Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 48

“Micah…” she huffs and I picture her eyes rolling. “What possessed you to invite her?”

A question worth asking since Peyton and I don’t have stellar history. But we decided to be adults. I extended my long overdue apology for labeling and shunning her during high school. For intentionally getting under her skin at work. For every single pain she endured with the ripple effect of my words.

More than anything, I hold immense gratitude for Peyton.

Peyton didn’t have to accept my apology. But she did. She didn’t have to agree to Teddy’s the first or second time. But she did. She rose above and acted more mature than most. We aren’t children anymore, but plenty of people our age refuse to grow up. Thankfully, that doesn’t apply to us.

“Shell, please don’t make this weird.”

“It is weird. You don’t agree?”

“I don’t,” I say with an air of confidence. “Was I an asshole to her more often than not? Yes. But we talked it out. Laid everything on the table. I apologized, Shell. And she has slowly let me in. We’re friends.” Although, I hope to one day be more than friends with Peyton. After wrapping my arms around her, after inhaling her sweet scent up close, I want so much more.

For now, though, I plan to keep that secret locked up tight.

“I just… how?”

“It’s not something I question. She’s willing to give me another chance. Willing to be friends. And if it doesn’t work out, then it ends.” I refuse to fuck up with Peyton again. Refuse to not have her in my world.

“It’s still weird.”

“Only if you make it that way.” I take a deep breath, then rest my forearm over my eyes. “Both of us are trying. Can you do the same? Maybe let Cora and Gavin know too. They’re the only other people in our circle that know her.”

The line goes quiet. Too quiet. I lift my arm and pull the phone away to see if the call dropped. Nope. Just my sister in her head. And for someone who preaches love and fate and all that cosmic mumbo jumbo, she fights my friendship with Peyton hard.

But I give her a moment. To gather her thoughts and formulate her words. To swallow down reality and move forward with a smile on her cute face.

“Fine,” she huffs out. “I’ll talk to Cora and Gavin. But I make no promises on how they’ll behave.”

“You’re my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister, dumbass.”

“Which is why you’re my favorite.” She growls on the other end. “Love you, Shell.”

“Guess I love you, too.”

The call disconnects and I toss my phone on the comforter. I roll over, bury my face in the pillow and groan.

When I asked Peyton to hang out tonight, I didn’t realize I would have so much prep work. To tame my sister and spread the word to the other two people who knew Peyton. To ask them to be cordial and normal. But I should have expected it.

Bringing new people into our circle is a big deal. And not something we do often. But the invitation has already been delivered and accepted. Now, I need to do my part. I need to make sure tonight feels like every other Sunday. Just friends hanging out and enjoying life.

’Cause that is all Peyton is… my friend.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025