Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 33

If you want to live, you’ll answer them all,” I growl.

“Fuck you,” he whispers.

I cock the gun and laugh. “I’m not fucking playing with you.”

“Where is Kingsley?” Brooks asks.

Thomas looks toward Brooks. “I have no idea. I wasn’t privy to that information.”

“I don’t fucking believe you,” I hiss.

“Where’s Dom?” Ezno asks.

“I don’t know,” Thomas yells.

I look back at Brooks and Enzo, lifting an eyebrow. Enzo gives me a slight nod. Before Thomas even knows it coming, I shoot him in the toe.

He screams and jerks back, but he can’t move. “What the fuck?”

“We’re not playing games here, Thomas. I already told you, if you want to live, you’ll answer our questions.” I grab his neck and force him to look at me. “I’ll put a bullet in every part of your body when I think you’re lying. It will be a slow, very painful death. So, choose wisely how you want this to go.”

I can see the pain in his face, but when he speaks his voice is strong. “I truly don’t know where Kingsley is. He left the club after he shot Harper and I haven’t seen him since. He went to the hospital to pick up Dom, but he never came back to the club. I tried calling him, but his number was disconnected. He doesn’t want to be found.”

Kingsley is a coward. I never would have expected this from him. He’s done a lot of bad shit and never once ran. Something isn’t adding up here. But reluctantly I do believe Thomas.

“What about Dom? Where is he?” Brooks asks, tossing his cigarette.

“He went to his girl’s house to recover. I’m not sure if he’s still there. He hasn’t been to the club,” he says.

I glance back at Brooks and Enzo. Brooks holds a hand up, instructing me to wait. “Why did Kingsley have the Vegas Kings break into our innocent’s houses and attack them?”

“I don’t know,” he whispers.

This time Brooks nods, and I pull the trigger, hitting Thomas’ other foot. His voice echoes around us in the empty warehouse as he yells in pain. His brown eyes plead with me to stop but fuck him. I warned him twice.

I punch him, connecting with his jaw. “Why were you told to do it?

“It was about the drugs,” he yells.

I turn around and we all look at each other. Confusion is what I see in their faces, all but Brooks. He’s pissed. I shake my head looking at him.

“What about the drugs?” Enzo asks, putting his knife against Thomas’ throat. “I want to know exactly what Kingsley told you.”

Thomas sits silently, proving he will die for his club. I would do the exact same thing, but I’m not going to make it easy for him. Apparently, neither is Enzo. He pushes his blade harder against Thomas’ throat, drawing blood. Thomas hisses, but still doesn’t say a word. I lift my eyes to Enzo, and he gives me permission with the slightest nod. I take another shot, grazing his arm with the bullet.

“Fuck,” he yells.

“I fucking warned you,” I shout.

Kace walks over, stepping down on Thomas’ foot. He screams in pain, but Kace pushes down harder. The heavy black boots he’s got on are no match to the shitty dress shoes Thomas is wearing. He’s feeling all the pain and getting weaker.

“I know you don’t want to betray your club, it’s the manly thing to do. I respect you for that. But this is nothing compared to what’s coming your way. Give us what we want, and we won’t be the ones to slowly torture you, making you feel everything for days, maybe weeks, before we finally kill you.” He lifts his leg and stomps on Thomas’ foot, evoking a scream I didn’t know a man could make. “Tell us,” Kace growls.

“Kingsley said the Shattered Souls stole drugs from him. He said we needed to make a point that we knew, and we would take out anyone who you loved,” he cries out.

“Why does he think we stole his drugs?” Brooks asks.

I glance at him. His arms are crossed, his eyes are hard, and he’s leaning back a bit. To everyone else it looks like he’s pissed about the lies, but I know better. He’s pissed that secrets are starting to spill. I’m sure he was certain Thomas would die before anything was said. Now he’s asking why Kingsley thinks it’s us. That’s to see what Kingsley actually knows, I’m sure of it. He’s trying to cover his ass.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025