Blood & Honey (Race Games 1) - Page 28

“But the speed of an Indy car makes it more dangerous,” Arden murmured, taking Danica’s hand.

She nodded. “My dad had managed such things all the time. Every so often, rookies would come in and not be as well-versed, and my dad would correct it every time. I don’t know what happened that day, but Dad couldn’t correct it. Before I knew what had happened, the car was already spinning out of control and then when it began to flip, I was already leaping over the wall to run out onto a track full of cars going over two hundred miles per hour.” Danica sighed. “Leo held me back, or he tried to, but then we were all sprinting forward. Jeff stopped his car and was running over to help Dad out, not caring about the race. I never blamed him, but he still blames himself last I talked to him. Wrecks are dangerous in NASCAR. Racing fuel is just as combustible as regular gas, if not more. But I was too far away when I saw the spark and the fire. We all were.”

Phi touched his hand to her shoulder, offering his own comfort. It was because of their touch on her she was able to continue.

“I remember screaming. I thought it was Dad screaming as the flames erupted on the car, but later, the examiner revealed he’d been dead before the fire started. A broken neck despite all the gear. The wreck had been too bad for even the gear to handle. It wasn’t until years of nightmares later that I realized it had been me screaming.”

“And you stopped racing,” Phi said softly.

“I had to. It felt wrong after that. The adrenaline I used to love suddenly wouldn’t come. Every time I got behind the wheel of a car, I saw the flames, heard the screams, saw his eyes the way I’d seen them that final pitstop. It stopped feeling like it used to. I haven’t felt that way again. . . until now.” Danica unhooked her harness and turned in her seat to meet their eyes. “Maybe, after all this time, I was only meant to race with such high stakes. Maybe my dad would want me to be here, and I had to go through a length without speed to appreciate this. I’m okay with that, and regardless of what happens in the Games, I owe the two of you in a way I can’t explain.” She took both of their hands in hers, holding on. “Even if you’re vampires, even if this world isn’t one I’ll ever fully understand, there’s no one else I’d rather have as part of my team.”

Their eyes softened at her words, as if they hadn’t expected them, which was silly. They’d connected in ways Danica hadn’t connected in too many years to remember. She’d forgotten what it was like to connect so well with another being outside of her car family, and now she’d somehow done it with two.

“Likewise, little racer,” Arden replied, winking, turning on the charm. Phi simply squeezed her hand gently in agreement.

Together, the three of them sat in the car, just absorbing each other’s company. Tomorrow, their world would change to wearing metaphorical masks and playing roles, but for just tonight, they were three people sitting in a car, staring up at the sunset as if it could be their last.

Because for them, it very well could be.

Tags: Kendra Moreno Race Games Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025