Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 50

I cut him off saying, “I already talked to him. His head is in this.”

He slaps my back and starts to turn away, but I call his name. “I wanted to talk to you and Brooks about something, but with that bomb dropping, I didn’t get a chance. Can I get a minute when we get back?”

He steps closer, wrapping his arm around my neck. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah, it’s about Harper,” I say.

He looks at me and grins. “When we get back.”

I smile and toss my smoke. “Thanks.”

I think he already knows what I’m going to ask, but that makes it easier. Maybe they’ve already discussed it. Although, Brooks doing something that would make me happy doesn’t seem realistic. Not unless he has an ulterior motive.

Right as I step up to my bike, my cell phone rings. “Hey, Ma. Everything alright?”

“Yes, I just wanted to see how you and Harper were doing,” she says.

“I can’t talk right now, but I’ll give you a call later or to

morrow. But, we’re both good, don’t worry. Love you, Ma.”

“Love you, too, my sweet boy.”

I hang up quickly and make a mental note to have dinner with her soon. It’s been a while and she’s probably lonely.

“Alright, enough fucking around, let’s go,” Brooks says.

We follow Brooks out and head toward the trailer park. Harper said she wasn’t sure which trailer it was, so it’s not going to be easy. We don’t know the trailer park, so he has an advantage on us. When we get close, Finn flies past me, nearly crashing. He races up to Brooks and gets him to pull over. We all follow and jump off our bikes.

I pull my helmet off and walk toward them. “What the fuck, Finn? You almost hit me,” I yell.

“Shit, sorry. I just needed to talk to you guys,” he rushes out.

Brooks throws his arms in the air. “Fucking hell, what could be so important?”

“We’re going to the trailer park, right?” he asks.

“Yeah, and,” Kace says.

He crosses his arms and lifts his chin. “This is where I grew up. If you’re looking for someone, I’ll be able to help.”

Holy. Shit. Finn Ganley is going to fucking prove himself. We all look around in total shock. Maybe Harper was right, we should start talking to him.

“We’re looking for Dom, but he’ll be staying with his girlfriend, Stacey Gorden,” I tell him.

“I know exactly where she is. She’s a crazy bitch though and her brothers are usually close by. You guys should let me go in first and get her outside. She knows me and won’t question it. I’ll tell her I need help at my mom’s trailer. When I get her out of sight, you guys get in the trailer, get Dom, and get out before she realizes. If she’s there when you show up, someone is leaving with a bullet wound.” He swallows a few times, looking around at each of us, before focusing on the ground.

Well fuck. I think the prospect just found his balls. “You better take your cut off. If Dom sees it, he’ll know,” I say.

He slips it off and hands it to me. “Her trailer is the third one on the right from the entrance. You guys really need to hang back, because the sound of the bikes will have everyone wondering what is going on. I’ll leave the van running, so someone can drive it. Just don’t fucking leave me without a bike to get the hell out of there. I’ll text you when I get her down to my mom’s trailer.”

I slap his back, grinning. “Alright Finn, show us what you got.”

We slowly follow behind him. When he turns down the dirt road, we hang back, but not enough to lose sight of him. He pulls in front of a trailer, parking the van. It’s beat up and rusted in more than a few spots. The steps leading to the door are falling apart, the weeds out front are nearly touching the windows, and there are branches on the roof that must have fallen from the trees behind it. I’ll give Dom credit; I never would’ve thought to look here for him.

“As soon as Finn texts, we get in there and get Dom. He’ll be armed I’m sure, so be alert,” Brooks whispers. “Zane in first and the rest will follow.”

I nod but keep my eyes on the trailer. I’m on high alert, making sure there are no other Vegas Kings around. My gaze shifts back to the door when I see it open. Finn is talking to someone and then he jumps off the steps, standing with his hands in his pockets. Not even a second later, the door opens again and out walks a woman. She’s tall with blonde hair and has very little clothes on. She doesn’t look like someone that Dom would be interested in, but what the hell do I know?

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025