feel Kace shaking with anger, so I push him back. “Hey,” I yell, getting him to focus on me. He glances at me and I nod. “You don’t need to tell anyone about your business. Let it go, brother.”

“Look who’s giving me advice on letting shit go,” he growls, pushing me out of the way.

I watch him push out the door and walk back over to the guys. “I know you were joking, Porter, but don’t do that shit. He’s confused enough when it comes to her.”

Honestly, Porter is right. Kace spends all his time in Ivy’s presence, but I haven’t seen them share more than a few words.

“Let’s all just fucking calm down. We have business to handle and it’s not gonna go good if you guys are arguing,” Enzo says.

He’s right. We need to go in there with clear heads because I’m not fucking leaving without Thomas.

“We’re good, I was just fucking around. Give Kace a minute, he’ll realize it,” Porter says.

“Are we all ready to go?” Brooks asks, smashing out his smoke.

I look around and nod. “Yeah.”

We all go outside, and I stop in front of Kace. “You good, brother?”

“Yeah, let’s do this,” he says, slapping my shoulder.

We all get on our bikes and for the first time in a long time I feel like shit might be going in my favor. If Harper is right and Thomas is right there for us to grab, I might actually get some answers. It’s not a perfect plan, but it’s the only one we’ve got. Kingsley might not be around, but I know he’s watching us. Coming out of the shadows won’t be what he’s expecting. Which doesn’t happen often with him. Even from New York, if that’s really where he is, he’s calling the shots. He’s also proved to me that he might be powerful, but he’s a pussy. I never would’ve thought he would take off and hide. He knows he’s going to die, just like I expected to when I showed up the night Harper was shot. I didn’t hide though; I went in knowing I might not come out. I faced it like a fucking man, not a coward.

We pull up to Club Kingsley and park right in front of the doors. It briefly reminds me of the night I saw Harper again. I never thought it would lead us to this point, but here we are. Ready to do what is necessary to win this war.

“Everyone be safe. Zane, you grab Thomas. Alex is pulling the van up now; he’ll take him to the new Souls location. We’ll talk to him there,” Enzo says.

I look at Brooks, disappointed in the silence he continues to have. His secrets must be deep.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025