Mr. Big Deal (Mr. Big 4) - Page 42



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My day proceeded smoothlyfor the first couple of hours, during which I spent catching up on business that had transpired since my last trip to town. Time passed quickly, and when lunch came, I checked my watch.

Time to meet John and go over the numbers Hanson provided to see what was really going on.

We met at a local diner that we both liked for the old-fashioned cheeseburgers and hand-cut fries. John was a big fan of Supernatural and fancied himself another Dean Winchester, with his love of diner bacon cheeseburgers.

John brought with him the file with all the financial info from Hanson Inc. Together, we spent the hour going over the numbers, trying to decide what it really meant and what Hanson wanted with Astra.

“What I suspect is that he wants to buy up all the competition so he can go his own way and not have to worry about anyone undercutting him on prices and suppliers or winning contracts,” John concluded once we were finished reviewing the offer. “That’s it. We get positions on the board, but those positions are largely symbolic. Hanson keeps control over the major decisions and directions the corporation takes.”

I sighed. It wasn’t what I wanted.

“I want to be the head of my own aerospace corporation, and work with other like-minded CEOs in joint ventures. Size is a virtue when it comes to such a huge venture as the space industry and making it work as a business, but I can’t accept the idea of starting Astra and then losing control of it so soon after we just got off the ground.”

“Look,” John said, frowning. “It’s either we buy out our competition or they buy us out. In aerospace, there are only a few big players.”

“I want to become a big player,” I said, firmly. “We haven’t even had time to grow, let alone really compete with the big guys. This would stop that potential in its tracks.”

John shrugged. “It’s the way of the business world.”

“You’re okay with the deal?”

He leaned back and placed his napkin on the table. “I don’t know, Luke. It’s a lot of money. A lot. With it, you could spend the rest of your life sailing around the world.”

“I could already do that,” I replied. “If I really wanted. I don’t. I want to grow Astra into a big player. That will take years, but this,” I said and pointed to the file on the table between us. “This is the end of Astra and just another bump in assets for Hanson.”

“I agree,” John said. “We still had to consider it seriously.”

“I have considered it seriously. Now that I see the offer in print, I know it’s the wrong choice. For me.”

“You should know Hanson offered me a plum executive position at the aerospace division and a pretty sweet offer of stock options.”

“What?” I glanced up in shock and looked in John’s eyes. “He did?”

John shrugged. “I guess he figured I was the weak link in the chain and could talk you into signing.”

“Are you taking the job?”

“Nah,” John said and adjusted his tie. “Not me. Astra all the way, baby. I just wanted to test you, see what you really wanted.”

I sighed and leaned back, shaking my head. “You had me worried there for a moment. This is what I really want. I want to keep control of Astra. To hell with Hanson’s big deal.”

“I agree,” John replied. We held up our soda glasses and toasted each other. “To Astra.”

“To Astra,” I replied. “Hanson isn’t really as interested in aerospace as he is in acquisition and growth. Once he absorbed Astra and took control of its assets, he’d move on to some other acquisition. That’s his game.”

John nodded. “What’s up with you for the rest of the afternoon? You said you had a meeting with the PI?”

“Yes, I have an appointment to meet with Brian George at two o’clock on the boardwalk just past the entrance closest to Astra’s offices,” I said. “I’ll go back to the office with you, pick up a coffee at Jerome’s and walk to the boardwalk, find a spot and take a seat. Brian will find me and come over.”

“Sounds really clandestine,” John replied, wagging his eyebrows.

“It is. Brian figures there are people who might not like the information he knows and wants to keep it quiet.”

“Why not meet somewhere private?”

“He’s a former detective. I figure he knows what he’s doing.”

“Let me know what you learn,” John said and grabbed the check. “If you can, that is.”

“I will,” I said and followed him to the counter where he paid for our meal.

We walked back to the building, which was just a couple of blocks away and went back into our respective offices.

I didn’t really like all the cloak and dagger stuff with the meeting, but Brian thought it would be best. Given the intrigue of the past year, both with Eric and Blaine, I was willing to be cautious.

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Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024