Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 69

“Gloria!” he screams.

I’m hysterical at this point listening to it. So much pain that may never heal. I blame my father, even if it isn’t all his fault. Brooks’ life and Shattered Souls are destroyed because of him.

With tears running down my face, I turn around and point my gun at my father. The questions have been answered.

I wipe my tears on my sleeve and stare at his dark, deceitful eyes. “Everything I’ve endured, I’ve endured at your hands. The physical and emotional pain. The scars you’ve given me, both inside and on the surface.” I pull my shirt down, showing the scar he’s permanently caused. “You never loved me, never tried. I was an inconvenience at best, that you used and abused for self-gain. It sickens me to think at some point I truly craved your love and acceptance. That you made me doubt I deserved more. And when I tried to follow my heart, you made it impossible. You forbid me to be with Zane. You tried to kill him and me. All while you were fucking his aunt.”

I laugh looking him straight in the eyes. “The ironic thing is, the Madden I’m with will love me forever. The Madden you were with got you killed.”

I pull the trigger and shoot him straight in the heart. He jerks back in the chair and I watch the blood cover his shirt. I fire two more shots and he’s dead.

I begin to cry, but not for him, for me. There is no more fear, no more pain, no more regret. The monster is slayed, and I survived.



I take a sip of coffee, still unable to sleep. It’s been two days since Brooks killed Gloria and Harper killed Kingsley. The relief I should feel because Kingsley is dead, is overtaken by the betrayal of Gloria. It was something none of us could have ever expected, least of all Brooks. He had to kill the woman he loves and I’m numb for him. I don’t even know how he’s still breathing. Enzo drove him home in the van, I took Harper, Kace took Ivy, and everyone else stayed to take care of the bodies and the mess.

Last night they were all here. There were tears and anger, but we all decided we needed to move on. The only way to do that is for me to talk to Brooks. He hasn’t answered my calls, so I’m going to his house this morning. I’m man enough to know I have a lot to apologize for and he deserves it.

“Hey, baby,” Harper says, walking into the kitchen. She’s got one of my shirts on and it’s hard to focus on anything else.

“Morning,” I say.

She sits down, resting her hand on my leg. “You going over there soon?”

I nod, sipping my coffee. “Yeah, I need to apologize and check on him.”

“Yes, you do,” she whispers.

After she killed her father, I held her for what felt like hours. My shirt was wet from her tears and it was killing me. I lost my aunt and I thought my girl was broken. I couldn’t hold her tight enough. But, when she finally looked up at me, her eyes red from all the crying, she smiled. She told me the tears were for her, not him. That she was crying in relief that it was all finally over. She had no regrets and no pain from her father dying at her hands. She told me that she could breathe, that she felt lighter, and that our future was finally a reality.

When we left that house, we came back here. We cried over Gloria and rejoined over Kingsley. It was the start of our forever. We made love and she didn’t sneak out. I held her all night, watching her while she slept. She truly slept the most peacefully I’ve ever seen her.

Last night Nora and my mom were here too, and Harper was the one who comforted them. She steps up even when she doesn’t need to, which makes me love her even more. The strength she’s shown through all this is unreal. She’s going to run this club with me one day, just like we always dreamed.

“Z?” Harper says, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at her and she smiles, a genuine smile. “Baby, you need to forgive yourself. You could never have known what was happening. Tell your uncle how you feel. Admitting you were wrong doesn’t make you a bad person, it’s when you refuse to admit it.”

I squat down in front of her, grabbing her hands in mine. “I love you so much, Harper.”

She presses her lips to mine. It’s soft and sweet, just like she is. “I love you, too, Zane. Now go because I’ll end up keeping you here.” She smiles, kissing me quickly again.

I don’t argue because I need to talk to Brooks. On the ride over the weight of regret weighs on me, but I know Harper is right that I need to forgive myself. That will be easier when I know my uncle forgives me.

I park out front and walk up to the door. I knock, waiting a few minutes. When he doesn’t answer, I try the knob and realize it’s unlocked. I push it open and stick my head inside. “Brooks?” He doesn’t answer so I walk inside. “Hey, are you home?”

“In here,” he says.

I walk into the dining room and his chair is facing away from me. It’s hard seeing him in this house without Gloria. They built this place together. I can’t imagine his pain.

I step up to him and grab onto his shoulder, squeezing it. “I’m sorry, Brooks. I was out of line putting all the blame on you. All my anger was misplaced. I accused you of horrible shit, putting all the accountability on you for everything that was going wrong. I can clearly see now that you did have the best interest of the club in mind. It was me who didn’t. My sole focus was killing Kingsley to keep Harper safe. I was the one who put us all in danger. I take the blame for the club questioning every move made. When you told me months ago that any blood spilled was on my hands, you were right. A lot of people died, and I will take responsibility for that. I’m sorry I accused you of stealing the drugs. I truly am.” I swallow not wanting to talk about Gloria, but I need to. I squeeze his shoulder again before I continue. “Above all of that, I am truly sorry that Gloria is gone. I can’t imagine the pain you are in. You did what had to be done, never question that. But I know it can’t be easy.” I move to stand in front of him and see the tears in his eyes. Fuck. “I’m sorry for everything, Brooks. I know it will take time, but when you can find it inside you, I’d like your forgiveness.”

He presses the heels of his palms against his eyes and roughly wipes away his tears. He looks up at me and nods. “I lost my brother; he was my best friend. He would’ve expected me to look after you a hell of a lot better than I have.”

I shake my head, grabbing a chair. “No, don’t do that shit, Brooks.”

He holds up a hand. “No, listen. I have no blood family left, but you. I’ve treated you as badly as you’ve treated me. It’s a Madden thing,” he says, giving a very small smile. “We have the club, we have Souls, but we also have each other. Your aunt fucked with my head. She really did try to rip this club apart, starting with us. She would feed me bullshit about you going off the handle, or doing the opposite of what I asked, and I believed her. It started the anger between us. No more. I will respect you as my brother’s son, my flesh and blood, and my SAA. Just li

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025