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Knowing You (Cursed 2)

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"I'm not the best swimmer," I tell him. "Never took lessons."

"I kind of figured that when you didn't know how to float on your back. It's one of the first things they teach you after blowing bubbles."

"I can blow bubbles," I say and dip my mouth in to demonstrate. He laughs.

"You're halfway to being a tadpole swimmer."

"I'm a quick learner," I say with a smile, and he smiles back.

Then his expression becomes serious. "I'm sorry about yesterday."

I press my lips together, not sure what to say, because I'm pretty sure he's talking about the kiss.

"I shouldn't have kissed you like that in front of everyone. It took me awhile to figure out why you were avoiding me today. Then it all made sense when someone asked where you were, like I'd know. Like we're together."

"Like we're an us," I say quietly. Grant nods, silently apologizing. He continues treading water but has come in a little closer.

"Do you want to ... hold on? I mean, I'm sure you had to tread water with a hundred-pound weight strapped to you in SEAL trai

ning, but you can hold on to the trampoline with me if you'd prefer."

"It was a two-hundred-pound weight," he says, revealing his gorgeous smile again. "But yeah, I think holding on would be easier."

He swims in and reaches for the rope next to me. Now he's much, much closer, and I've forgotten how to breathe altogether.

"I heard everything you said the other night about why you don't date. And I'd never want you to lose yourself to me. But I'm not interested in Sophia, or anyone else. I like you, Lana. And I'm not really sure what do to about that while still respecting your no-dating rule."

I swallow, thankfully not water this time.

"I like you too," I say, wishing I could've remained silent. "But I can't date you."

He nods regretfully, his eyes downcast. I think he's about to push off and swim back to the group, but he redirects his sky-blue gaze at me. "What if we make up our own rules? No titles. No ... ownership, but exclusive. I couldn't handle seeing you with another guy, and not because I want you to be mine but because I think I'd be devoured by jealousy."

"I can't imagine you jealous, or even angry. I'm not convinced you have any flaws."

"I have them, trust me. Yesterday proves it. I was so wrapped up in wanting to kiss you, that I didn't even think, or care, that other people were around. I didn't take into consideration if it would upset you. I was selfish. And as much as I'm sorry I did it without asking, I'm not sorry for kissing you. It's all I've thought about since the firefly field."

I'm staring at his lips. "Yeah, me too," I say in a rasp. Now it's all I can think about, not that I haven't played that kiss on repeat in my head since it happened. But I freaked out, thinking he wanted more than I'm willing to give him. And that fear turned me into a demon, as Ashton so fondly called me.

"So what do we do? What do you want to do?"

"Kiss you," I murmur. He laughs.

"We'll get to that," he says, floating around so he's in front of me. He reaches above my head and holds onto the rope with both hands, caging me in. "Want to give this non-dating thing a try?" His gaze lowers to my mouth. "You be you. I'll be me. And we'll just hang out, and talk, and be really good friends, who kiss, and ..."

"Yes," I utter, capturing the words that never leave his mouth.

I wrap my legs around his waist to keep me anchored to him. One arm pins me to him while his other keeps him attached to the trampoline. This kiss is frantic, filled with wanting. I gasp as his tongue dances with mine. A groan rumbles deep in his throat. I let go and slide my arms around his neck. His one-handed grip of the rope is the only thing keeping us from floating away, or sinking.

Grant kisses along my jaw and down my neck, teasing with his tongue. I tilt my head, tangling my fingers in his hair. The entire world has disappeared. We are in our own fantastical realm filled with light and warmth. I'm almost convinced that if he let go, the water would form a bubble around us just so we could stay joined together.

He returns to my mouth, and his hand slides up my side, a thumb just under my bikini line. I swear I'm a second away from untying it myself when I hear, "Whoa! Sorry."

"That's where you went," Ashton says, her head tipped over the edge of the trampoline a couple feet above us.

Lance is at the ladder, climbing up. He jumps on the trampoline, and must tackle Ashton because I hear her yell, "Hey! I was watching!"

I expect Grant to let go and separate, but he leans in and asks, "What's the PDA rule?"

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