Mr. Big Deal (Mr. Big 4) - Page 67



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Our moveinto the city took place over an entire week, and while I felt sad that we felt unsafe in the beach house, it was for the best. The penthouse was pretty sweet, all things considered. We had an amazing view of the city, and enough room for the three of us. Plus, when Alexa’s parents came to babysit Leif while Alexa and I went sailing, they had their own bedroom.

Besides, it made my commute shorter and so we spent a couple of weeks acclimating to being back in the city.

* * *

We’d beenin the penthouse for a couple of weeks when I got a call from Brian George.

“Hey,” he said, his voice sounding gruff like a good PI should sound. “Just wanted you to know that the police are re-opening the case of the accident that killed your parents, based on the testimony of the guy who gave the jailhouse confession. They don’t think your stepparents were involved, except that there was a disagreement about whether to work with the mobbed-up business. Apparently, your father said no. The Marshalls said yes. So, your parents were taken out to ensure the deal went through. I’m not sure if they can prove that your stepparents were implicated, but they’re going to investigate. They’ll do what they can, given the case is two decades old.”

“Thanks for letting me know. Keep me informed, one way or the other.”

“Will do,” George said and ended the call.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, wondering if my stepparents knew. I couldn’t believe that they would have anything to do with killing my parents. Maybe the Russians made the decision on their own and took out my parents to ensure there was no way my father could scupper the deal.

Alexa came into the office and put her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek.

“What’s up, Mr. Big Deal? You look so preoccupied.”

I told her about the call I had with George.

She came around and sat on my lap, her arms around my shoulders. “That’s terrible. Do you think they were involved?”

“I don’t know, but if they were, I hope the police find out. But let’s forget it. There’s nothing I can do about it now, so I want to just put it out of my mind.”

“Fine by me,” she said and stroked my hair. “In the meantime, I have a little boy who wants a walk. Shall we go to the boardwalk and get in some afternoon sun before his nap?”

“Lead on, MacDuff,” I said and followed her to the living room, where Leif was busy playing in his activity chair.


Later, while Leif was sleeping and we were lazing around on the sofa, Alexa got a call from the contact at the UN about the part-time job. Of course, Alexa was only too happy to accept the offer of an interview, which was scheduled for one thirty in the afternoon on a bright Thursday in late September.

“I got it,” Alexa said, her smile huge.

“Yay!” I replied and picked her up, twirling her around in a circle. “I knew they’d interview you for the job. They’d be crazy not to offer it to you on the spot.”

We kissed and just when we were both passionately running our hands all over each other, a squeak came over the baby monitor.

We stopped what we were doing and looked into each other’s eyes.

Then we both broke out laughing.

“Duty calls,” Alexa said. “But you’re mine tonight.”

“I’m yours, tonight and always.”

* * *

That Thursday,Alexa stood in front of the full-length mirror in the walk-in closet and turned from side to side. She was wearing a brand-new women’s power suit she’d bought on a shopping trip with Candace earlier in the week during a girl’s outing which included a spa appointment, shopping at a boutique and lunch. Her suit was nice. Black, with a bright white blouse underneath.

“Do I look like a Policy Advisor?” she asked, glancing at me and adjusting her jacket. I sat on the end of the bed in our bedroom, which had a view into the walk-in closet. Leif was sitting on my lap, playing with a toy.

“You look like a Senior Policy Advisor,” I replied with a grin. “Don’t think small.”

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024