Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 41

Brooks slams his fist down on the table, causing us all to stop talking. “We can throw out theories all fucking night. The only truth we have is Kingsley and Dom are actively making sure we can’t find them. Instead of guessing, let's decide what we are going to do.”

He’s an asshole, but he’s right about this. It’s just wasting our time. A solid plan is what we need before it’s too late.

“We find out who Dom’s girl is. Once we know, we’ll decide our next move,” Enzo says. “Until then, keep your eyes open. We don’t need the Vegas Kings thinking we are tied up in any more of their missing drugs. Riley and Alex, go check out the local bars. See if anyone knows anything. Porter, Kace and Z, drive by Dom’s and Kingsley’s again. See if anything is different. Footprints on the grass, a cigar that wasn’t there before, a fucking weed that was pulled, Christ, check the goddamn mailbox to see if it’s being picked up. We need something.” He pauses and looks at Brooks. “Brooks and I will see what we can find out.”

We all leave, and I wonder what it is that Brooks and Enzo are going to do. I think it’s sitting on their asses while we are looking, but I’m not going to say shit. It’s time to find these mother fuckers.

Kace and Porter follow me to Dom’s house. It’s late now and there are no lights on, but that doesn’t mean anything. We park around the block and walk back to his place. They check around the house, looking in windows. I decide to take Ezno’s advice and look in the mailbox. “Son of a bitch,” I whisper. I whistle, getting their attention. When they walk over, I show them the empty mailbox. “Someone is getting his mail.”

“Fuck,” Kace says, running his hands through his hair.

“These assholes are playing us,” Porter growls.

“Looks like we’ll be paying a visit to the post office in the morning. See who deliveries Dom’s mail. We’ll press them for information. Let’s go check Kingsley's to see if we need to confront two postal workers,” I say, slipping my helmet on.

We do the same thing at Kingsley’s and just like Dom’s, his mailbox is empty. They’re here and they’re close. Shit is going to get bad; I fucking feel it wrapping around me. We need to end this before it blows up in our faces.



I was asleep when Zane came in last night, but he did as promise and had me screaming his name. Yesterday was one of the greatest days I can remember. It was terrifying finally stepping out from behind my fears, but I’m grateful I did. My body is relaxed, my mind is clear, and my heart is happy.

I got up early to make breakfast. It’s been nice having the time to myself. Kace, Ivy, and Finn have been here every day since we found that note on my car at Ivy’s. It’s been fucking months. I’m hoping that soon, Zane and I can just be alone. It makes me laugh because Kace doesn’t need to be here. He’s here because Ivy is, but he stays in one guest room and she stays in the other. Finn sleeps on the couch when he sleeps. It’s like a bunch of college kids all packed in a house to be able to afford it. It’s been nice, but it’s time to grow up.

“Hey,” Ivy mumbles, coming into the kitchen. “Coffee?”

I laugh and nod. “Yeah, it’s brewed.” I watch her drag around the kitchen. Her eyes have dark circles under them, her shoulders are hanging, and her hair is standing up in every direction. “What the hell is wrong with you? You look like you haven’t slept in days,” I say, sipping my coffee.

“I haven’t,” she says, dropping into the kitchen chair.

I flip the pancakes and bacon, before turning toward her. “Really? You seemed fine yesterday. What happened?”

“Someone kept me up,” she mumbles, burying her face in her coffee mug.

I spin back around and smile. “Kace?” I ask, excitedly.

Her tired eyes peek over her mug as she stares at me. “No, you and Zane. I mean, I’m glad you got over yourself and all, but do you forget there are other people in this house?”

I can’t even help it, I burst out laughing. She shakes her head, but I turn around and finish making breakfast. “It was late, why weren’t you asleep before that?” I finally ask.

“I just can’t sleep,” she sighs.

“Babe, it smells awesome,” Z says, interrupting our conversation.

He strides over to me and kisses me, smiling against my lips. “I like waking up to you in the kitchen. Next time be naked,” he whispers, slapping my ass.

“Ugh,” Ivy groans, stomping out of the kitchen.

I laugh again. Zane peeks up at me as he pours his coffee. “What’s wrong with her?”

“I think she might be feeling that frustration from no sex.”

He lifts an eyebrow as he sips his coffee. “Oh yeah?”

“She said we kept her up last night because we were too loud,” I say, laughing. “But she said she hasn’t slept, so I don’t. Maybe, she’s in there hoping Kace sneaks in?” I lift my shoulder.

“That’s between them.” He jumps in to help me finish breakfast and once it’s all done, we sit down to eat. Before I can even take a bite, he clears his throat. I look at him and he sighs. “Before we aren’t alone, I need to ask you something,” he says.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025