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Someone Else's Shadow

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“Anytime,” he replies playfully.

We ride the rest of the way in silence, and a small part of me is thankful Cayden didn’t take the backroads like our Uber driver did. Riding those streets as a passenger was bad enough. I don’t know how I’d actually navigate them.

When we pull off the highway and take a left into a busier part of town, Cayden points at a glass building on the corner. “It’s just up ahead.”

The building he refers to is modern and chic. I follow the signs to the parking garage out back. It’s small, but I find one reserved for employees of Coachman Constructions. I kill the engine, unable to keep the smile from my face. That was exhilarating.

“You okay?” Cayden asks as he unbuckles his belt.

“More than okay,” I reply. “I can’t believe that came so naturally to me. It appears I haven’t forgotten everything.” I turn in my seat to look at him and am surprised to see he looks as happy as I feel. I wouldn’t want to share this with anyone else, and without thinking, I reach for his hand. “Thank you.”

He peers down at our union, a bittersweet solace to his stare. “This is all you.” His touch is comforting and reassuring. So are his words. “Ready?”

I look at the building in front of me and nod. “Yes. Let’s do this.” He squeezes my hand, then lets go. When Cayden reaches for my bag and shoulders it, I can’t help but laugh. He better be careful—I could get used to this chivalry.

We exit the truck, and I take in my surroundings. The neighborhood is quaint but with a modern touch. I wonder just how much of this town Cayden has had a hand in. He hunts through his pocket for the keys to the back door.

When he opens the glass door and gestures for me to enter first, a giddy ball of excitement stirs within. My wedged sandals pad softly against the carpet as I walk the long hallway. I have no idea where I’m going, but when I reach the end of the corridor and see an enormous open workspace, I know I’m headed the right way.

There are two levels. The upper appears to be meeting rooms encased in glass, and there is a large room down at the end of the hall, which I’m guessing is Cayden’s office. I return my attention to the lower floor, relishing in the hustle and bustle of what appears to be a very pleasant work environment.

The staff are standing around desks, discussing whatever project they’re working on with their colleagues. I see an abundance of plans strewn across the long tables and a young woman drawing on her computer with some fancy-looking pen. I have a lot to learn.

A pretty brunette whose arm is in a plaster cast sees us first. The huge smile that lights up her face reveals she’s happy to see us. Well, Cayden. “Coach!” she yells, waving her non-injured arm.

“Penny, I have a surprise for you.” Cayden gently guides me out into the open by the elbow, coaxing me to meet my new partner in crime. “Penny, meet Peyton. Your new right-handed man—literally. Peyton”—he skims his hand up my arm, coming to rest on my bicep—“this is Penny.”

I instantly like Penny. Her bright orange tights and blue pinafore dress covered in cats reveal she’s a little quirky. I think we’ll get along just fine. “Hi, Penny. It’s so nice to meet you.” I go to shake her hand but laugh when she quickly offers her non-plastered arm. “Boss man over here”—I hook my thumb over my shoulder—“has paired us up. But I want to warn you, I have no experience, like none when it comes to this field of work.”

“It’s fine. There isn’t much to it,” she quips while Cayden dramatically clutches his chest over his heart.

“I’ll remember that when you complain about what a slave driver I am.”

“He’s such a killjoy,” she whispers loudly from behind her hand. A giggle escapes me.

“Okay. I’m clearly not needed,” he teases. “Penn, can you show Peyton around? I have a few calls to make.”

“No problem, boss.” She mock salutes, and Cayden lifts his eyes to the ceiling. I like her even more.

He turns to me, and my heart flutters. “Have a good day. If you need me, my office is just upstairs.” I appreciate the fact that he isn’t lingering. He knows I need to do this on my own.

“Thank you.” I want to reach out and hug him for giving me this opportunity, but that would cross a professional line. So instead, I extend my fist. He peers down at it while I chuckle.

“You’ll fit in here just fine.” He fist-bumps me with a drop-dead gorgeous grin. I notice a couple of young women looking our way, one in particular who looks about ready to jump over her desk and tackle me to the ground.

Heads turn when he makes his way to his office, but the thing about Cayden is that he doesn’t even seem to notice the effect he has on people. He controls any room he enters, and being here, in a room full of his peers, confirms it. I’m losing an uphill battle.

“Ironic, isn’t it?”

“What is?” I vaguely reply, my eyes still glued to Cayden’s broad back.

“That someone who is such a pain in the ass has such a nice ass.”

Penny’s comment is exactly what I needed to hear to get my head back in the game. I can’t stop my snort and loud cackle. Cayden turns over his shoulder, untroubled that he’s looking at me so openly. I would usually shy away but not now. I feel all woman as a lopsided grin tugs at his lips because I was the one who elicited such a response from him.

The woman who I noticed earlier giving me serious stink eye saunters over to Cayden, touching his forearm as she whispers something into his ear. Her closeness has him severing our connection. I immediately dislike her. The fact that she’s wearing a tight white dress with a black thong adds to the loathing.

“That’s Darla,” Penny says, following my line of sight. The way she pronounces her name, it’s safe to assume she doesn’t like her either. “She’s Coach’s personal assistant. Although we all know she’d rather be something else.”

My anger spikes as I watch her flick her long blonde hair over her slender shoulder. She’s clearly flirting, and she’s clearly my new archnemesis. “And what would Coach rather?”

I leave crescent moon indentions in my palms as I watch Darla and Cayden together. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Unable to stomach the sight of Darla fawning a second longer, I swallow past the lump in my throat and follow Penny, thankful she takes the long way around.

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