Party Girl - Page 20

The kiss was hot, devouring, to the point where he half-believed she was the real meal he’d been waiting for. The way she melded her lips to his was so insanely sex, the world began to fade, with the heat of her lips becoming the only thing he knew.

With the greedy rage of need rampaging through him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and half-pulled, half-lifted her so that she straddled his lap, her skirt rolling up on her thighs as he kept his mouth fused to hers. His hands slid from her waist to her ass, cupping her cheeks hard to position her over the growing bulge of his hard-on trapped beneath his clothes.


To his delight, that one word whispered from her mouth to his, even as it echoed through every fiber of his being.

Goddamn, she was hot. The hottest, most goddess-like woman he’d ever known.

And she was his.

He just had to teach her that.

He loved how she coaxed his tongue into a deeper dance with hers, telling him without words how she yearned to have him inside her. The heavy throbbing in his cock made it impossible for him to keep still, so he rocked her against his hardness until they fit together like puzzle pieces.


“You feel so good.” His mouth left hers long enough for him to search her face to see a matching hunger glowing in her half-lidded eyes. Fuck, yeah. “You want me, beautiful?”

Her whole body trembled at the question. “Yes.”

“Good.” His mouth caught hers again in a kiss that was both a reward and a promise of a thousand delights to come, before he pulled away once more. “Better than good. I think you're almost there.”

A bewildered smile curled her kiss-swollen mouth. “You think I'm almost where?”

“Where I want you—submitting every part of who you are to me.” He slid a hand up her back to catch her hair, keeping her gaze pinned with his to make sure he had her attention. “From the moment I saw you, I knew I’d never settle for anything less.”

By degrees, he watched the lust-filled fire die in her eyes as her defenses crept back into place. “Submit? Strong word there, pal.”

A strong word that freaked her out, apparently. If she trusted him, believed in him to take care of her, it wouldn’t have bothered her at all. “When it comes to you, I choose my words very carefully.”

She caught on. “To test me?”

“To see what your reactions are to me pushing your boundaries—seeing if you’re ready to trust that I’ll take care of your every possible need no matter how much I push. Or to see if you hide behind your walls and wonder what I want from you.”

She shifted tantalizingly against his cock. “I think I know what you want.”

It took a Herculean effort not to grind into that sweet, hot pussy of hers and just give himself over to the pleasure. But he had a bigger goal than a quick fuck in mind. “And you want me, yeah? Say it, Hannah. Say you want me.”

Her smile could have made a eunuch beg. “I want you, Dalton. No games, no coy little tricks. This is just me, offering myself to you in the hope that it's enough. Is it?”

“It's a hot-as-hell start, and I couldn't be happier.” He arched up to press a hard kiss against her mouth that ended with an almost punishing nip on her lower lip. “And since you're not dead from the waist down, you can feel how hard you've got me. You know how much I want you, too. I promise you here and now—you've already got me, baby. Mind, body, and soul, you’ve got me. Just like I’m gonna have you.”

“You could have me now.” There was a satisfying throb of need in her voice, echoing the desperation in his own body clamoring to fuck her, fuck her now. “All you have to do is show me your bedroom.”

“And all you have to do is show me you trust me. That’s my only condition.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I do trust you.”

“Then tell me you'll stay with me tonight.”

“I'll stay with you tonight.”

“And the night after that.”

A slight hesitation. “Okay.”

“And the night after that.”

“What is this?” She backed away with a gathering frown. “Another test? A game, maybe? I thought you said you don’t play games.”

“Believe me, I’m not playing, beautiful. If you truly trusted me—dropped those damn defenses of yours and just got to know me—you’d realize the last thing I’m doing is playing.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get you to see that as far as you’re concerned, I’m like fucking Rome—all your roads lead to me. You freaking out over being in my bed for a string of days shows me you haven’t thought beyond a no-strings bang, so let me spell it out for you, clear as day. When I say you’re my woman, I mean you’re going to be the mother of my children. The sooner you make peace with that, the sooner we can get busy making them.”

Tags: Stacy Gail Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024