Never Tell (May Moore Suspense Thriller 2) - Page 52


“We have to rescue these women as soon as we can,” May told Owen in a low voice, as they walked back to the car, trying to look like they were strolling around the hotel. It felt almost impossible to walk casually while under such pressure.

If anyone saw them now, it would mean such deep trouble! May knew they didn’t have time. These women were nothing more than disposable assets to the hotel. Who knew what might happen to them if Reed and his security team found out that May and Owen had learned the truth? They might be moved, hidden away, or worse.

She and Owen couldn’t let that happen.

Owen nodded. “I agree. But we need to get a team involved. So many women, being held at two hotels?”

May nodded. “Yes. We’re going to need a lot of resources on it in a very short time. But in the meantime, the killer is on the loose. And there’s a big possibility that he—or she—is going to target the person who’s the next most complicit in this entire trafficking ring, and who holds all the important info that will make or break the case.”

“Lewis Brooks,” Owen agreed.

“So we need to make this a two-pronged operation. The first prong is to rescue these girls, raid the hotels, and hold all the guards and management in custody until we know who is guilty.”

“And the second prong is to find the killer,” Owen said.


They needed help. What they needed was manpower, and a plan that could save the women. The stakes were high, the danger was real, and the clock was ticking.

She reached the car and they got in. Closing the door, she breathed a quiet sigh of relief that they’d made it this far. Meanwhile, her thoughts were accelerating.

They needed to make sure that this trafficking operation was shut down once and for all, and that all the people involved were punished to the full extent of the law.

But at the same time, they had to stop the killer and prevent the next kingpin in this ugly game from falling prey to murder.

A plan was beginning to form in May’s mind. She saw what the outline of it would be.

“I’m going to call Jack right now,” she said.

Squaring her shoulders, she voiced what she had realized in the past few minutes that she needed to accept.

“It’s an international trafficking case, and we’re going to need a massive amount of resources. I’m pretty sure Jack will immediately request that we get the FBI involved in the trafficking side.”

May felt surprised by her own thoughts. Initially she’d been jealous and protective over this case, fearful that her sister would muscle in and take it away from her. But now she saw how helpful the FBI could be, and how badly they needed every agent that they could get in order to capture the trafficking ring and save the imprisoned women. As the deputy, it was the right decision for her to call in the FBI immediately, and one that her superiors would approve of.

It felt liberating that she could perceive things this way.

Feeling positive, May picked up the phone.

She needed to tell Jack everything, and fast, to get the raid under way. She needed to make sure that Lewis didn’t end up dead. And she needed to figure out how to dovetail the two priorities.

“Please let this go smoothly,” she said under her breath.

She dialed the number. She could feel Owen’s eyes on her. The phone rang. Once, twice, three times. Then Jack answered.

“May. What’s happening. Any update?”

May took a deep breath.

“Jack, this is much bigger than we thought. Much more complex. The people who have been targeted by the killer are involved in a trafficking ring, bringing slave labor to two Reed Leisure hotels in the area.”

There was a pause at the other end.

“What?” Jack said. He sounded incredulous.

“The women are from Eastern Europe,” May said. “They are all brought in on tourist visas and they are staying at the Mount Amethyst and the Lakeside Heights. There are plans to bring in more and expand, but for now I think they’re in those locations only.”

“Go on?” Jack said.

“They’re treated very badly and made to work hard labor for no pay. There’s also prostitution involved. I believe there are plans to bring in more workers, and those will be channeled to the strip clubs and the building of the new wing. Madeline was the main person spearheading this project but she was assisted by Lewis Brooks, who’s the hotel’s personnel manager. I think she handed the reins to him when she realized the FBI was paying her attention. He now has all the details on the women and holds their passports as well as video footage.”

“Right. Got you. Go on,” Jack said.

“Lewis Brooks will have a massive amount of information, as he’s deeply involved, but the problem is that the killer seems to be targeting everyone at the top of this operation.”

“So you’re concerned Lewis might be killed before he can be questioned regarding the trafficking?”

“Yes, I am,” May said.

“That’s a definite concern. This is far bigger than we thought. We need to act on it as fast as possible,” Jack said.

“Jack, this is deep and widespread. This requires manpower and a lot of resources. I think we need to involve the FBI, and we need to assemble a team and raid the two hotels and make arrests,” May said.

She was surprised to realize that as she said it, she meant every word.

Jack said, “I’m going to contact the other police in Tamarack County, May. I’ll call the FBI directly and let them know we need their help immediately.”

“My sister Kerry’s in town. She was the agent that handled the serial case last time. I’m sure she could respond quickly, and get a team of agents to work with the police.”

“That’s good to know and will make things go even faster,” Jack said.

Tags: Blake Pierce May Moore Suspense Thriller Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025