Blood & Honey (Race Games 1) - Page 64

“I see the vampires have fully embraced you. Have they asked you to turn yet?”

“We’ve discussed it,” Danica admitted, shrugging. “Surely you didn’t come to ask about my love life.”

“You’re very right.” Theo turned. “I’ve come to discuss a car with you.”

Tilting her head, Danica studied the attractive man. “Are you planning on racing in the Games?” Theo grinned but he didn’t answer. “Ah, yes. Keep your secrets then. Do you have a car for me, or would you like me to build one for you?”

Theo gestured toward the garage door, and it rolled up, despite the locks in place. Sitting outside of it sat a glittering Corvette, brand new. Danica moved over to it and ran her hand along the quarter panel.

“You don’t strike me as a Corvette guy.”

“There are many things you don’t know about me, Dani. But I trust you to turn her into a car that will not only fly as fast as you drive, but into one that won’t be destroyed so easily.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small round vial, passing it over to her waiting hand. “Make sure this is incorporated.”

“What is it?” Danica asked, staring at the sparkling liquid inside.

“My own special mixture. Use it the same way as the Fae use their dust. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.” He pulled out a large bag and dropped it on the counter. “I assume this is enough gold to cover it.”

Danica’s eyes widened. “We had a deal. You don’t have to pay—”

“Nonsense. The deal wasn’t to make you work for free, Dani. I want a quality car. You’re the best mechanic with experience in the Games. I would have come to you even had you not won. Take care of her for me, would you?” Theo patted the roof of the car. “And tell the vampires I said hello.”

“How do I contact you when she’s finished?” Danica moved around the car and looked up at Theo, at a man so powerful, he moved the world like chess pieces, and yet, he smiled at Danica like they were friends.

Theo pulled out a card and passed it to her. “You can reach me any time, whether for questions or help. If it’s in my power, I’ll be there.”

“That feels like a thing the most powerful Wizard of the North shouldn’t say,” Danica murmured.

“Perceptive. I knew there was a reason I liked you.” Theo booped her on the nose like a child and turned to walk away. Danica was looking down at the card with a phone number written in golden calligraphy across it when Theo turned around one more time.

“Oh, and Dani?”

She looked up and raised her brow. “Yes?”

Theo tapped the roof of the Corvette. “Make her green, would ya?” And then with a grin, the Wizard of the North disappeared into the night.

Tags: Kendra Moreno Race Games Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025