Never Tell (May Moore Suspense Thriller 2) - Page 38


As soon as May woke up after a restless sleep, she grabbed her phone, hoping for an update on the case. But her phone was stubbornly silent. It was six-thirty a.m. and she had half an hour before Kerry and Brandon arrived.

With a sigh, May got out of bed and jumped in the shower. She interrupted her shower twice to check her phone, feeling nervous and jumpy and anxious that at any moment, the call might come through that she needed.

But there was no call.

She dried her hair and put on some make-up and got dressed and checked her phone again. And then she stood outside, waiting for Kerry to arrive and hoping that her pickup had survived the ride.

As she looked up and down the street, she felt a little pang of disappointment. It was such a beautiful morning. The air was fresh and the sun was just peeking over the horizon, brightening a cloudless summer sky. And here she was, about to step into what was certain to be a challenging family event.

“What a way to start my day,” she said out loud, but nobody heard, because she was completely alone.

The street was silent and empty, but then, from the main road, she heard the sound of a fast-revving engine. She saw her pickup—thankfully undamaged—swerve into the street and brake sharply in front of her house.

Kerry was at the wheel. Riding next to her was a handsome, dark-haired man wearing a business suit.

“Morning,” Kerry said, grinning at her. “Meet Brandon. Brandon, this is my little sister May.”

“Great to meet you.” Turning as she climbed into the car, Brandon gave her a flashing, hundred-watt smile. He looked successful and strong, but as he maintained eye contact, she got the impression he was kind and caring. What else could she have expected from Kerry’s beau? Of course he would be without flaws!

“Pleased to meet you,” May said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could.

Taking a deep breath, she sat back and held on for dear life.

Kerry revved the engine and then let out the clutch. Spinning the wheel, she pulled away from the curb. The pickup accelerated down the street and then onto the main road.

She was used to her sister’s love of speed. Kerry raced through the streets of Fairshore with her foot hard against the pedal. The pickup screeched around a corner, and then suddenly the brakes were on and they came to a shuddering halt outside their folks’ place.

May had wondered if Kerry would mention the case, or ask if May had made progress, but she had been too focused on her driving. At least that was a small benefit, May thought, with a sense of irony.

The front door of the house was open and her parents were standing there. Getting out of the car, May could already smell the aromas of cooking food.

She knew the breakfast spread would be perfect, and the table immaculately prepared. That was how her mother did things.

“Oh, Kerry!” Her mother was wearing her best red suit, the one she wore to weddings and big events. “This is such an exciting day for us. I can’t believe that we’re meeting your fiancé. Your fiancé! What an incredible moment this is.”

“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Moore,” Brandon said, striding across the sidewalk and shaking hands with May’s mother. “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you!”

“Welcome to our family!” May’s mother enthused. “I’m excited to hear your wedding plans.”

“It’s going to be a very special day,” he said. “I’ll be making a promise to the woman of my dreams. I feel very privileged to be marrying into your family.”

May’s dad shook his hand.

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you, sir,” Brandon said, giving her dad a firm grip. Then Brandon put his arms around Kerry and kissed her gently on the lips.

May waited for someone, anyone, to greet her. She knew all the focus was on Kerry and that this was a very special and important day. But why, oh why, did her parents not see her the same way? In fact, with their attention on Kerry, why did they not see her at all?

Briefly, she wished Lauren was still here. Imagine if she and Lauren could smile at each other at this moment, both sharing the same thoughts and emotions, both pleased for Kerry but resigned over the level of fuss that this event triggered.

May missed her other sister intensely right at that moment.

They went inside. The house was every inch as clean and neat as May had expected it to be. There were fresh flowers in the hallway and the living room was immaculate, with every cushion perfectly plumped.

“Make yourself at home,” her father said, leading them into the dining room. “Lovely to see both of you here.”

“It’s wonderful to have both my daughters at our table again,” her mother agreed.

The table was set with a white tablecloth and her mother’s good china, and the food was laid out, ready to be served. It was an impressive spread.

The smell of bacon and eggs, sausages, and grilled tomatoes filled the air. There was homemade bread and croissants, mushrooms and cornbread, Danish pastries, and a huge pot of coffee.

“Mom, you didn’t have to go to all this effort,” Kerry said. “This is an absolute feast!”

“I wanted to. It’s so exciting to have a new member of the family,” she said, a proud smile on her face.

“So, Brandon, have you decided on a destination for the honeymoon?” May’s father asked.

“We’re going to the Maldives. We’ll be spending a week at a top resort, adventuring around the area.”

“Oh, how wonderful!” May’s mother exclaimed.

“I’ve always wanted to go there,” May’s father said. “I hear it’s gorgeous.”

“I’ve dreamed of going to the Maldives for as long as I can remember,” Kerry said. “I can’t wait to get there. I have always thought it’s the most romantic destination.”

“But what about your wedding? First things first,” her mother said. “Let’s get the food on the plates and you can tell me what you have planned. What can I dish up for you, Brandon? Mushrooms? Cornbread? You’ll have bacon, of course?”

“Everything looks delicious,” Brandon said.

“And for you, dear?” her mother said, turning to Kerry.

Tags: Blake Pierce May Moore Suspense Thriller Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025