Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 53

His lips hover near my ear. Breath ebbing and flowing and heating my skin. If he kissed me right now, I wouldn’t stop him. Don’t think I could. Not with how good he feels flush against my front.

A hand trails up my spine and halts at the base of my skull as his fingers comb through my loose strands. “I love this. Wish you wore your hair down more often. But know why you don’t.”

My head swirls with want versus need. An internal battle of whether I should take a step back or press my lips to the spot beneath his ear. In the end, my rational side waves a flag in attention and I ease back.

“Thanks again,” I whisper, inches from his lips. “Talk to you later.”

He licks his lips and nods. Which is the perfect time for me to go. Before I launch myself at him and kiss the hell out of his soft lips. Then question my sanity.

I open the car door and slip inside. “Let me know you got home safe.” He closes the door then taps the roof and walks to his truck with steady steps.

My eyes drift low in the side mirror and zero in on his ass. His jeans hang low and loose, but the definition of his glutes more than noticeable. When he reaches his truck, he unlocks the door but doesn’t open it. No, he peeks over his shoulder at me. Well, my car.

The motion light on Jonas and Autumn’s house kicks on and creates a halo around his frame. His face unreadable. But his body language begs for more. Tells me way more than his unspoken words.

My heart pounds, pounds, pounds in my chest until he gets in his truck, cranks the ignition and drives off. My knuckles burn and whiten as I fist the steering wheel and watch his taillights in the rearview. Then he turns and disappears into the night.

I gasp and relieve the fire in my lungs. Take a few deep, methodical breaths and cool the burn in my chest. Once my heart slows, I put the car in gear and drive home with one question swirling like a cyclone in my head.

What the hell is happening between me and Micah Reed?

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025