Knowing You (Cursed 2) - Page 72

"Birthday girl!" Ashton hollers from the bar. I smile. "Come have another drink with me!"

I turn to ask Joey to join us, but he's already outside. I understand the need to escape me. But the distance hurts. I can feel the chill of his absence. I also feel free of something that was trying to take over. I never want to be controlled, not even by my own impulses.

I accept the champagne flute from Ashton and clink with her glass.

She leans close to me and whispers conspiratorially, "I'm going back to the school with Brendan."

"Are you sure?"

She nods with a wicked smile.

"He doesn't have an overnight pass?"

"I don't think anyone at Blackwood would ever trust Brendan with an overnight pass," she shares with a chuckle.

"Then no more drinks for you." I take hers out of her hand and swallow it down way too fast. I think I'm about to sputter bubbles out of my nose. "That was horrible." I shiver.

Ashton laughs at me and picks up a bottle of water instead.

"I guess someone should have sex on my birthday." I sigh, toasting to her water bottle. "Just please don't ever share details about the two of you." I wince at just the thought of Brendan--I can't even finish the thought.

We walk back out to the deck where Lily and Kaely lure us onto the dance floor. There are still a crazy number of people here and, for the first time, I wonder what time it is. But then quickly decide that it doesn't matter--I don't have a curfew tonight!

At some point during the next dozen or so songs, my shoes come off, and I lose Ashton to Brendan.

Before he leaves, he kisses me on the top of the head, and whispers in my ear, "You really do look like a princess." Then quickly adds, "Don't hurt me for saying it." Ashton drags him away before he can see my stunned reaction at hearing the same words Allie said to me. Kaely takes my hand and spins me around, shaking me from my stupor. Lily hands me another shot.

What feels like hours later, but I'm not keeping track, the music transitions to something quiet and soulful. People start collapsing on furniture--talking, kissing, or passing out. I fumble my way to the end of the dock and sit to dip my sore feet in the water. Oddly the water feels warmer than the air. I hadn't realized how cool it had become outside until I stopped moving.

I shiver.

A sports jacket is draped around me. I tuck my nose into its collar without searching for its owner. It smells of ocean and sunshine. I don't know where I come up with those scents, but that's what it reminds me of. Grant appears next to me, his dark dress pants rolled up and his shoes off. He dips his feet into the water.

"Happy birthday, Lana."

My eyes tear up. I have no idea where this sudden burst of emotion comes from. I blame the case of champagne I consumed tonight. Or ... maybe's him. Because seeing his beautiful face next to me right now makes my heart ache in the best way. "You're here," I choke out.

"Hey," he says soothingly, pulling me against him so I'm nuzzled under his arm with my head on his chest. "I'm sorry it took me so long. I actually didn't know about tonight until ... well it doesn't matter. I'm here."

"And I'm so not, not, sober," I hiccup between my emotions, swiping a fat tear from my cheek.

Grant laughs. "Didn't expect you to be." He runs a hand down my hair. "You look beautiful."

I tilt my head up lazily. "I looked so much better earlier."

"Then I'm glad I wasn't here. I may have broken my own promise." He smiles warmly. He's wearing a white button down, unbuttoned enough to make my eyes wander, wishing I could see more. His body was made for a suit, making him appear refined and ... well, princely.

"You look beautiful, too," I tell him, because he does.

His mouth quirks as he brushes a hair from my cheek and tucks it behind my ear. "How was your birthday?"

"Fun," I tell him. "We danced ... a lot."

"You like to dance?"

"Love it."

He eases away. I gasp in despair at the separation. He towers above me. "Then dance with me." He offers me his hand. I grin and take it, getting up unsteadily onto my feet and letting his jacket fall from my shoulders. And that's when it becomes apparent, that I am a miniature human next to his broad, gigantic frame. But he doesn't tease me or make a comment about how tiny I am, like he easily could. Instead, he takes one of my hands and twirls me, my dress floating petals. I laugh giddily as he settles me against him, my hand still cupped in his, pressed over his heart. He wraps his other arm protectively around me, not letting me falter, and it's like the foot difference doesn't matter. We fit perfectly.

Tags: Rebecca Donovan Cursed Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024