Never Tell (May Moore Suspense Thriller 2) - Page 29

They headed inside, and Owen hurried through to the back office. There, he sat down and logged onto the computer system.

“Madeline Reed, Madeline Reed. Let’s do her first.”

May peered over his shoulder as he searched. But it seemed the system was coming up blank.

“She’s done nothing,” he said. “I’m going to look for the others.”

He tapped more keys. “Nope. Danny Charter has no recorded offenses. And nor does the only Lewis Brooks who resides in Minnesota.”

But May’s mind was on that international travel.

“Madeline Reed traveled a lot. And you know what I’m remembering? Christa said that they started running some of her transactions through the business, and through other people. She didn’t say who or why. But perhaps it was because they had to. Because Madeline was being scrutinized in some way.”

“There might be more to discover,” Owen agreed. “But how can you find out what it is?”

With a thud of her heart, May realized what she needed. Unfortunately, the international travel angle pointed straight to one organization, and one particular person, that she would need to ask for help.

The problem was that she really, really didn’t want to.

Was she going to be able to make this call?

Tags: Blake Pierce May Moore Suspense Thriller Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025