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Someone Else's Shadow

Page 25

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It takes me three attempts to speak. “You d-do?” I finally manage to wheeze.

She nods, her ponytail bobbing in agreement. “Yes, you’re an angel.”

This is the second time she’s referred to me this way, and I am still no closer to unveiling what she means. “An angel? I-I don’t understand.” The walls begin closing in on me, a feeling I’ve become accustomed to. But this time, I fight the shadows because I won’t let them win.

Ellie’s small fingers tighten around the stuffed animal as she appears to be as intrigued by me as I am by her. I don’t move a muscle when she shuffles forward and thinks long and hard before offering me her toy. Not understanding any of this, I accept, but the moment I do, the air gets ripped from my lungs.

Closing my eyes, I run my finger over the bristly whiskers, then trail it up, knowing without looking that I will only find one eye. The other is missing. How do I know this? The fur has been rubbed away long ago, but the comfort is still there. Ellie feels it, and I do too.

With the slowest of movements, I open my eyes, examining Ellie from head to toe. The ache, the emptiness I felt when she was in my arms hits me once again, and I inhale sharply. A fierce urge to protect her overwhelms me, but protect her from what? Or rather, whom?

She smiles a gapped-tooth grin, her innocence too much for words. “It’ll be okay, little mouse.” Ringing blares loudly, and I resist the urge to cover my ears. But it soon vanishes when Ellie places her tiny hand on my cheek. “Remember”—I hold my breath—“you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.”

A tear trickles down my cheek.

“Ellie?” Cayden’s curious voice sounds behind me, which is my cue to wipe away my tear.

When I think I’m composed enough, I hand Ellie back her toy. “He’s perfect. Just like you.” I run my fingers through her hair before rising to stand.

Ellie smiles, taking a bite of her cookie. I have no idea what just happened.

Turning slowly, I’m caught off guard when Cayden greets me with complete interest. I was expecting anger, but all I get is curiosity. That soon turns to interest of a different kind, however, when he examines every inch of me. This push-pull effect is sure to leave me with permanent heartburn.

“Sorry about that. I’m ready,” Lacey announces, bouncing down the steps. She pauses on the second to last one when she sees me caught in a deadlock with Cayden. Brushing aside the disarray, I pray this is the moment I’ve been waiting for, for so many months—for me to remember.

I catalog everything I’ve learned, which isn’t a whole lot, and attempt to piece together some sort of picture that makes a lick of sense. All I keep returning to is water and the red ribbon fluttering innocently in the summer breeze.

Clutching at snippets, I arrive at the same conclusion. The answers rest with the lake. All roads seem to lead me back there. Every time I dig too deeply, knocking on an invisible door, the walls my mind has erected pop up, guarding me from a past my subconscious clearly doesn’t want me to remember.

But being here, close to Cayden, Ellie, and my new home, I know it’s only a matter of time until things begin to unravel. And when they do, I won’t be caught off guard. But this house means nothing to me. There is no warmth. No suggestion I’ve been here before.

Cayden narrows his eyes, examining me carefully. He seems to do that a lot when I’m around. Although this house is alien to me, Cayden and his daughter—who now stands by his side, looking as intrigued as her father—aren’t.

Ellie chews her cookie, watching closely as Cayden steps forward. I don’t dare move. “Stay safe. It’s a full moon tonight. Anything is possible.”

Tilting my head and surveying him this time, I can’t help but quip, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were worried about me.”

A glimmer of a smile teases his lips as he shakes his head. “Just be careful.” It feels like he’s moments away from reaching out and touching my cheek, but then he changes his mind at the last second. Instead, he curls his hands into loose fists.

“You can take my mouse. He’ll keep you safe.” Only when Ellie’s sweet voice rings do I break eye contact with Cayden.

Captivated by her innocence, I fight the urge to reach out and embrace her. “Thank you, but I think he’ll miss you too much. And besides, I have your aunt Lacey to keep me safe.”

“That’s right, sweetie. And you’re here to keep Daddy safe.” Cayden’s jaw clenches as his gaze drifts to Lacey.

Raising an eyebrow, I can’t ignore my suspicion that Lacey has let something slip that Cayden clearly doesn’t want me to know. But what?

Lacey nervously tugs at her gold hoop earring before descending the last stair. “We’d better get going. Raul is two minutes away.”

“Raul?” Cayden barks, beating me to the punch.

Lacey rolls her eyes, waving her phone. “Yes. He’s our Uber driver. Surely, you’re not that ancient, and you know what that is.”

“You’re taking an Uber?” he asks, ignoring her wisecrack because it appears he has other pressing matters to deal with. “I could have driven you.”

She scoffs at his suggestion, slipping her bag over her shoulder. “And have the fun police ruin my night? No, thank you. Bye, big brother.” She kisses his cheek, silencing him.

She wraps Ellie in a tight hug, kissing her gently on the top of her head. “The chocolate fudge ice cream is in the back of the freezer. Don’t tell your dad,” she whispers loudly, and Ellie bursts into magical laughter. I can’t help but smile. “Ooh, one minute.” Lacey peers down at her phone, then she’s out the door, hollering in excitement.

That’s my cue to follow, but I don’t.

The air turns menacing as if something significant looms just over the horizon. But I suppose that’s nothing new. Clearing my throat, I ignore the innate response to kiss Cayden goodbye. “Good night, Ellie. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” I ruffle her hair. I’m completely stalling because staying here suddenly is a lot more appealing than going out and socializing with a bunch of strangers.

But remembering why I agreed to go, I meet Cayden’s impenetrable stare. “Well, good night, then. Don’t wait up.” My attempts at being humorous backfire when Cayden arches a watchful brow.

Following in Lacey’s footsteps, I quickly turn to leave but am gently tugged backward and into a rock-hard smelling paradise. I soon realize I’m pressed against Cayden’s chest. I can’t see him because my back faces him, but I have no problem feeling him. “Call me if you need me. I meant what I said. Be careful.”

His warm breath slides against the heated flesh of my neck, and it takes all my willpower not to sag into him. “Careful?”

“Yes,” he hums, leaning in close and sweeping my curls to one side. He glides the tip of his finger down the slope of my neck. Every part of me trembles.

“Careful of what?”

“The Big Bad Wolf,” he counters, his tone low and filled with innuendo.

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