Someone Else's Shadow - Page 40

But his rigid stance reveals he’s not backing down.

The world is clearly on crazy pills because our foursome suddenly becomes disastrous. “Count me in,” Darla says, flashing her toothy smile.

Well, this should be interesting.

“You can ride with me, boss.” Who knew the words ride and boss when used in the same sentence could sound so dirty? I begin to wonder if this little crush stems both ways.

But Cayden puts my mind at ease for now. “I’ll go with Peyton. We drove in together.”

“Actually, I drove your truck.” It’s a complete immature move, but when a scowl replaces that arrogant smile on Darla’s face, I can’t help but want to shake my invisible pom-poms and chant rah, rah, rah.

I’m smug for all of five seconds, though, when Cayden arches a dark brow, clearly reading my irrational behavior. He steps forward, ignoring the fact that we’re surrounded by people, and pins me with those captivating eyes. “Yes, you did. You know how to handle your own.”

I gulp, certain the tips of my ears are on fire. With so much chemistry bouncing between us, I’m finding it hard to breathe. To add to the siphoning of oxygen, Cayden brushes his thumb across the apple of my cheek. The motion is quick, but goddamn, my entire body is a live conduit. “Let’s go.” I simply nod and collect my things, then follow Cayden as he leads me out the way we came.

The fresh air does nothing to soothe my burn, and when my cell chimes, I’m thankful it’s Penny. She has sent me a text with the name of what I’m assuming is the place we’re going. “The Loaded Cobra?” I question, hoping it makes sense to Cayden. I suddenly am not so sure if she’s referring to a bar or Darla.

I breathe a sigh of relief when he nods.

I’m in no state to drive with the energy coursing through me, and I am thankful when Cayden holds his hand out, indicating he’ll drive. I quickly find the keys in the side pocket of my bag and toss them to him.

We jump into the truck, not a word spoken, and when the engine starts with an angry roar, I can’t help but compare it to its owner. Cayden puts the truck into gear, and although he’s clearly annoyed, he doesn’t tear out of the lot like an idiot. Although I have made progress, I’m still a little edgy when in a vehicle.

This sudden tension between us is soon to erupt. What I didn’t anticipate was that soon would be right now.

“So…Darla seems like a bitch.” I slap my hand over my mouth, mortified I allowed that to slip out. I have no idea what possessed me to say that. Although true, it’s highly inappropriate. I just stooped to her level. “Cayden…I’m so…”

But when he bursts into husky fits of laughter, I recoil, wondering if he heard me correctly.

He slaps the steering wheel in delight, chuckling wildly like I just told him the funniest joke. Maybe I did. “Why are you laughing?” I ask, fearful my insanity has rubbed off on him.

“Because”—he takes a deep breath—“I was thinking the same thing about Ronnie. However, sly motherfucker was what I had in mind.”

I knew there was a beef between them. “So what’s the deal? Why was he eyeballing you like you were the devil reincarnate?”

Cayden sighs, his hands tightening on the wheel. “I don’t get involved in office politics, but I think he and Darla were a thing. My staff work for me because they’re good at their job. I don’t care what they do after hours. As long as they show up, do their job, and don’t fuck around, then we’re good.”

“I really think you should use another word when Darla is involved.” I pale, tugging at the silver necklace around my neck.

Seeing Cayden caught off guard is a rare thing, so I can’t help but gloat about my victory. “Darla may be a little…” He’s clearly searching for the right word. I have a couple I could suggest. “Friendly, but she’s a good worker. She’s efficient, smart, and—”

“It doesn’t hurt her boobs have their own zip code,” I finish for him. Call the press. Cayden Coachman is left speechless, yet again, in the span of thirty seconds.

“I hadn’t noticed,” he replies while I playfully roll my eyes.

This playfulness among us has thankfully doused our earlier mood, and I settle back in my seat, enjoying the view. “Today was fun,” I admit, deciding to share the details of my day with my boss. Still hard to believe he’s just that.

“I’m glad. So you’ll be coming back then?”

“Of course, I will be. I know this sounds insane…” He risks a glance my way, brow arched. “Okay, fine. More insane. But I really felt like I was in my element. Drawing came so naturally to me. Penny is fantastic, but it was like she was telling me things I already knew.”

I’m waiting for Cayden to tell me I’m crazy, but he doesn’t. He stares off into the distance, his breathing calm, smooth. “Looks like you’re where you belong.”

I spin in my seat to look at him, unable to mask my surprise. “I thought I never belonged on ‘this’ side of the lake.” I air quote my sarcasm.

Cayden turns to me with a glimmer of hope in his eye. “I suppose maybe you did. Maybe this is where you should have ended up all along.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. “But you’re here now.”

Pondering over his words, I nod with resolve. “I am. And I’m here to stay.” Satisfied, I settle back in my seat, content to watch my world pass me by.

When I see the flashing green snake a few yards away, I know we’re here. Cayden reverses into a parking spot like a complete pro, and before I know it, we’re exiting the truck and making our way to the bar. The sidewalk is filled with patrons enjoying the hot summer night.

A group of rowdy men is standing with beers in hand outside a bar. One of them doesn’t see me coming and knocks into me as he steps backward. I almost end up in the gutter, but Cayden swoops forward and catches me.

“Th-thanks,” I stutter, attempting to catch my breath. Being in Cayden’s arms shouldn’t feel this good, but it does. It feels fucking fantastic.

“Sorry,” the man who bumped me says, but I can’t concentrate on anything other than Cayden’s smoldering expression. He finally lets me go, appearing just as bewildered as I am that a simple touch between us can provoke this response each and every time.

He wraps his arm low around my waist as he leads me toward the bar. When we reach the door, however, he loosens his grip and gestures for me to enter first. When I do, I admire the interior, which looks a little like the bar out of the TV show Cheers.

The place is quite full, but I suppose it is a Saturday night. The vibe is chill as patrons are happy to drink their beer and play a game of pool. There is a vacant red booth in the back, so I decide to make a beeline for it before someone else snatches it up.

I extend my hand behind me, hinting for Cayden to take my hand, and he does. We duck and weave through the crowd, making it to the circular booth before anyone else. I slide along the vinyl and think Cayden will enter from the other side. He doesn’t.

He follows in after me and ensures our thighs are touching when I settle in against the cushioned back. Well, isn’t this incredibly cozy. I’m about to reach for a napkin and fan away my blush, but Cayden isn’t satisfied until I’m dead and buried.

Placing his palm on my thigh, he grins while a small intake of breath leaves me. “What do you want to drink?”

Ignoring the fact that my leg is currently on fire, I reply, “I think maybe a beer?”

Tags: Monica James Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024