If I’d Known (Cursed 1) - Page 25

Vic stuffs the bills in his jacket pocket and starts walking backward, keeping the gun pointed at the cashier. I shove the door open and stomp to the car.

"Hurry up and get in the car!" Vic yells at me, hiding the gun in the back of his pants. He pulls down the scarf and shoves back the hood in one quick motion. He's opening the passenger door as I'm sliding back onto Joey's lap. "Drive. Now."

"What just happened?" Gary demands. He's the only one who seems to have noticed our odd exit.

"Nothing," Vic replies, agitated. "Just fucking drive." He looks at me over his shoulder.

I want to punch him in the face. He's beyond stupid! I cross my arms and lean back against the arm Joey has loosely draped around me. I stare Vic down, imagining my hands wrapped around his throat, strangling him.

"Lana, what happened?" Tori asks, easily picking up on my hostile mood.

I don't take my eyes off the contagion that is Vic. I'm certain disdain is written all over my face as I silently curse him with a thousand deaths. I'm not even trying to hide it. But I know, if I say something, everything will go to shit.

"Nothing," Vic snaps.

I don't say a word.

Chapter Six

"Lana, why did you punch the boy at school today?" my grandmother asks.

"I didn't," I answer honestly.

"Who did?"

I scrape my foot on the floor, not looking up at her. "My friend."


"Because he was trying to lift up my skirt." My words are quiet.

"Why didn't you say anything when your teacher asked what happened?"

"Because I didn't want her to get in trouble."

"But you told me."

I look up, suddenly afraid. "Is she in trouble?"

My grandmother sighs. "No. I would have punched him too."

After driving maybe five minutes, two cop cars fly by with their lights flashing. I twist around to follow them, my heart racing. When I turn back, Vic is glaring at me.

"Fuck off," I tell him.

Tori and Lincoln look between us and then at each other. Joey's arm circles me protectively.

"Vic, did something happen at the store?" Lincoln asks cautiously.

I'm not sure how well the two o

f them know each other. But since Joey's not saying anything, Lincoln must feel the need to step up.

"No," Vic grunts.

"Then let me have a cigarette," Gary demands. "You guys are driving me crazy."

Vic remains silent.

Tags: Rebecca Donovan Cursed Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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