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Someone Else's Shadow

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One Year Later

“A little to the left. Okay, stop. No, just a little more.”

Cayden turns over his shoulder, a dimpled smile punching me in the guts with its cuteness. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. I’m not.

It’s been one year since my life changed forever—again, because it seems my life has been filled with nothing but milestones that had the capability to shake my world up beyond repair. But remembering who I was…that was a game changer.

The day my mom, Stella Lane, sacrificed her life to save mine is nothing but bittersweet. I finally remembered, remembered everything, but it came with a price. Her death triggered my demons to resurface and this time, they were intent on taking me down for good.

But I wouldn’t allow her death to be in vain because somehow, through the darkness, I remembered. The doctors said that to regain one’s memory, sometimes, nothing extraordinary has to happen, but in my case, something so heinous helped me remember.

The shock of what I saw had me shutting down, as I was unable to cope with seeing my mother die in my arms. But even in death, Stella Lane showed me that everything she did, she did for me.

Be happy and don’t look back.

Those words helped me wade through the darkness and live the life Stella wanted me to live.

It turns out those voices I heard were the police, well, more specifically, Detective Parks. He turned up at the crime scene first as he was never too far away. His suspicions were right. We were hiding something, and when he saw Will bleeding out on the floor, we could no longer hide.

Cayden had wounded Will, but he’s no killer, no matter how badly he wanted to be. They took us all into custody and after weeks of investigating, Cayden and I were free. Will, however, got what he deserved.

A jury of eight men and four women found him guilty of the murder of my mother and sentenced him to life in jail—a place where he belonged. The punishment could never bring back my mom, but knowing he lives with her death is all the reprieve I need.

That bullet was intended for me, but my mom saved me, and now, even though this can’t come close to what she did for me, it’s a way for the world to remember what a great woman she was.

“You know, you could always do this yourself,” Cayden says, holding the hammer.

“I could,” I quip, batting my eyelashes playfully. “But I like looking at your ass.”

He opens his mouth, primed on a smart-ass reply, but closes it quickly. Who is he arguing?

“That’s perfect,” says a bubbly voice, a voice which I fondly remember. Lacey’s hands are filled with trays of homemade pizza, reminding me that we’re on a deadline.

“Let me help.” I offer my empty hands, while Cayden raises those stunning eyes to the heavens.

“So you’ll help my sister, but not me?”

Lacey and I attempt to mask our smiles as we love seeing him riled up. “I’m pretty sure she helped when you barked orders at us to apply a third coat of paint. Or when you made us assemble that weird-ass ergonomic desk, which screams old man, by the way.”

“Okay, enough,” Cayden replies, grinning.

“You should know by now, two against one, you’ll never win.” Lacey smugly walks up the front porch steps and into the building we all built with our bare hands.

Like I said, this is one way I can honor my mom. She may not have been in the running for mother of the year, but she did what she thought was best. And that’s all I could ever ask for.

“Lacey is right. That’s perfect,” I say with a nod, looking up at the porch where Cayden holds a wooden sign.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, no more stalling. Let’s do it.”

Cayden’s smile is filled with nothing but love as he positions the nail and with one simple strike, he secures the wooden sign in place. When I see it hanging by the door, my chest fills with pride.

Stella’s words will never be forgotten, not just by me, but to everyone who passes through this door. They saved me and now, I hope they can save the world.

Be happy and don’t look back.

That’s what the sign says, welcoming those who need this place as Cayden and I finally saw our dream through because before me is a sanctuary for anyone who needs it. We built our shelter, but it’s a place for everyone. A place that unites the neighborhood, for we are all equal. We always were.

“Are you okay?” Cayden asks, descending the stairs and coming to stand by me.

“Yes,” I reply, and I mean it.

A piece of me will always be lost, but this place will help me heal. The Stella Lane Community Center was erected in her honor. It reminds me that every slither of darkness can be eclipsed by the light. Through tragedy, we refuse to lay victims and will try our best to change the past by making the future the best we can.

“The press should be here soon.” Cayden looks down at his watch.

Once the media heard of our story and what we intended to do, everyone wanted to help. Cayden being the owner of one of the biggest construction companies in South Carolina didn’t lack the tools he needed. But it seemed everyone wanted a small part in making a difference, and we have.

This place will help people see that they’re not alone, no matter their circumstances. History won’t repeat itself, and that’s thanks to Stella Lane.

“What time will Ellie be here?”

Cayden wraps his arms around my middle, and I bask in the memories—new and old.

“Hazel said around four.”

Cayden’s kindness knows no bounds because he forgave Hazel for siding with his dad. But I suppose she was a victim, just like we were. Which is why a place such as this is needed. History won’t repeat itself. Well, we will try our hardest for it not to.

“We better go inside then and make sure everything is ready.” But neither of us moves.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I know my past has shaped the way, and with Cayden, Ellie, and Lacey by my side, anything is possible. I have loved this man for as long as I can remember. And it seems knowing one another for as long as we have, has us in sync with each other’s thoughts.

“I’ll push,” he playfully says, laying a tender kiss on my cheek.

His touch, his smell, the way I feel when in his arms are the reasons I’m here. We both turn to look at the swing, which has taken us high into the clouds and brought us back down to earth, just how the red ribbon tied to the oak has.

Cayden slips his hand into mine, a gesture that touches my heart because he has never let me go throughout all this. My forever Prince Charming. His forever Snow White.

My fairy tale may not be perfect, but it’s my story…and it’s a tale I’ll never forget.


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