Someone Else's Shadow - Page 23

When I sheepishly risk a glance her way, I see that her mouth hangs open. “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” I reason with a small shrug.

Her tool hangs limply by her side, putting an end to our home improvements for the day. “What did he say?”

“He didn’t say much. Just that he’s known Hazel since they were kids. She lived on ‘this side’ of the lake. Just how he did.” I can’t help but roll my eyes. It seems so dramatic and petty.

Lacey pales, and she nervously licks her lips. “He told you?”

The devious side of me conspires to concoct a deceitful ploy to trick Lacey into telling me everything she knows. But as I’m drowning in her innocence, I know that I can’t. “He told me that I don’t belong in his world, but the thing is, why am I here?”

Lacey’s gaze is riveted to the floor. She’s clearly uncomfortable, and I suddenly feel like I’ve just kicked a puppy. But nonetheless, I have to know. “I know I’ve asked you this before, but I just…this place is so familiar. You’re sure you haven’t seen me before?”

Just as I did with Cayden, I look for any signs of recognition. Anything. But I get nothing. “Like Cayden said…you didn’t belong in our world. Your place was across the lake.” There is no malice in her words, only truth, which is why I don’t take offense.

But she didn’t really answer my question, and that gives me hope. “Let’s just say for argument’s sake that I did belong; would you know who I was?”

She finally lifts those virtuous eyes and meets mine. So many emotions reflect from deep within, swirling in chaos. But through the carnage, I see it. She’s guarding a secret, but does this secret have to do with me?

“Holy shit. This place looks worse than it did before.” Cayden’s sarcasm breaks the moment. Lacey takes a step back as if to sidestep her guilt. My frustration stabs at my temple, and instinctively, I clutch at my brow.

Cayden notices the sudden tension, his attention fleeting back and forth between Lacey and me. Just as he opens his mouth, Lacey exclaims, “We’re going out.”

“We are?” Cayden and I say at the same time.

Lacey nods animatedly. “Yes. We are. Let’s celebrate a job well done.”

Her zest for life is contagious, and I realize she’s right. Why the hell not? When Cayden smirks, however, I know he’s about to rain on my fun parade. “We’re far from being done.”

A lump forms in my throat. “How bad is the damage, boss?”

“You don’t want to know.” His filthy appearance hints at the fact that he’s been elbow deep in it. He scrubs a hand through his hair, causing plumes of dust to take flight. “It’s a miracle this house is still standing. If a gust blew, let’s just say you wouldn’t be in Kansas anymore.” I’m thankful he’s making light of something that is sure to end with me in tears. “The foundation is unstable. Everything holding this house together is either rotted or close to collapsing.”

I exhale, my hair blowing out from the force. “So what’s the good news?”

“That is the good news,” he counters while I refrain from rocking in a corner. “But…”

“But?” My attention is piqued.

“But you’re lucky I have an ace up my sleeve.” I can’t contain my excitement and clap animatedly. Lacey joins in too, and Cayden just shakes his head at our idiocy. “I wouldn’t get too excited. This means I am going to be here a lot.” His revelation has me missing my hands, and I end up high-fiving the air.

My heart begins to race, but I quash my inner cheerleader because he looks unmoved by the fact. “It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” I mock sigh, hoping to hide my exhilaration.

I have no idea why the prospect of spending so much time with Cayden pleases me. We seem to forget about social etiquette and speak our minds, but that just adds to the appeal. Having someone I can spar with who isn’t afraid to fight back excites me.

No matter my surname or my social standing and the ridiculous rules that come with it, it’s evident that I belong on this side of the lake. I think I always have. Cayden and Lacey may claim that I don’t belong in their world, but I’ll be damned if I stop looking for someone who can tell me otherwise.

Cayden shrugs, but his grin reveals he likes the chase as much as I do. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” This will end in a fiery mess, and I can’t wait to watch it implode.

“Well, in that case, count me in, Lacey. God knows I need all the fun I can get because the next few months are clearly going to be hell.” When Cayden rubs over his stubble, arrogance oozing from every pore, the word hell takes on a whole different meaning. It’s going to be hell to keep my irrational feelings for him under wraps.

I’ve known him for all of five minutes, but those minutes have been the most awakening moments of my life—like right now. Every part of my body tingles as he’s clearly sizing me up.

Lacey squeals and bounces on the spot, oblivious to my impending meltdown. “How about you, big bro?”

His gaze never wavers from me. “Maybe next time.”

“Why, you’ve got someplace better to be?” she teases while he does a poor job of hiding his appraisal of me from head to toe. I’m certain I’ve just burst into flames.

I get my head back in the game when he ambiguously says, “I have something I have to do.” Of course, there is no further explanation. I’m becoming accustomed to having more questions than answers when Cayden Coachman is involved. But this is good. I need to focus.

“Suit yourself. Girls’ night!” Lacey exclaims, linking her arm through mine. That sounds incredible, and I’m beyond thrilled to let my hair down as Lacey and I get to know one another better. But I agreed for another reason.

If Cayden and Lacey don’t want to talk…then I’ll find someone who will.

Tags: Monica James Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024