Ruby Revenge - Page 6


Even though it was already nine, the sky still had a little light left. I loved how the sun set late in the summers. It gave us so much more time to enjoy the days, especially when on vacation. We were walking from the hotel to the main street to grab some drinks. Dusk started to creep up as we neared the bar. Alex held the door open for everyone and I walked in, admiring the unique interior.

It was like a log cabin, and all the walls were light sandy rounded wood logs. The tables and booths were made of the same wood, but a few shades darker than the walls. The light was dim and cast an orange glow throughout the bar. There was a small dance floor where a couple of people danced to the country music playing. The atmosphere in here was perfect for a night out.

I caught a few men glancing at Lacey as she leaned over. We were both wearing jeans with tight crop tops we had bought at one of the shops today. I thought the one I had on was low cut, but it was nothing compared to hers. Jamie noticed too but just chuckled and put his arm around Lacey, which made me smile. He seemed like a good guy.

We started with some beers but soon switched to stronger drinks. I stared at the shot glasses Jamie brought to the table and cringed, remembering the last time I’d had whiskey. It wasn’t my usual choice. I gulped down the first one, shook my head, and quickly took a sip of soda to get rid of the bitter taste. Lacey nursed her mixed drink as the rest of us took a second shot. The bar had decks of cards, so we played a drinking game while more people piled into the place. I raised my eyebrows in surprise at Alex drinking so much. He usually liked to keep a level head. I’d only seen him drunk a couple of times. Jamie finished his beer, and the fact that he could still stand was shocking.

“Let’s dance.” Alex shot me a smile and held his hand out to me. After he led me to the dance floor, we swayed to the music with Alex’s hands on my hips. The good kind of buzzed fuzziness spread through me, and Alex’s touch felt even better than usual. A few minutes later, Lacey and Jamie joined us on the dance floor.

As the song changed, I turned to see Jamie inches from another man’s face. Lacey was standing behind him, pulling his arm, trying to get him away from whatever was going on. Inching closer, I tried to hear their conversation.

“You touched her ass. I saw it,” Jamie was saying. My stomach bubbled nervously as my eyes darted between the two men. Jamie was drunk, and from the look of the guy in the cowboy hat trying to keep steady, he was too.

“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” the cowboy said with a thick southern accent. “She backed into me.”

My shoulders tensed as Jamie got in the man’s face. What had started out as a good night was about to spin out of control. I stepped closer just as Jamie shoved the man back. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me back a step.

“Maybe your girl shouldn’t wear things so short if she don’t want the attention.” The man shrugged. His eyes stayed focused on Jamie. He didn’t seem like the type of man to back down from a fight, especially while intoxicated. My nervousness spiked to anger at his words. Breaking free of Alex’s grip, I wedged myself between Jamie and the man.

“Don’t you dare blame my sister. You’re the one who touched her when you had no right,” I snarled, not blinking as I stared him down. I didn’t like confrontation, but when someone went after my sister, all bets were off. I was sure the whiskey surging through my veins was helping my rage show through too. His eyebrows squished together in surprise as his sour breath hit my face.

“What, not used to being told off by a woman?” I asked, refusing to be the one to back down first.

“This ain’t about you. Go away and let the men talk, sweetie,” the man sneered, putting his hand on my hip and shoving me away.

A cry escaped me as I stumbled to the side, but an arm swooped down and caught me before I hit the floor. I tried whirling around, livid that this asshole had put his hands on me. Alex pulled me back, and I realized it was his arm that was around me. After moving me behind him, he stormed up to the man. Alex grabbed him by the collar and shoved him hard until he slammed into the back wall of the bar. The guy’s cowboy hat fell to the ground, and he looked at Alex in stunned silence. Clutching the guy’s shirt, he leaned in to put his face right next to the man’s ear.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again. Don’t talk to her. Don’t look at her. That goes for her sister too,” Alex hissed.

“Sure, man, calm down. I’m leavin’ now,” the cowboy said quickly. His hands were raised in surrender. Even drunk, the guy wasn’t stupid. Alex was much larger and could easily take him. My mouth was hanging open as I watched. Alex had never acted like this before. He had never lost his cool on someone like that. Ever. I almost didn’t recognize him. His face was pulled into a menacing scowl. His jaw was clenched, and the usual warmth in his eyes had turned ice cold. Jamie walked up behind Alex, his hands closed into fists. He looked ready to swing. It wouldn’t be a fun vacation to bail him out of jail. Before I had a chance to calm the guys down, the bartender rushed over.

“You guys need to get out of my bar now,” he said pointedly to Alex, who was still gripping the guy’s shirt. Alex glanced over at the bartender and took a deep breath.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he slowly unclenched his fists. He looked the man square in the eyes as he backed away. The man hurriedly picked up his hat and stomped out. Lacey walked up to Jamie and tried to hold his hand, but he pulled away. Before Lacey said anything, Jamie raced out of the bar. I glanced at Alex, whose face was slowly turning back into the one I knew and loved.

His arm came around my shoulders, and he gently guided me toward our abandoned table. Lacey’s face was flushed with embarrassment that all eyes were on her. Neither of us enjoyed arguments or fighting. Lacey nearly always shied away from it. Even as my hands shook, I wasn’t sorry. I’d defended my sister and had nothing to feel bad about. Alex grabbed my hand as we left the bar. His breaths were still coming out fast from the encounter even though he was back to his collected self.

“Come on. Let’s go get some ice cream,” Alex said, keeping his tone light. “The store down the street stays open until the bars close down.”

“Yeah. I can bring some back for Jamie.” Lacey refused to look at me as she spoke. “I’m sure he’s back at the hotel by now.”

I pressed my lips together, keeping my words to myself. My opinion of Jamie had gone downhill after he just left my sister at the bar. Alex squeezed my hand and shook his head, silently telling me not to say anything. He was right. It would only start a fight, and tonight had been stressful enough.

Tags: Kay Riley Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024