If I’d Known (Cursed 1) - Page 22

"You know my brother?" he asks, surprised.

I didn't realize Nina hadn't been told Joey's last name, and she must not have gotten a good look at him 'til now because the relation is pretty obvious.

Nina flashes me a quick glance before turning back around in her seat, composed once again. "We see him out every once in a while," she says, her voice indifferent.

But I know better. Truth is, everyone knows who Parker Harrison is. It's hard not to. He's an older, more refined version of Joey. But, unlike Joey, Parker is everywhere--bars, parties, basically anywhere people are having a good time.

Tucking his cell phone in his pocket, Vic leans forward to talk to Gary. "Can we make a stop?"

"This isn't a taxi," Gary gripes. "I didn't know I'd be driving all of you." He glares over the seat.

"Aw, Gary," Nina coos, rubbing her slender, manicured fingers on the back of his bulbous head.

I repress a gag. I don't know how she fakes it. There's probably more grease in his slicked hair than in the drip bucket at Stella's.

"You know they're my friends." She leans in close so her shiny red lips are almost touching his ear. "Be nice, please."

Gary sighs in contentment as she pets his huge ogre head. "Where do you want to go?"

"I need to pick up some smokes. Next convenience store works," Vic tells him, sitting back against the seat, his fists clenched within his crossed arms.

What's up with this guy?

"You smell good," Joey says, his nose brushing against my shoulder.

"Thanks," I reply, hoping it's the perfume he's attracted to and not Stella's stench. Thinking back to what Tori said earlier, I try not to laugh. Apparently, grease is sexy. That's so wrong.

"I've been wanting to meet you for a while." He squeezes my waist.

I jump and my shoulder knocks him in the jaw.

I cannot believe that just happened.

"I'm so sorry." I cringe, mortified.

"It's okay," he assures me, rubbing his chin. "Didn't realize you were ticklish."


"Everywhere?" he asks, a teasing grin spreading on his gorgeous face.

Oh, I wish I could lick that dimple. Yup, I really did just think that.

His other hand grips my thigh. I jump again--without assaulting him this time.

"Guess so," he says with a laugh, gently rubbing the traitorous spot.

If I could whip around and straddle him right now, I would. Slutty, I know. But I swear I'm not usually this pathetic. A guy has never affected me like this before. So stop judging.

"I wish we were alone right now," I whisper in his ear, tucking my hand between his knees and running a thumb over his leg.

Okay, fine. Judge. I know we haven't ev

en had a full conversation. But I don't care. I'm sitting on top of the muscular thighs of one of the hottest guys I've ever met, and all I want to do is give in to every urge pulsing through my hormonal teenage body. It's like I have no control.

Joey pulls me in a little closer. "Me too."

"Need another drink?" Tori asks, leaning so far over the front seat that she's practically in my face. "You know, take the edge off?"

Tags: Rebecca Donovan Cursed Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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