Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 54

I reach out and grab her hand, squeezing it. She looks at me and I give her a wink. She’s fucking perfect.

“Killing people is never the solution,” Ivy hisses.

“When it’s kill or be killed, it’s the only solution,” I say, titling my head.

She sits quietly for a minute, thinking I imagine. I take the moment to talk to Harper. “We need to talk,” I say, smiling.

She lifts an eyebrow and laughs. “A smile, this is something new.”

I laugh with her and Ivy groans. “I’ll never understand this. How can you guys just sit here talking like everything is fine?”

“What do you want us to do?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” she says, covering her face with her hands. She drops her hands to grab a cigarette. Once it’s lit, she bites her bottom lip. “Has Kace killed anyone?”

“Would it make a difference if he did?” I ask.

She takes a long drag and looks up at the cei

ling. “I don’t know,” she whispers.

“It’s not my place to talk about what Kace has or hasn’t done. I can only tell you guys so many times to talk to each other. This life isn’t for everyone, Ivy, but if you want to be with Kace, you’re gonna need to learn how to accept it. He’s as much as part of this club as I am, as any of us are. He’ll never put you in a situation you don’t want to be in, which is probably why he hasn’t done anything. He sees the way you react to everything. This is the life, sweetheart. It’s messy, it’s hard, and it’s fucked up. Things aren’t as simple as they are for others. We do things other people probably wouldn’t, but that’s just how it is. But, if you want to be with Kace, I can promise you that he’ll never let anything bad happen to you.”

Ivy looks at Harper and a tear runs down her cheek. “I don’t know what to do.”

Harper grabs her hand. I feel bad for Ivy, but it’s not something we can help with. It’s actually starting to piss me off that they are avoiding the situation. They either want to be together or not.

“You need to talk to Kace. I’ve told you a hundred times already. I’ve also told you that it isn’t always like this,” Harper says.

As if he heard his name, Kace comes out from the back. “What’s up?” he asks, looking around at us.

“Ivy is shaken up by what’s going on back there,” I say, lifting my chin toward the back where Dom is.

“Shit,” he says, running his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Ivy.”

“Yeah,” she says.

“How about you two talk, because I need to talk to Harper.” I grab her hand and stand up. “We’ll be back.”

Harper and I walk away, leaving them to figure their shit out. When we get into my room, I lock the door behind us.

“That’s a fucking mess,” she says, sitting down in the chair.

“It’s their mess, don’t worry about it,” I say, leaning against the dresser. “I want to talk to you about some things.”

“What things?” she asks.

“The club and I would like it if you would get Souls Two up and running.” Her eyes widen as I talk. “It’s just sitting there costing us money and we’d like to start making money.”

She slowly stands up and steps in front of me. “Shattered Souls wants me in charge of getting Souls Two going?”

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. “Yes, but you need to use our contractors and of course make sure everything is approved by us. You’ll be in charge though, during the renovation and when it’s open. We want you to run it.”

“Zane is this for real?” she whispers, grabbing onto my shirt. Her blue eyes search mine, looking to find the truth.

I trail my hands up her back, sinking my fingers into her hair. I tilt her head back and press a soft kiss to her full lips. “It’s real, babe,” I whisper against her.

She slams her lips to mine and I tighten my hold on her hair, deepening the kiss. I slowly back her up until her legs hit the bed. We both crash to it, lips still connected. Like two horny kids, we grind against each other, while our tongues explore the other’s mouth. My dick is begging to be freed from the confines of my pants, so I break the kiss. Her deep blue eyes collide with mine. They are heated and begging for more.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025