Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 57

Even Ivy laughs that time. “Shut the fuck up. I’m not a gossip, I’m just making conversation. Plus, you brought it up, not me.”

“This is why I’ve always loved you, Harper. Come on, dump Z, I’ll dump Gillian, we’d be a power couple,” he says, leaning back to kiss me.

I push his face away. “You wish.”

He laughs again and slaps Finn’s arm. “Come on, Finn, tell us something. You banging anyone?”

“Oh my God, seriously?” Ivy yells.

“What?” Riley questions.

I love this. It’s like a family car ride. Everyone is laughing and teasing each other. It feels almost normal. “Oh, come on, I’ll tell you who I’m banging,” I say.

“Besides me and Z, who else?” Riley asks.

We’re all laughing, even Finn. “Let’s go Finn, tell us,” I push.

He shakes his head, but he’s grinning. “There’s no one special or anything. Just a few Soul chicks.”

“Bullshit,” Riley says.

“There’s someone special! You wouldn’t have said there wasn’t if you weren’t trying to hide it. Come on spill, we won’t say anything,” I say, hitting his seat.

“Leave the poor guy alone,” Ivy says. “Maybe he’s private about things.”

Riley spins around in the seat, a huge grin on his face. “Is that what you and Kace got going on? Something private?” He wiggles his eyebrows, laughing.

“Nope, you see what you get with me,” she says.

“Oh damn,” he yells. “Kace needs to get his dick in gear.”

That’s an understatement, but I won’t add to it. Ivy is finally having fun and I’m not going to ruin it. “Maybe you should tell him that,” she says, with a grin.

“Careful, he’ll do it,” I warn.

“Oh, fuck yeah, I’ll talk to him later,” he says smiling. He turns back to Finn. “Tell us now or I’ll shoot you in the toe.” He pulls out his gun and Ivy screams.

“Riley don’t scare her,” I plead.

“Hey, Finn just needs to talk, and I’ll put it away,” he says, unapologetically.

Ivy slides behind me and peeks over my shoulder. “Fuck, Finn. Tell him,” she shouts.

Riley and I are hysterically laughing at the both of them. Finn turns into the parking lot of what will be Souls Two and parks. He turns to us and gives a shy smile. “Josie.”

“Oh shit,” both Riley and I say.

“Who’s that? Another Kace ex?” Ivy asks.

Riley puts his gun back in his waistband and opens the door. “Nope. That’s the girl that Harper was dry humping on the dance floor.”

Finn looks at me and I swear I think I see him blush a little. I wink and shrug. “You liked that, huh?”

He grins and climbs out of the van. “Damn Harper, do they all want to fuck you?”

I laugh as I’m climbing out. “No, I’m just the kind of girl they are all into.”

“What does that mean?” she asks, following me.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025