Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 60



It’s been a long fucking day. Listening to Gloria, Nora, and Adalyn talk and talk and talk. I just want to get the hell out of here already. We’ve eaten lunch and dinner at this point. When Ivy wants a cigarette, she excuses herself and I go with her every time. Gloria keeps telling her it’s fine to smoke inside, but Ivy says she likes being o

utside. So here we are again, sitting on the steps, the cool night air surrounding us.

“How much fucking longer?” she asks, leaning back on her hands.

“Zane said they’d be here soon. Not soon enough if you ask me,” I whine.

She blows smoke up and I watch it disappear into the night sky. It reminds me of how my father just vanished. They all keep looking but it’s futile. This nightmare feels like it’ll never end. I long for the day I can just focus on Souls Two, go out alone, and start my future with Zane. I have no idea what that future looks like, but I do know it’ll be better than living in constant fear.

“How come Adalyn is always around if she’s not part of the club anymore?” Ivy asks.

I peek at her and grin. “This is still her family, no matter how badly she wishes it were different. Gloria is her sister-in-law and Nora is her childhood friend. She was the president’s wife at one time. She’s respected and loved. They’ll always protect her and treat her like she deserves. She isn’t involved in club business, just the family side of things.”

“You make it sound so romanticized,” she says.

I tilt my head looking at her. “Because it is.”

“I guess I just haven’t seen it that way,” she mumbles.

“No, you are fighting what you feel for Kace, so you wouldn’t know it like that. It’s that way for me because of Zane.”

Headlights flash across us and my stomach drops. Not because I’m nervous, but because I’m excited. I miss Zane and I just saw him this morning.

“Look at these two,” Kace says, walking up.

“I think they're ready to go,” Zane says, laughing. I can’t help myself; I jump into his arms. He catches me easily, wrapping his solid arms around me. “Hey, you alright?”

I tighten my hold on him, nodding against his neck. “I just missed you,” I admit.

“Damn babe, trying to make my heart bleed?”

I lift my head, looking into his clear blue eyes. “Never, but I’m really missing time with just us. It’s been so fucking long. Can we take a ride to our spot?”

“You know I can’t deny you, but not tonight. We need to get back to Souls,” he says, pressing his lips against mine.

He’s a smart man. I can’t protest if I can’t talk and I take full advantage. He deepens the kiss as he tightens his hold on me. My skin begins to burn as he runs hands up to my hair. I’m wrapped around him, holding myself up, but I don’t care. When his hands grip my hair, pulling it just hard enough, my pussy takes notice. My panties are getting wet, my nipples are hardening, and my body is begging for so much more.

“I love free porn,” Kace says.

It immediately snaps me out of the erotic thoughts, and I break the kiss. Zane lets me slide down his body, which doesn’t help with my building needs. I look over at Kace and he’s got his arm draped around Ivy’s shoulders. Well fucking hell.

“Can we get the hell out of here?” I ask.

“Yeah, let me just say hi to my mom really quick,” Zane says, giving me a quick kiss.

I should probably follow him, but I’d rather not. I’m tired, turned on, and in no mood to deal with more pointless conversation. I notice Kace is staring at me, so I move closer.

“I offered Ivy a job at Souls Two. I know it needs to be brought up to the club, but I wanted to let you know first,” I say.

He turns his head to look at her, his arm still around her shoulders. “You’re not stripping.”

I smile at his possessiveness. Damn if these two ever give in to their feelings it’ll be explosive.

“I’m not fucking stripping. I’d be helping Harper behind the scene,” she explains.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025